<h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br />
Without warning, the your instincts kick in, and in a split second decision, you lunge forward with a hard punch aimed at the traveler's jaw.
<br />
The blow lands with a sickening thud, the force behind it amplified by the desperation of survival.
The traveler staggers back, stunned by the unexpected attack. Blood trickles from his split lip as he tries to regain his footing.
But before he can fully recover, you strikes again, this time with a precise strike to the temple. The impact is devastating, sending the traveler crashing to the ground, unmoving.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You check his pulse and he's not moving.
<br /><br />
Feeling a mix of remorse and necessity, you start to search through the traveler's belongings.
Among the items strapped to his person, you find a few weathered books, their pages worn but still readable.
<br /><br />
Aside from the books, your hand brushes against a substantial knife, well-maintained and clearly a tool for both defense and utility.
<br /><br />
<strong>You picked up a <strong class="iitem">knife</strong><br />
<strong>You picked up <strong class="iitem">3 books</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'knife' 1>>
<<pickup $backpack 'book' 3>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<set $player.quests.teacher_killed = true>>
<</link>><<if tags().includes('sex') || tags().includes('girlview')>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<<if tags().includes('sex')>>
<<if !tags().includes('no-redirect') && $player.energy < 5>>
<<set $tiredNoTime = false>>
<<goto 'Mc fuck - tired'>>
<<elseif !timeBetween('08:00', '04:00') && $tmpGirlBack>>
<<set $tiredNoTime = false>>
<<if passage().includes('Mc fuck')>>
<<set $tiredNoTime = true>>
<<goto 'Mc fuck - tired'>>
<<if typeof $slaveId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $guestId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<elseif typeof $charId !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $characters[$charId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<goto $tmpGirlBack>>
/* restore companion after hero being alone with Blair or Isabel */
<<if typeof $player.companionsHome !== 'undefined' && passage().search(/^(Blair|Fight|Isabel)/) == -1>>
<<set $player.companions = $player.companionsHome>>
<<run delete $player.companionsHome>>
<<if tags().includes('nightclub') && !timeBetween('20:00', '04:00')>>
<<goto 'Nightclub'>>
<<if typeof $storage === 'undefined'>>
<<newinv $storage>>
<<include 'background'>>
<<include 'NPC schedule'>>
<<if $game.introFinished>>
<div id="mobile_clock">
<</if>><<set $suppCode = 'Patreon0.53'>>
<<if $player.energy > $player.maxEnergy>>
<<set $player.energy = $player.maxEnergy>>
<<if $player.hunger > $player.maxHunger>>
<<set $player.hunger = $player.maxHunger>>
<<updatemeter '$energyBar' `$player.energy / $player.maxEnergy`>>
<<updatemeter '$hungerBar' `$player.hunger / $player.maxHunger`>>
<<updatemeter '$hornyBar' `$player.horny / 100`>>
<<set $charactersInLocation = {
kitchen: [],
bedroom: [],
church: [],
farm: [],
lab: [],
guesthouse: []
$game.avatars = {},
$game.avatars.blair = 'people/blair/avatar.png',
$game.avatars.rodger = 'people/rodger/avatar.png',
$game.avatars.laura = 'people/laura/avatar.jpg',
$game.avatars.isabel = 'people/isabel.png',
$game.avatars.octavia = 'people/octavia/avatar.png'
<<if isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.cabinType > 0>>
<<if timeBetween('08:00', '09:00')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['kitchen'].push('blair')>>
<<if timeBetween('22:00', '08:00')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['bedroom'].push('blair')>>
<<if timeBetween('12:00', '14:00')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['farm'].push('blair')>>
<<if isMetChar('rodger')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['church'].push('rodger')>>
<<if isMetChar('laura') && $characters.laura.quests.living>>
<<if timeBetween('08:00', '11:00') || timeBetween('14:00', '20:00')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['lab'].push('laura')>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['guesthouse'].push('laura')>>
<<if isMetChar('dom') && isMetChar('isabel') && $characters.isabel.quests.saved && !$characters.isabel.quests.dom_return>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['guesthouse'].push('isabel')>>
<<if isMetChar('octavia') && $characters.octavia.quests.next_move>>
<<run $charactersInLocation['guesthouse'].push('octavia')>>
<<if isMetChar('blair') && !$game.debugBlair>>
<<set $game.debugBlair = $characters.blair.quests.metOnDay>>
<<if $game.debugBlair && (typeof $characters.blair.quests === 'undefined' || typeof $characters.blair.quests.metOnDay === 'undefined' || $game.debugBlair !== $characters.blair.quests.metOnDay)>>
Dialog.setup("Blair bug warning", "Blair bug warning");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Blair bug warning").processText());
Object.keys(variables().packs ?? {}).forEach(key => {
if (!variables().packs[key] || typeof setup.actions === 'undefined' || typeof setup.packs === 'undefined') {
if (typeof setup.actions[key] == 'undefined' && typeof setup.packs[key] !== 'undefined') {
importScripts(setup.Path + "packs/" + setup.packs[key].name + "/actions.js")
.then(function() {
if (setup.packs[key].extended ?? false) {
setup.mergeObjects(setup.actions, setup.actions[setup.packs[key].name], setup.packs[key].name + '/actions');
setup.actions[key] = true;
memorize('actions', setup.actions);
}).catch(function(error) { // eslint-disable-line
alert("Error: Could not load pack 'packs/" + setup.packs[key].name + "/actions.js'.");
<</script>><img src="https://twinery.org/homepage/img/logo.svg" width="64" height="64"><div id="blink-screen"></div>
<link href='https://css.gg/css' rel='stylesheet'>
<div id="sidebar-wrapper" @class="'' + settings.sidebarBackground + ''">
<<if $game.introFinished>>
<center><div style="position: relative;" id="sidebar-content">
<<if $game.showFlag>><<flag>><</if>>
<<if ($player.horse ?? false)>>
<div id="horse-avatar"></div>
<br />
<<set _uiBarGameDate = $gameDate.getDate() + ' ' + $gameDate.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'long' }) + ', ' + $gameDate.getFullYear()>>
<div id="t1" class="grid-s-def">
<span class="grid-i-cs4 caut-bar"></span>
<span class="grid-i-rs3"><<timeCycle>>[img[setup.ImagePath+'game/' + variables().timeCycle + '.png']]<<timeCycle>></span>
<span class="grid-i-rs3 grid-i-pos-hc"><hr class="vdark"></span>
<span class="glyph"></span><span><<timeDay>></span>
<span class="glyph"></span><span><<time24hr>></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" @aria-label="'' + _uiBarGameDate + ''" data-balloon-pos="left"></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" @aria-label="'' + _uiBarGameDate + ''" data-balloon-pos="left"> Day <<=$game.day>></span>
<span class="grid-i-cs4 caut-bar"></span>
<div id="companions-list">
<br />
<div id="t2">
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Energy" data-balloon-pos="right"></span><<showmeter '$energyBar' '$player.energy / $player.maxEnergy'>>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Satiety" data-balloon-pos="right"></span><<showmeter '$hungerBar' '$player.hunger / $player.maxHunger'>>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Horny" data-balloon-pos="right"></span><<showmeter '$hornyBar' '$player.horny / $player.maxHorny'>>
<br /><br />
<div id="t3" class="grid-s-def">
<span class="grid-i-cs5 caut-bar"></span>
<span class="money">$player.money</span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Bottle caps" data-balloon-pos="up-left"></span>
<span class="grid-i-pos-hc"><hr class="vdark"></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Food amount" data-balloon-pos="up-right"></span>
<span class="food"><<=($backpack.count('food') + $storage.count('food'))>></span>
<span class="grid-i-cs5 grid-i-pos-vc"><hr class="dark"></span>
<div id="t3s" class="grid-s-def">
<!--//##Later can be hidden in tooltip##//-->
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Determines your luck in capturing girls and your attack power in fights." data-balloon-pos="right"></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="Determines how much defense you have in fights." data-balloon-pos="up-left"></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="medium" aria-label="For high-end crafting you'll need more intelligence." data-balloon-pos="up-right"></span>
<span><<=($player.endurance ?? 0)>></span>
<div id="t3m" class="grid-s-def">
<span class="grid-i-cs5 grid-i-pos-vc"><hr class="dark"></span>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="small" aria-label="Journal" data-balloon-pos="up-left">
<<link "">><<script>>Dialog.setup("Journal", "Journal"); Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Journal").processText()); Dialog.open();<</script>><</link>>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="small" aria-label="Inventory" data-balloon-pos="up-right">
<<link "">><<script>>Dialog.setup("Inventory", "Inventory"); Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Inventory").processText()); Dialog.open();<</script>><</link>>
<span class="glyph" data-balloon-length="small" aria-label="Cheats" data-balloon-pos="up-right">
<<link "">><<script>>Dialog.setup("Cheat menu", "Cheat menu"); Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Cheat menu").processText()); Dialog.open();<</script>><</link>>
<span class="grid-i-cs5 caut-bar"></span>
<<if tags().includes('Place') && settings.fastTravelEnabled && !$weather?.sandStorm>>
<div id="fast-travel">
<br /><br />
<<link '<div data-balloon-length="small" data-balloon-pos="up-right" aria-label="Fast travel to bedroom" class="fast-travel-item">[img[setup.ImagePath+"places/cabin/bedroom_icon.jpg"]]</div>'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<link '<div data-balloon-length="small" data-balloon-pos="up-right" aria-label="Fast travel to cabin" class="fast-travel-item">[img[setup.ImagePath+"places/cabin/cabin_icon.jpg"]]</div>'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<link '<div data-balloon-length="small" data-balloon-pos="up-right" aria-label="Fast travel to outside" class="fast-travel-item">[img[setup.ImagePath+"places/cabin/outside_icon.jpg"]]</div>'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<br /><br />
<div id="support">
<<link "SUPPORT [img[setup.ImagePath+'game/misc/support.png']]">>
Dialog.setup("Support", "Support");
<<link "CHANGELOG">>
Dialog.setup("Changelog", "Changelog");
<<link "PACKS">>
<<goto 'Packs'>>
if (document.location.href.toLowerCase().includes("/maris/appdata/local")) {
setup.Path = "C:/Users/maris/Desktop/Game - Twine/";
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i)) {
setup.Path = 'file:///' + setup.Path;
} else {
setup.Path = "";
setup.ImagePath = setup.Path + "images/";
setup.videoPath = setup.Path + "videos/";
setup.audioPath = setup.Path + "audio/";
setup.lockID = LoadScreen.lock(); // Lock loading screen
let _timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
importScripts(setup.Path + "js/actions.js?v=" + _timestamp)
.then(function() {
memorize('actions', setup.actions);
// Reload current passage since imported scripts can function now.
Engine.play(passage(), true);
LoadScreen.unlock(setup.lockID); // Unlock loading screen
}).catch(function(error) { // eslint-disable-line
alert("Error: Could not find file 'actions.js'.");
importScripts(setup.Path + "packs/packs.js?v=" + _timestamp)
.then(function() {
memorize('packs', setup.packs);
}).catch(function(error) { // eslint-disable-line
alert("Error: Could not find file 'packs/packs.js'.");
.then(function() {
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
window.gtag = function (){ dataLayer.push(arguments); };
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'G-XVQJZNSBZ6');
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error: Could not load 'gtag.js'.");
<<set $game to {}, $game.cycle to {}>>
<<set $game.location to {
forest: false,
farm: false,
basement: false,
underground: false,
workbench: false,
greenhouse: false,
streets: false,
slave_market: false,
bar: false,
guesthouse: false,
settlement: false,
bathhouse: false
$player to {},
$player.name to "",
$player.money to 0,
$player.strength to 0,
$player.int to 0,
$player.cannibal to 0,
$player.reputation = 0,
$player.reputation_bounty_hunter = 0,
$player.goodwill = 0,
$player.sexp = 0,
$player.showered to false,
$player.mast to false,
$player.drunk = 0,
$player.gambler = 0,
$player.endurance = 0,
$player.companions = {},
$player.quests = {},
$player.stats = {}
<<set $game.day = 0>>
<<set $slaves to []>>
<<set $tmpGirl to {}>>
<<set $morningMessages to []>>
<<set $charactersInLocation to {}>>
<<set $basementLimit = 3>>
<<set $guesthouseLimit = 3>>
<<set $workersLimitGarden = 8>>
<<set $workersLimitHunter = 8>>
<<set $workersLimitHospital = 3>>
<<set $companionsLimit = 6>>
<<set $guests = []>>
$characters to {
vincent: {
quests: {},
relationship: 0
blair: {},
rose: {},
eve: {
relationship: 0,
quests: {}
rodger: {
relationship: 0,
quests: {}
dom: {
relationship: 0,
quests: {}
isabel: {
relationship: 0,
quests: {}
octavia: {
relationship: 0,
quests: {}
<<set $locationEvents = {}>>
<<character 'grandfather' setup.ImagePath+'/people/grandfather/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'you' "$player.name" setup.ImagePath+'/people/you/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'vincent' setup.ImagePath+'/people/vincent/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'boris' setup.ImagePath+'/people/boris/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'blair' setup.ImagePath+'/people/blair/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'dom' setup.ImagePath+'/people/dom/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'eve' setup.ImagePath+'/people/eve/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'rodger' setup.ImagePath+'/people/rodger/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'octavia' setup.ImagePath+'/people/octavia/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'anonguy' 'Guy' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anonguy.png'>>
<<character 'anongirl' 'Girl' setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
<<character 'ashley' 'Girl' setup.ImagePath+'/people/ashley.png'>>
<<character 'harper' setup.ImagePath+'/people/harper/avatar.png'>>
<<character 'isabel' setup.ImagePath+'/people/isabel.png'>>
<<character 'laura' setup.ImagePath+'/people/laura/avatar.jpg'>>
<<character 'negan' setup.ImagePath+'/people/negan/avatar.png'>>
<<set $player.energy to 100, $player.maxEnergy to 100>>
<<newmeter '$energyBar' '$player.energy / $player.maxEnergy'>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<label '$player.energy'>>
<<set $player.hunger to 100, $player.maxHunger to 100>>
<<newmeter '$hungerBar' 1>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<label '$player.hunger'>>
<<colors 'yellow' 'red' 'black'>>
<<set $player.horny to 100>>
<<newmeter '$hornyBar' 1>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<label '$player.horny'>>
<<colors '#ff00ee' '#ff00ee' 'black'>>
<<newmeter '$npcHornyBar' 1>>
<<sizing '100%'>>
<<label '$tmpGirl.horny / 100 arousal'>>
<<colors '#ff00ee' '#ff00ee' 'black'>>
<<newinv $backpack>>
<<newinv $storage>>
<<include "Inventory items">>
<<cacheaudio "bg-rain" "audio/bg/rain.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bg-storm" "audio/bg/storm.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bg-sun" "audio/bg/sun.mp3">>
<<createaudiogroup ":bg">>
<<track "bg-rain">>
<<track "bg-storm">>
<<track "bg-sun">>
<</createaudiogroup>><div id="version">v0.53a</div><<set _traits = {}>>
<<set _traitsLocked = {}>>
<<set _skills = {}>>
<<set _likes = {}>>
<<set $editTraits = $editTraitsLocked = $editSkills>>
<<set $tmpGirl.strength = $tmpGirl.strength ?? 0>>
<<set $tmpGirl.anal = $tmpGirl.anal ?? 0>>
<table id="edit_npc">
<<textbox "_name" $tmpGirl.name>>
<<numberbox "_age" setup.getAge($tmpGirl)>>
<<numberbox "_beauty" $tmpGirl.beauty>>
<<numberbox "_strength" $tmpGirl.strength>>
<<numberbox "_sub" $tmpGirl.sub>>
<<numberbox "_relationship" $tmpGirl.relationship>>
<<numberbox "_anal" $tmpGirl.anal>>
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<set _breasts = $tmpGirl.breasts>>
<label><<radiobutton "_breasts" "small" autocheck>> Small</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_breasts" "medium" autocheck>> Medium</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_breasts" "big" autocheck>> Big</label>
<<set _race = $tmpGirl.race>>
<label><<radiobutton "_race" "white" autocheck>> White</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_race" "black" autocheck>> Black</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_race" "asian" autocheck>> Asian</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_race" "latina" autocheck>> Latina</label>
Eye color:
<<set _eyes = $tmpGirl.eyes>>
<label><<radiobutton "_eyes" "blue" autocheck>> Blue</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_eyes" "brown" autocheck>> Brown</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_eyes" "gray" autocheck>> Gray</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_eyes" "green" autocheck>> Green</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_eyes" "hazel" autocheck>> Hazel</label>
<<set _hair = $tmpGirl.hair>>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "bald" autocheck>> Bald</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "gray" autocheck>> Gray</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "brown" autocheck>> Brown</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "black" autocheck>> Black</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "blonde" autocheck>> Blonde</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hair" "ginger" autocheck>> Ginger</label>
<<for _traitKey, _trait range setup.traits>>
<<capture _traits, _traitKey>>
<<set _checked = $tmpGirl.traits.includes(_traitKey) ? 'checked' : null>>
<<checkbox "_traits[_traitKey]" false true _checked>> <<=setup.traits[_traitKey].title>>
Unavailable traits:
<<for _traitKey, _trait range setup.traits>>
<<capture _traitsLocked, _traitKey>>
<<set _checked = ($tmpGirl.traitsLocked ?? []).includes(_traitKey) ? 'checked' : null>>
<<checkbox "_traitsLocked[_traitKey]" false true _checked>> <<=setup.traits[_traitKey].title>>
<<for _skillKey, _skill range setup.skills>>
<<capture _skills, _skillKey>>
<<set _checked = $tmpGirl.skills.includes(_skillKey) ? 'checked' : null>>
<<checkbox "_skills[_skillKey]" false true _checked>> <<=setup.skills[_skillKey].title>>
<<for _sexuallityKey, _sexuallity range ['likesGirls', 'likesGuys', 'likesTGirls', 'likesTGuys']>>
<<capture _sexuallity, _sexuallityKey>>
<<set _checked = $tmpGirl[_sexuallity] ? 'checked' : null>>
<<checkbox "_likes[_sexuallity]" false true _checked>> <<=_sexuallity>>
table#edit_npc {
width: 100%;
table#edit_npc tr {
border-top: 1px solid white;
<<link 'Save'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.name = _name>>
<<set $tmpGirl.beauty = _beauty>>
<<set $tmpGirl.anal = _anal>>
<<set $tmpGirl.strength = _strength>>
<<set $tmpGirl.eyes = _eyes>>
<<set $tmpGirl.hair = _hair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.sub = _sub>>
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = _relationship>>
<<set $tmpGirl.traits = []>>
<<for _traitKey, _enabled range _traits>>
<<if _enabled>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traits.push(_traitKey)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.traitsLocked = []>>
<<for _traitKey, _enabled range _traitsLocked>>
<<if _enabled>>
<<run $tmpGirl.traitsLocked.push(_traitKey)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.skills = []>>
<<for _skillKey, _enabled range _skills>>
<<if _enabled>>
<<run $tmpGirl.skills.push(_skillKey)>>
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) !== _age>>
<<set $tmpGirl.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(_age)>>
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) < 18>>
<<run $tmpGirl.birthDate.setFullYear($tmpGirl.birthDate.getFullYear() - 1)>>
<<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.breasts = _breasts>>
<<set $tmpGirl.race = _race>>
<<set $tmpGirl.likesGirls = _likes.likesGirls>>
<<set $tmpGirl.likesGuys = _likes.likesGuys>>
<<set $tmpGirl.likesTGirls = _likes.likesTGirls>>
<<set $tmpGirl.likesTGuys = _likes.likesTGuys>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.dom_return = true>>
<<set $characters.isabel.quests.dom_return_day = $game.day>>
The tension in the air was suffocating.
You could feel it in the murmurs of panic echoing through the settlement as you stepped outside, greeted by the sight of the approaching group.
They moved with purpose, a small army of scavengers, each one armed to the teeth.
No vehicles, no grand show of force, just hardened survivors marching through the dust, their eyes scanning the area like predators on the hunt.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return1.jpg'>>
<br />
And at the front of them all was Dom.
<br /><br />
He stood tall and menacing, his eyes sharp and calculating as they locked onto you.
The scavengers behind him fanned out in a loose formation, their weapons held casually but ready.
The people of your settlement kept their distance, wary of the armed group but knowing better than to intervene. The tension was palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return2.jpg'>>
<br />
As you made your way to the front, a knot tightened in your stomach.
You knew what this was. You had expected Dom to return, but not like this—so soon, and with such an air of certainty about him.
As you stepped forward to meet him, you saw that old, familiar smirk tug at the corner of his lips, but there was no warmth behind it. Just business.
<br /><br />
Dom wasted no time, cutting straight to the point.
<br /><br />
I'm almost ready to strike my enemies. They'll never see it coming. But I'm expecting you to stand with me when the time comes.
<br />
His words lingered, but you barely had a chance to respond before he continued, his eyes narrowing slightly as he shifted the conversation.
<br /><br />
I know Isabel is with you. I'm grateful you saved her. Really, I owe you for that.
<br />
He took a step closer, his smile fading as he fixed you with a cold, calculating stare.
<br /><br />
But now it's time for her to come back. I'm here to collect what's mine. Bring her to me.
<br />
For a brief moment, your mind raced, searching for a way out.
You could see the options narrowing, none of them good. If you refused, it would mean war—now, not later. Dom would turn his scavengers loose on your settlement, and people would die. But if you complied, if you handed Isabel over to him, you knew it would be the end of any hope she had for freedom. And there was no telling what Dom would do once he discovered the truth about the child.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace "Tell him no">>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<run $('#continue').show()>>
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace "Bring Isabel">>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<run $('#continue').show()>>
<div id="continue" style="display:none">
Just as you were about to speak, you heard footsteps behind you. Isabel.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return4.jpg'>>
<br />
She stepped into view, her expression calm, but her eyes—her eyes told you everything.
The fear, the reluctance, the silent plea that passed between you in that brief moment of eye contact. She didn't want to go. Not really.
But she knew, just as you did, that there was no other way right now. Not with Dom standing here, surrounded by his men.
<br /><br />
Isabel forced a smile as she approached, her hand resting gently on her stomach, as if to remind herself of what she was protecting.
Dom reached out, grabbing her hand as she got close enough. He pulled her to him in a way that made it clear to everyone watching that she belonged to him.
She was his prize, his possession, and he wasn't going to let anyone forget it.
<br /><br />
Dom looked at you one last time, giving you that same cold, calculating smirk.
<br /><br />
Thank you again for everything. I knew I could count on you.
<br />
And with that, he turned, leading Isabel away.
The scavengers followed, their weapons still at the ready, their eyes scanning the settlement as they began to move.
Isabel glanced back at you once, just for a second, and in that brief look, you saw everything she couldn't say out loud.
She didn't want to go, but there was no other choice. Not today.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/dom/return3.jpg'>>
<br />
Dom may have taken Isabel today, but the real fight was still ahead. And when the time came, you would have to decide how far you were willing to go to protect her, the child, and your settlement from the storm that was about to break.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 45>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<<set $characters.eve.quests.shower_day = $game.day>>
<br />
As you step outside your makeshift dwelling, you notice Eve making her way into your settlement. She appears dirty and slightly distressed.
<br /><br />
<br />
She approached you, her expression a mix of weariness and anxiety.
<br /><br />
Hey, I had a fight with Rodger. Can I... Can I take a shower at your place? I just need to cool down a bit.
<br />
<div id="option_alone">
<<linkreplace 'Sure. You know where it is'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<run $('#option_join').hide()>>
<<set _askedAlone = true>>
Thank you so much! It won't take long. I will be gone before you even notice me.
<br />
<div id="option_join">
<<linkreplace 'Sure. Follow me'>>
<<set _join = true>>
<<run $('#option_alone').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
Together, we made our way inside, leaving behind the harsh realities of the outside world, if only for a moment. As Eve stepped into the warmth of my shelter, I couldn't help but wonder what trials awaited us beyond the safety of these walls.
But for now, in this fleeting moment of respite, all that mattered was extending a helping hand to a friend in need.
<br /><br />
As Eve undressed while you were still in the room, you tried to avert your gaze out of respect,
but curiosity got the better of you, and you couldn't resist stealing a quick glance.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull out dick and jerk'>>
<<video 'eve/shower1'>>
<br /><br />
<<= $player.name>>!!
<br />
<<video 'eve/shower2'>>
<br /><br />
Well, knowing how you've helped us, it seems like we should give something in return as well.
<br />
She leans against the wall and, pouring the hot water over herself, looks at you casually biting her lower lip as she looks at your dick.
<br /><br />
After a moment, she turns off the water, sets the showerhead down on the floor, and stepping out of the shower,
she walks towards you. Without saying a word, she slowly strokes your stomach, places her palm on your chest, and guides you onto the bed
<br /><br />
<<video 'eve/shower3'>>
<br /><br />
With a smile, she grabs your dick and tightly embraces it before slowly placing it in her mouth as she gently starts to suck it.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_balls">
<<linkreplace 'Push her down towards your balls'>>
<<set _balls = true>>
<<video 'eve/shower4'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her hair and with small force push her lower. She understands the task and lets your dick go as she goes lower and sucks your balls in her mouth instead.
<br /><br />
Like this? Oh, I haven't seen balls so close for a long time.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<if !_balls>>
<<run $('#option_balls').hide()>>
<<video 'eve/shower5'>>
<br /><br />
As she lays down on her back to embrace your dick, you slowly slide it inside her while looking in her eyes. As your hard dick slides into her moist pussy she lets out moan without taking eyes off you.
<br /><br />
Oh my... Slowly, please...
<br />
<div id="option_thrust">
<<linkreplace 'Thrust your dick hard'>>
<<set _thrust = true>>
<<video 'eve/shower6'>>
<br /><br />
Unexpectedly, you suddenly drive your nail into her with all your strength.
She gasps, bites her lip, and with pleading eyes, looks at you as you continue to fuck her with big thrusts while her head bangs against the wall.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if !_thrust>>
<<run $('#option_thrust').hide()>>
<br />
Without pulling out you cum in her pussy. She is not surprised and with help of her hands opens it and lets your cum drip out.
<br /><br />
I should probably go...
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _join>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br />
<br />
As you navigate the dense forest on a rainy day, the sound of raindrops pattering against the leaves fills the air, creating a serene ambiance.
Your journey is interrupted by the sight of a lone merchant or traveler struggling with his horse and carriage, stuck deep in the mud.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Help him'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
Despite the harsh conditions, you offer your assistance without hesitation. Together, you work to free the horse and carriage from the thick, unforgiving mud.
<br />
<br />
Once the merchant's carriage is liberated, he expresses his gratitude with a genuine smile. In a gesture of appreciation, he insists on sharing some of his meager possessions with you.
<br /><br />
<<for _i = 0; _i < 2; _i++>>
<<set _item = either('glass', 'plastic', 'rope', 'cloth')>>
<<set _count = randomInteger(1, 5)>>
<<pickup $backpack _item _count>>
<strong>You received <strong class="iitem"><<=_count>> <<=Item.get(_item).name>></strong></strong>
<br />
<br />
However, as you step closer to lend a hand, a chilling realization dawns upon you. This isn't a mere mishap; it's a carefully orchestrated ambush.
<br /><br />
Before you can react, shadowy figures emerge from the surrounding foliage, their faces obscured by hoods as they brandish weapons with malicious intent. You find yourself surrounded, trapped between the mud-caked carriage and the menacing figures closing in on you.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<generateEnemies 4>>
<<fight $enemies $travelPassage $travelPassage>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto $travelPassage>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br />
As you journey through the serene depths of the forest, the rustling leaves above you create a soothing symphony.
Amidst this tranquil melody, however, a series of peculiar noises catch your attention. Intrigued, you halt your steps and focus on the source of the sound.
<br /><br />
<br />
With cautious steps, you approach the origin of the disturbance, your senses heightened with anticipation.
As you draw closer, the flickering glow of a fire pit illuminates the surroundings, casting dancing shadows upon the trees.
Your curiosity piqued, you cautiously part the foliage to reveal a group of tribal people gathered around the crackling flames.
<br /><br />
Their presence in this secluded part of the forest surprises you, and you watch in awe as they engage in animated conversation.
Their voices resonate through the forest, blending with the natural symphony of chirping crickets and rustling leaves.
The rhythmic cadence of their speech, punctuated by occasional laughter, fills the air with an enchanting aura.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Ambush them'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $tmpGuy.inventory = {
knife: 1,
tribe_medallion: 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.inventory = {
knife: 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<fight $enemies $travelPassage $travelPassage>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto $travelPassage>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
You walk through your wood cabin, the creaking of the wooden floor beneath your feet breaking the otherwise silent evening.
A faint murmur draws your attention toward the living room. There, you notice Blair sitting on the couch with another woman.
As you approach them, the soft glow of the lantern reveals that the other woman is Ashley, the girl you had saved some time ago.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/blair/ashley_threesome1.jpg'>>
<br />
Seeing you, Ashley's eyes light up with recognition.
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.blair.virgin = false>>
<<set _firstTime = !$player?.quests?.ashley_threesome>>
<<if _firstTime>>
Thank you again for what you did! I wouldn't be here if not you.
<br />
Her voice filled with gratitude.
Hey you again! Have some time? Come sit down with us.
<br />
She smiles and moves a bit to make space for you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Sit down next to them'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<image 'people/blair/ashley_threesome2.jpg'>>
<br />
Blair, with her characteristic mischievous smile, suddenly slides her finger across your leg while still talking to Ashley.
The touch sends a shiver up your spine, and you see Ashley notice the gesture. She smiles knowingly at Blair.
<br /><br />
<<if _firstTime>>
You've changed for the better, Blair. I don't know. You look more relaxed.
<br />
One thing leads to another, the air thick with a mix of unspoken words and palpable tension.
Blair stands, her movements deliberate and enticing, and grabs both of your hands.
With a confident, almost playful look in her eyes, she leads you toward the bedroom.
<br /><br />
I know what you want...
<br />
Blair unbuttons your pants and takes out your cock. With one hand she strokes you. You feel that your dick is getting harder as she slowly pulls down your panties fully with other hand.
<br /><br />
<<if _firstTime>>
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome1'>>
<br /><br />
Where did you go?
<br />
Without breaking eye contact, Ashley seductively approaches you both. The air grows thick with anticipation as she slowly begins to undress. She slips out of her skirt, revealing the smooth legs, then removed her panties, letting them fall to the floor.
Her movements are deliberate and tantalizing, each piece of clothing discarded heightening the sense of intimacy in the room.
<br /><br />
Come here. Lay on the bed.
<br />
Blair's grabbed your dick with firm yet gentle touch as she started to position your dick.
Ashley's eyes locked onto yours, her breathing quickening with each passing moment.
<br />
Blair’s hand guided you until you pressed against Ashley's pussy, the warmth and softness of her skin sending a shiver through you.
<br />
Then Blair pushed you from behind inside Ashley...
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome2'>>
<br /><br />
Slowly, you enter Ashley, feeling her body envelop you. A soft moan escapes her lips. Blair moves beside you and started kissing Ashley.
With each thrust you increased your speed.
<br /><br />
Blair, her eyes smoldering with desire, leans over you.
<br /><br />
Now, it's my turn
<br />
With a graceful and confident movement, she straddles your hips, her hands resting on your chest, and you feel the heat of her body radiating against you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome3'>>
<br /><br />
Blair positions herself, her gaze never leaving yours, and you feel the tip of your still-hard cock press against her pussy.
With a slow, deliberate motion, she lowers herself onto you, her warmth and tightness enveloping you completely.
A gasp escapes her lips as she takes you in, her head tilting back in pleasure.
<br />
She giggles and laughs as she starts to lick Ashley's nipples.
<br />
You slowly speed up.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome4'>>
<br /><br />
As you're going full thrust on Blair, your dick accidentally slips out of Blair's wet pussy and she lets out a satisfied sigh, nestling into the crook of your neck.
<br />
Before you can fully catch your breath, Ashley's hand wraps around your cock.
<br />
Her touch is firm and sure, and you feel a fresh wave of arousal coursing through you. She looks up at you with a mischievous smile as she puts your cock inside her mouth and she starts to suck it.
<br /><br />
I want it back inside me.
<br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome5'>>
<br /><br />
With smirk on Blair's face she gets off you and Ashley gets onto you instead. She positions herself in reverse cowgirl position as she slowly slides into your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome6'>>
<br /><br />
She leans back and lets you grab her waist as she takes the lead and moves up and down, with each movement increasing the loudness of her moans.
Meanwhile Blair just looks at you two while playing with her asshole.
<br /><br />
Now me, me...
<br />
Wait, holly god..
<br />
Ashley's eyeballs roll backwards as she keeps jumping onto your dick. Her moans gets really load as she increases thrust more and more.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome7'>>
<br /><br />
Ashley's pussy gets really wet as Blair starts to massage your balls. She squeezes them a bit before moving her hand towards Ashley's clit and rubbing it too.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum on their faces'>>
<<if timeBetween('21:30', '22:01')>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<video 'blair/ashley_threesome8'>>
<br /><br />
They both jump of the bed and gets on their knees right next to it. As you get up while stroking your dick you aim at them.
<br />
Seconds later you cum all over their faces...
<br /><br />
<<if _firstTime>>
<<set $player.quests.ashley_threesome = true>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $characters.blair.quests.pregnancy_talk = true>>
<<set $locationEvents.cabin = true>>
<<=$player.name>>! We need to talk. I've missed my period. I believe... I believe I may be pregnant.
<br />
As the words left her lips, tears welled up in her eyes.
She collapsed into a nearby chair, her body shaking with sobs. It was a torrent of conflicting emotions, a tidal wave of fear, hope, and uncertainty.
<br /><br />
In this harsh, post-apocalyptic world, bringing a child into existence seems like an almost impossible task.. I don't know what to do.
<br />
Yet, as she wept, it was clear that another part of her longed for this child. It was a glimmer of hope, a beacon of light amidst the darkness.
The thought of cradling a tiny life in her arms, of nurturing and loving a new soul in this unforgiving world, filled her with a warmth that contrasted sharply with the cold reality around them.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_keep">
<<linkreplace 'You should keep it'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<set $characters.blair.happy += 30>>
<<set $player.goodwill += 5>>
As you tell her that you believe she should keep the child, a mix of emotions washes over her face. Surprise, relief, and a flicker of hope light up her eyes.
She searches your gaze, seeking confirmation and finding it in your determined expression.
<br /><br />
Okay. We'll do this. We'll find a way to make it work, for us and for the kid.
<br />
From that moment forward, you both embark on a journey filled with challenges, but also with moments of profound joy and connection.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'The world is too harsh for a kid'>>
<<run $('#option_keep').hide()>>
<<run delete $characters.blair.pregnancy>>
<<set $characters.blair.happy -= 30>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 10>>
When you express your concerns about bringing a child into this harsh post-apocalyptic world, the atmosphere in the room grows heavy with the weight of reality.
She looks at you, her eyes still brimming with tears, and her face reflects a mixture of understanding and sorrow.
<br /><br />
You're right. It's not fair to bring a child into this world. We'll find a way... I... I can't bear to imagine what their life would be like here.
<br />
Together, you share a somber moment of understanding.
It's a decision borne out of love and a desire to protect the potential life that lingers in the balance.
The weight of the world outside remains, but you face it together, knowing that this decision, however painful, is made with the best intentions for the child that might have been.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<set _mistress = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'mistress')>>
<<set _mistress = $guests[_mistress[0]]>>
<<set _slaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if _slaves[0].length>>
<<set _randomSlave = $slaves[setup.getRandomElement(_slaves[0])]>>
<<set _npc = _randomSlave>>
<<set _url = _npc.gender == 1 ? 'male' : 'female'>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'places/basement/mistress_' + _url + '.jpg']]
<br />
As you descended into the dank basement, the <<=setup.displayName(_mistress)>>'s chilling presence hung heavy in the air, casting long shadows across the stone walls.
<<=setup.pronounceWho(_mistress, true)>> piercing gaze met yours as you approached.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mistress>>
I have an idea. A way to tighten our grip on these wretched souls.
<br />
You braced yourself for what was to come, knowing all too well the depths of her depravity.
<br /><br />
Go on
<br />
<<sayNpc _mistress>>
We shall host a feast. A celebration of their submission, a testament to our absolute control.
<br />
Your stomach churned at the thought, but you dared not show weakness in the presence of such malevolence.
<br /><br />
And what purpose will this serve?
<br />
<<=setup.pronounceWho(_mistress, true)>> laughter echoed off the walls, a discordant symphony of madness and malice.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _mistress>>
To break them or to make them more happy?... Your choice.
<br />
You swallowed hard, the bitter taste of fear coating your tongue like poison.
<br /><br />
<<if _npc>>
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Please sir! We would do anything for a decent meal and something outside these cages.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Leave'>>
As you turned to leave, the Mistress's laughter followed you like a ghostly specter, a haunting reminder of the darkness that dwelled within us all.
And in the depths of that desolate basement, where shadows danced with the echoes of suffering, you knew that the true horrors had only just begun.
<<set $player.quests.slave_party = true>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<br /><br />
<strong>Now you can throw parties for slaves.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<set _guest = $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId]>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId]>>
With a grateful nod, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> enters the prison cell, his gaze locked on the <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> inside.
<br />
As the heavy door closes behind him, you can't help but feel a pang of unease.
The fragile balance of trust and survival weighs heavily on your mind.
You stand outside the cell, looking at them in the stale air of the basement.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl = _slave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'undress' 'no-text'>>
<<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> looks shocked and takes a look at you for a brief moment. Meanwhile <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> in excitement is forcefully taking off her clothes as she tries to resist.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
Stop! Why? Don't touch me. Why are you letting him touch miihhh..
<br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'bj' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
She couldn't finish her sentence as <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> shoved his dick inside her mouth. She knew she can't resist or there might be consequences.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'bj' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
With disappointment in her eyes she looked right at you while sucking <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s dick.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> threw <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> on her bed and spread her legs. Then he slide his dick into her pussy and let out big moan. <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> kept quiet all the time.
<br />
Looked that she just wanted this to be over.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
You're dirty little tease, aren't you?
<br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> kept quiet as he kept fucking her pussy. She clearly was in discomfort. With each stroke counting, you noticed that <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> is ready to cum...
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'cum_on_back' 'no-text'>>
<br /><br />
He struggled to keep his breath as he pulled out and started to cum all over her back. His spray of semen landed on her back, bed and also some on the cold basement ground.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Thank you, I needed that.
<br />
With a final nod of gratitude, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> retreated to upstairs, leaving you to ponder the complexities of compassion and survival in a post-apocalyptic world.
The encounter serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, moments of connection and humanity are precious commodities, worth safeguarding amidst the chaos that surrounds you.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<horny 20>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].happy -= randomInteger(20, 30)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].relationship -= randomInteger(20, 30)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].horny = 0>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId].horny = 0>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId].happy += randomInteger(20, 30)>>
<<unset $tmpEvent, $tmpGirl>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<set _guest = $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId]>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId]>>
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s gratitude is evident as he nods, understanding the unspoken agreement.
You step into the cell, the confined space feeling both intimate and suffocating. <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> watches you cautiously, unsure of your intentions.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
What do you want?
<br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
May I? I want to taste her really bad.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> slowly removes all remaining <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>>'s clothes and bends her over the chair in the middle of the room. He gets down on his knees and
playfully slides his hand between her leg following with kisses on the outside her leg. When he reaches her pussy, he starts to lick her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome2'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> lets out soft moan as <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s tongue plays with her pussy. Meanwhile you undress and start to stroke your dick. <br />
<<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> ignores <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> and her eyes are fully on you and your dick. <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> notices that all her attention is on you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome3'>>
<br /><br />
He grabs his dick, rubs it against her pussy and slides it in. <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> bites her upper lip and lets out small moan but still focusing only on you.
She looks at your dick again and again before you decide to stand up and walk toward her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome4'>>
<br /><br />
As you reach her, without hesitation you stick your dick into her mouth. She doesn't resist and almost look like she was waiting for it.
As your dick slipes out of her mouth, she grabs it and puts it back in. She continues to suck it for a good time before taking it out and whispering to you something.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
Fuck me.
<br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome5'>>
<br /><br />
You pull <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> off <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s dick and throw her onto yours. On first entry she lets out very loud moan.
<br />
As you started pushing your hips slowly back and forth as you started fucking her, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> got behind her and put his dick into her asshole. She jumped by surprise but continued to ride you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/guest_ask_threesome6'>>
<br /><br />
You decide to turn her around. <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> sits down on the chair and you lift her on him. In the same moment you both slide dicks into her holes and start to thrust with good speed.
<br />
She starts to moan from joy as you both move your dicks back and forth into her wet pussy and stretched asshole.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
Oh fuck, oh fuck....oh my god, oh my god.
<br />
Her legs start to shake and she tries to find the right place for her hands. She grabs her ass, your hand, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s hand and in the end grips hard into <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s hands.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br /><br />
As you start to cum inside her pussy she leans towards you and <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s dick slips out. He sprays all her back with his cum.
<br /><br />
When you eventually leave the cell, the atmosphere in the basement feels lighter, as if a weight has been lifted.
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> nods his thanks, a newfound understanding shining in his eyes. <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> watches you go, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].anal = Math.min(($slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].anal + 1), 100)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].anal = Math.min(($slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].bj + 1), 100)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].happy += randomInteger(10, 20)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].relationship += randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<set $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId].horny = 0>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId].horny = 0>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId].happy += randomInteger(10, 20)>>
<<unset $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<set _guest = $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId]>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[$tmpEvent.slaveId]>>
A soft shuffle catches your attention, and you turn to see <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>, one of your guests, peering cautiously around the corner.
His eyes fixated on <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>>. There's hunger and longing in his gaze, tinged with desperation that mirrors the bleakness of your existence.
<br /><br />
<br />
When he finally notices you, his body jolts in surprise, and his request hangs heavy in the air.
You study his face, the lines of exhaustion etched deep into his skin, the fear and uncertainty in his eyes.
The post-apocalyptic world has stripped you of many things, but it seems some desires remain untouched by the ravages of time.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Sorry, <<=$player.name>>...
<<sayNpc _guest>>
It's just... it's been so long since...
<br />
His words trail off, lost in the abyss of unspoken yearning.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Maybe I can have sex with her? Just once.
<br />
<div id="option_allow">
<<link 'Allow him'>>
<<goto 'Basement - guest asks to fuck slave - allow'>>
<div id="option_threesome">
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link "Let's do it together">>
<<goto 'Basement - guest asks to fuck slave - threesome'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Let's do it together
<<linkreplace 'No'>>
<<run $('#option_allow, #option_threesome').hide()>>
<br /><br />
As <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> nods silently, retreating into the shadows of the basement, you can't help but wonder how much of your humanity you have already sacrificed in the name of survival.
The line between right and wrong blurs in the harsh light of a world that has crumbled, leaving you to pick up the shattered pieces of your existence.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</linkreplace>><<set _slavesAvailable = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<set _orgyFemales = setup.getRandomPersons(_slavesAvailable[0], 4)>>
<<set _orgyMales = setup.getRandomPersons(_slavesAvailable[1], 4)>>
<<set _orgyMale1 = $slaves[_orgyMales[0]]>>
<<set _orgyMale2 = $slaves[_orgyMales[1]]>>
<<set _orgyMale3 = $slaves[_orgyMales[2]]>>
<<set _orgyMale4 = $slaves[_orgyMales[3]]>>
<<set _orgyFemale1 = $slaves[_orgyFemales[0]]>>
<<set _orgyFemale2 = $slaves[_orgyFemales[1]]>>
<<set _orgyFemale3 = $slaves[_orgyFemales[2]]>>
<<set _orgyFemale4 = $slaves[_orgyFemales[3]]>>
<<set _orgyFemale1.virgin = false>>
<<set _orgyFemale2.virgin = false>>
<<set _orgyFemale3.virgin = false>>
<<set _orgyFemale4.virgin = false>>
In the corner, near a half-collapsed wall, you notice a small group forming. <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale2)>>
leaning in close to a <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>> perched on the edge of a battered couch as <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale2)>> walks behind her and rips open her top.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro1.webp'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>>’s lips curled into a slow, knowing smile. She tilted her head, looking up at them through half-lidded eyes, taking another sip of her drink.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_stop">
<<linkreplace 'Stop them'>>
They look at you for a brief moment with submission in their eyes, nods and gets dressed and slowly spread across the room.
<<run $('#option_watch').hide()>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option_watch">
<<linkreplace 'Keep watching'>>
<<run $('#option_stop').hide()>>
The men exchanged glances, their confidence faltering for a heartbeat before one of them, emboldened by the alcohol, laughed.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _orgyMale1>>
We’ll take good care of you.
<br />
Then he pulled out his dick and started to stroke it as <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>> watched him with a smirk on her face before sitting closer to him.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro2.webp'>>
<br />
The atmosphere in that corner shifted, turning darker, more heated. The men were no longer talking, their hands growing bolder, their breaths coming faster.
<br />
Soon enough <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale1)>>'s dick was already in <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>>'s hand as she stroked it.
<br /><br />
Around them, the party continued, people too lost in their own pleasures to notice the tableau unfolding in the shadows as <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>> was helped to undress further.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro3.webp'>>
<br />
Meanwhile you looked back at <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>>. She leaned towards <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale1)>> and kissed him passionately.
In the same moment <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale4)>> already joined them. Why they were busy kissing, she got down and sucked <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale1)>>
dick while he was busy with <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>>.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro4.webp'>>
<br />
As you turned away for a moment, the music swelled, drowning out the sounds from the corner. Then you looked back at <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>>.
She was already stripped of her clothes fully, lifted on the table and used by <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale2)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale3)>>.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro5.webp'>>
<br />
The lines between strangers blurred as hands found skin, as mouths met in heated kisses.
It was a raw, primal display, a reminder that even in the ruins of civilization, there were still some things that couldn’t be destroyed.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro6.webp'>>
<br />
They were fucking as there was no tomorrow. They forgot that they are slaves and enjoyed each moment of this. Soon enough They let her go and separated in couples and continued the action.
Some girls were sucking dicks, while others were already pressed against walls and tables and fucked raw.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro7.webp'>>
<br />
<<sayNpc _orgyFemale1>>
Fuck, fuck, fuck...
<br />
<<sayNpc _orgyFemale2>>
Oh yes! Don't stop!
<br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/intro8.webp'>>
<br />
<div id="option_join">
<<linkreplace 'Join them'>>
<<run $('#option_continue').hide()>>
<<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>> on the table looked up as you approached, her gaze locking onto yours. Her eyes were half-lidded, her smile both inviting and knowing, as if she’d sensed your interest from across the room.
She told guy to fuck off and spread her legs for you...
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/join1.webp'>>
<br />
She locked eyes with yours as you got in front of her and with slow thrust, pushed your dick deep into her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _orgyFemale1>>
Oh, yes. Fuck me right now. Show them how it's done.
<br />
Her laughter rang out, mingling with the low groans and gasps that filled the room.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/join2.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You felt hands sliding over your back, your shoulders, a shared rhythm taking over as you lost yourself in the moment.
Then you saw <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale2)>> dropping on her knees as guys stood around her and started to cum all over her face.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/cum4.webp'>>
<br />
<div id="option_cum_inside">
<<linkreplace 'Cum inside her'>>
<<run $('#option_ending').show()>>
<<run $('#option_cum_faces').hide()>>
And then, everything tightened, your body tensing as the wave of release crashed over you. A rush of heat and pleasure surged through you, powerful and overwhelming, your world shattering into a million pieces as filled her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<image 'game/misc/cum_in_pussy2.webp'>>
<br />
She lay there, completely at ease, her body still flushed and glowing with the aftermath of pleasure. One of the guys leaned down to kiss her shoulder, his touch gentle, reverent. She turned her head, meeting his lips with a slow, lingering kiss, her hand reaching out to caress his cheek.
The other man ran his fingers through her hair, his expression a mix of admiration and exhaustion.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum_faces">
<<linkreplace 'Cum on girls faces'>>
<<run $('#option_cum_inside').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_ending').show()>>
You pulled out and gathered all girls around yourself. You demanded that they drop on their knees - and they did.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/cum2.webp'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale2)>> in the front with their mouths wide open, catched all of your cum. Girls in the back giggled and hold other girl hairs.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_continue">
<<linkreplace 'Continue to watch'>>
<<run $('#option_join').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_ending').show()>>
The room seemed to pulse with their shared climax, a storm of bodies reaching that fevered peak.
The girl on the table shuddered again, her voice hoarse from crying out, her body limp with satisfaction as the men around her reached their own release.
One after another, moans turned to groans, movements slowed, and the frantic energy of the room began to ebb.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/cum1.webp'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale2)>> cums into <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale2)>>'s pussy.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/cum3.webp'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_orgyMale1)>> cums on <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale1)>>'s face but not all of it as he turns towards <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>>.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/orgy/cum4.webp'>>
<br />
Then rest of the guys stand around <<=setup.displayName(_orgyFemale3)>> as she is on her knees and cums all over her face.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_ending" style="display:none">
You turned away, leaving the others to their afterglow, the memory of what you’d seen lingering in your thoughts.
Outside, the world was still broken, still brutal—but for those few minutes, you’d witnessed something rare:
a spark of life, a reminder that even in the darkest places, people could still find a reason to feel alive.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<addhours 6>>
As the slaves gathered, their weary faces lit up with anticipation. Some wore patched-up clothing, bearing the stains of labor and hardship, while others sported makeshift adornments or half naked, a feeble attempt to inject color into their bleak existence.
They all awaited the Overseer's signal, a nod from the shadowy figure who ruled their lives.
<br /><br />
With a gesture, the Overseer signaled the commencement of the festivities. Slaves sit down at the table.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The air filled with the aroma of roasted meat and grilled vegetables, a rare treat in a world where sustenance was often meager and flavorless.
The slaves hesitated at first, unsure whether to embrace this moment of reprieve or remain cautious, conditioned by years of adversity.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
With each sip, the tension of survival ebbed away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and fleeting joy.
Slaves who had once been strangers found themselves sharing stories and laughter, momentarily forgetting the harsh realities that awaited them after the party.
<br /><br />
<<set _slavesAvailable = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].happy += 20>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].relationship += 10>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].quests ??= {}>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].quests.lastInteractionDay = $game.day>>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.count('champagne')>>
<div id="option_champagne">
<<linkreplace 'Bring another champagne'>>
<<set _champagne = true>>
<br /><br />
As the night progressed and the champagne continued to flow, the atmosphere grew increasingly charged with excitement and desire.
Slaves, emboldened by the heady concoction, cast aside their reservations and embraced one another with newfound fervor.
<br /><br />
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].happy += 10>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].relationship += 5>>
<<if ((_slavesAvailable[0] ?? []).length) >= 4 && ((_slavesAvailable[1] ?? []).length) >= 3>>
<<include 'Basement - slave party orgy'>>
<<linkreplace 'Nod at your overseer'>>
<<if !_champagne>>
<<run $('#option_champagne').hide()>>
<<video 'basement/slave_party1'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _girlSlaves = setup.getRandomPersonIdsGirls($slaves, 2)>>
<<set _npc1 = $slaves[_girlSlaves[0]]>>
<<set _npc2 = $slaves[_girlSlaves[1]]>>
<<set _mistress = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'mistress')>>
<<set _mistress = $guests[_mistress[0]]>>
With a commanding gesture, <<=setup.displayName(_mistress)>> presented the <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> before you, a silent offering in the midst of revelry.
The air grew heavy with anticipation as the settlers around you fell silent, their whispers hushed in anticipation of what would unfold.
<br /><br />
As you unzipped your pants and pulled out your dick another girl from back of the room shouted.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
I want to help her!
<br />
<<video 'basement/slave_party2'>>
<br /><br />
As they both were on their knees, they took turn on sucking your dick. In their eyes you noticed that they are drunk and probably almost for anything.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_party3'>>
<br /><br />
So you spread <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> legs and slide your dick inside her ass. Meanwhile <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> leans closer and waits her turn when she will be able to suck your dick agian...
<br />
And that happens some thrusts later as you move your dick from ass to mouth and let her do her job.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_party4'>>
<br /><br />
As <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> keeps sucking your hard dick, another slave decides to join for a taste. She instantly pushes both girls aside and takes the lead as other girls try to focus on other your body parts.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br />
As you cum on <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> face, <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> wants some of you and decides to lick your cum off her face.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Bring slave to your bedroom'>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<if setup.getAge(_slave) < 18>>
<<capture _slaveI, _slave>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_slave)>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _slave.name>>
<<set $slaveId = _slaveI>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _slave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.corruption += 20>>
<<set $tmpGirl.submission += 20>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy += 20>>
<<set $tmpGirl.drunk = randomInteger(50, 100)>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
Beauty: <<print _slave.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_slave)>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<<set _npc = $slaves[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<br />
The heavy clank of the metal door echoes through the stale air as you approach the row of cells.
As you reach the one at the end, you notice the door is slightly ajar, the lock is broken. Panic seizes you as you fling the door open, revealing an empty cell.
<br /><br />
Heart pounding, you rush back upstairs, your mind racing with possibilities.
Fear grips you as you consider the consequences of a prisoner escaping into the lawless wasteland outside. The realization dawns upon you that your carefully constructed facade of control is crumbling.
<br /><br />
Without hesitation, you burst out into the daylight, squinting against the blinding sun.
Your focus sharpens as you spot a figure scrambling over the wood fence at the perimeter of your settlement. Adrenaline surges through your veins as you sprint toward the escapee.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/escape2_1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Please! Let me go! I won't come back, I promise!
<br />
She begs, her voice choked with fear and desperation. Her eyes search yours for a hint of mercy, but you remain stoic, your own survival instincts kicking in.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/escape2_2'>>
<br /><br />
As you secure the makeshift bindings around her wrists, her struggles intensify, the frayed rope biting into her skin. The pleas for mercy grow louder,
echoing in the desolation that surrounds you.
<<if $slaves.length > 1>>
The wind carries her desperate cries, blending with the distant wails of other survivors, creating a haunting symphony of despair.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_fuck">
<<linkreplace 'Force blowjob'>>
<<set _fucked = true>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
Drop to your knees.
<br />
<<video 'basement/escape2_3'>>
<br /><br />
Her eyes, once filled with defiance, now reflect a mix of fear and submission. You pull out your dick and forcefully push it inside her mouth and force her to suck you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Yes, sir! I am sorry! That won't happen again!
<br />
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].sub += 10>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> submission increased by 10</strong>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'basement/escape2_4'>>
<br /><br />
You push <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> against the ladder, her breasts colliding with the cool metal. The air thickens with tension as you lift her leg, accentuating the vulnerability of her position.
<br />
She begs one last time before you shove your dick inside her pussy and forcefully and aggressively fuck her pussy. She lets out moans mixed with cry.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].horny = 0>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $tmpEvent.id 'happy' 5>>
<br /><br />
You fill up her pussy with your warm cum and let it drip out of her as you pull out.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Put her back in cell'>>
<<if !_fucked>>
<<run $('#option_fuck').hide()>>
You guide her back to basement, a dimly lit space with cold concrete walls that reverberate with the echoes of misery.
The once vibrant world outside feels like a distant memory as you grapple with the consequences of your actions. In this unforgiving landscape, every choice carries the weight of survival.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<set _slave = $slaves[$tmpEvent.id]>>
After you manage to disarm the lone survivor a tense silence fills the basement. <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>> steps back, her eyes wide with shock and fear but with joy on her lips as
she sees what you have done with him.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/lone_survivor5'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
I don't know what got into him. He seemed so normal when you brought him in.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<run delete $game.lone_survivor>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<<set _slaveId = setup.getRandomElement(setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0])>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {id: _slaveId}>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[_slaveId]>>
As you make your way inside the cabin, the sound of a struggle reaches your ears from the basement.
It's a mixture of grunts, shouts, and the unmistakable sound of metal clashing against metal. You quicken your pace, knowing that something serious is happening down there.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Check it out'>>
<<run $('#option_ignore').hide()>>
Upon reaching the basement you notice that the lone survivor you accepted into your settlement today is abusing <<=setup.displayName(_slave)>>.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/lone_survivor1'>>
<br /><br />
She has been tied down and he slwoly rips her top open while telling her to keep her mouth shot or he will kill her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue watching'>>
She throws her on her bed, spreads her legs and shows dick with hard thrust inside her as she makes scream once before he slaps her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
I said keep your mouth shut!
<br />
<<video 'basement/lone_survivor2'>>
<br /><br />
She doesn't resist as she clearly is scared for her life. He thrusts deep into her as her breasts bounce up and down.
She opens her mouth, cleary indicating that she's in distress and in pain but she manages not to let out single sound until...
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
Please don't. Stop!
<br />
You can see in survivor's eyes that he gets engry. He pulls out, forcefully throws her legs together and without hesitation sticks his dick into her ass.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/lone_survivor3'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
Stop... I beg you, please...
<br />
With his first thrust deep into her ass she lets out very loud scream. You can see joy in his eyes as he puts pressure on her neck and increase speed and force with each thrust.
After some moment he speeds down, each time staying in her ass a bit longer then the cums inside her asshole.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/lone_survivor4'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _slave>>
You bastard... You're dead... Fucking bastard...
<br />
<<link 'Attack him'>>
<<set $enemies = [$tmpGuy]>>
<<fight $enemies 'Event - A lone survivor fuck won' 'Dead'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].happy -= 100>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].sub -= randomInteger(20, 40)>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].relationship -= randomInteger(20, 40)>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_ignore">
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].happy -= 100>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].sub -= randomInteger(20, 40)>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveId].relationship -= randomInteger(20, 40)>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br />
<<image 'places/basement/group_workout.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<<addmins 60>>
<br />
In the dim, oppressive basement, the leader and a stern guard commanded a group of captured slaves. Makeshift exercise equipment lay scattered around.
<br /><br />
Group warmed up with jumping jacks, push-ups, and stretches.
The main workout involved lifting scrap metal, dragging tires, and high-intensity training, each station pushing them to their limits.
<br /><br />
<<for _workoutSlaveI, _workoutSlave range $slaves>>
<<if setup.getAge(_workoutSlave) < 5 || setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_workoutSlave)>>
<<if $slaves[_workoutSlaveI].strength < 60>>
<<set $slaves[_workoutSlaveI].strength++>>
<<=setup.displayName(_workoutSlave)>> strength increased by 1
<br />
<br />
As the session ended, you reflected on the day's impact, aware that today's choices could sow seeds of loyalty or defiance.
<br /><br />
<<set _randomGirls = setup.getRandomPersons(setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0])>>
<<set _npc1 = $slaves[_randomGirls[0]]>>
<<set _npc2 = $slaves[_randomGirls[1]]>>
<<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> are the only ones left as others leave.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Call them over and ask for a blowjob'>>
The women's expressions were a mix of fear and resignation as they approached, the flickering basement lights casting long shadows over their faces.
The leader's demand hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the harsh and brutal reality of their world.
<br /><br />
You unzipped your pants, they looked at each other and dropped on their knees.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/workout_end2.webp'>>
<br />
They both grab your dick, each with one hand and starts to stroke you. You see a bit of fear in their eyes but with each stroke they increase the speed.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/workout_end1.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As none of them takes initiative by puting your dick in their mouth, you stand up and as you hold their heads, you slide your hard dick between their lips.
They just kneel there in silence as they look in each other eyes.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/workout_end3.webp'>>
<br /><br />
As you cum, they don't stop but keeps what you started. Each of them with their sweet lips keep stroking your dick as you continue to cum all over them.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><<set _availableGirlSlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if (_availableGirlSlaves[0] ?? []).length>>
<<for _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave range _availableGirlSlaves[0]>>
<<capture _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<if _offerSlaveSlave.chastityBelt>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_offerSlaveSlave])>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].name>>
<<set $slaveOfferId = _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.offerSlave = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - Offer slave girl to slave guy: fuck'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) > 55>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the hell have you imagined? I'm not interested in your whores.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.likesGirls>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you for the offer but I'm not interested.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
He nods affirmatively and <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> approaches closer to his cell door.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave1'>>
<br /><br />
He immediately unbuttons his pants and with a smile on his face looks at <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>. Unhappy, <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>, however, kneels down, taking <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> dick in her mouth. In an instant, he starts to shove his dick as deep as he can but you've trained <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> as she isn't bothered by that at all.
<br />
After few good thrusts he asks her to turn around. She obeys.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave2'>>
<br /><br />
He grabs her by the hips and pulls her as close as possible to his cell bars. She hesitates, but after a moment, it seems that she slowly starts to enjoy this whole process. It doesn't last long, and after a few more thrusts, he's almost done.
<br /><br />
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].virgin = false>>
Relationship with <<=$tmpGirl.name>> increased by 5
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100)>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease = 10>>
<<if !$slaves[$slaveOfferId].likesGuys>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease += 10>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Can I cum inside her?
<br />
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'No'>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<<image 'places/cabin/workout_cum_outside.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> pushes away from <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> and lets him cum on the ground right outside his cell.
<br /><br />
<<if !($slaves[$slaveOfferId].traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac')>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'relationship' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'happy' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<= setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> relationship decreased by <<=_slaveRelationshipDecrease>>
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Yes'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease += 10>>
<<sayNpc $slaves[$slaveOfferId]>>
Please no!
<br />
<<image 'game/misc/creampie.webp'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> wraps his hands around <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> and holds her strongly as he cums inside her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.pregnancyChance($slaves[$slaveOfferId])) && !($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('infertile')>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].pregnancy_father = $tmpGirl.id>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].pregnancy = 0>>
<<if !($slaves[$slaveOfferId].traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac')>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'relationship' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'happy' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<= setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> relationship decreased by <<=_slaveRelationshipDecrease>>
<div id="option_end" style="display:none">
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].horny = 0>>
<<run delete $slaveOfferId>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
</div><<set _availableGirlSlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if (_availableGuySlaves[1] ?? []).length>>
<<for _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave range _availableGuySlaves[1]>>
<<capture _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<if _offerSlaveSlave.chastityBelt>>
<<if $tmpGirl.id !== $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].id>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_offerSlaveSlave])>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].name>>
<<set $slaveOfferId = _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.offerSlave = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - Offer slave guy to slave guy: fuck'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) > 55>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the hell have you imagined? I'm not interested in your Faggots
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you for the offer but I'm not interested in men.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
He nods affirmatively and <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> approaches closer to his cell door.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave3'>>
<br /><br />
He immediately unbuttons his pants and with a smile on his face looks at <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>. Unhappy, <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>, however, kneels down, taking <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> dick in his mouth. In an instant, he starts to shove his dick as deep as he can but you've trained <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> as he isn't bothered by that at all.
<br />
After few good thrusts he asks him to turn around. He obeys.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave4'>>
<br /><br />
He grabs him by the hips and pulls him as close as possible to his cell bars. He hesitates, but after a moment, it seems that he slowly starts to enjoy this whole process. It doesn't last long, and after a few more thrusts, he's done.
<br /><br />
Relationship with <<=$tmpGirl.name>> increased by 5
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100)>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease = 10>>
<<if !$slaves[$slaveOfferId].likesGuys>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease += 10>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'relationship' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'happy' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<br /><br />
<<= setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> relationship decreased by <<=_slaveRelationshipDecrease>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].horny = 0>>
<<run delete $slaveOfferId>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><<set _availableGirlSlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if (_availableGuySlaves[1] ?? []).length>>
<<for _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave range _availableGuySlaves[1]>>
<<capture _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<if _offerSlaveSlave.chastityBelt>>
<<if $tmpGirl.id !== $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].id>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_offerSlaveSlave])>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].name>>
<<set $slaveOfferId = _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.offerSlave = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - Offer slave guy to slave trans girl: fuck'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) > 55>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the hell have you imagined? I'm not interested in your Faggots.
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you for the offer but I'm not interested in men.
You grab <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> his cell and tie him to <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s bed. looking at him <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> whips her dick out and sits on his chest and orders <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> to suck her dick willingly or she will fuck his face by force, <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> opens his mouth and starts sucking.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave9'>>
<br /><br />
He immediately regrets it as <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> climbs over and shoves her dick down his throwat. After few good thrusts <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> face starts to change color and <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> pulls her dick and <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> gasps for air.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave10'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> unbuttoins <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> pants and whips his dick out and start to masterbate both dicks with her hand.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave11'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> starts to enjoy it and <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> decides to reward him by deapthroating his dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave12'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> getting hard and horny grabs <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>'s legs push them up and shoves her dick up his tight ass while <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> screams.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave13'>>
<br /><br />
After few minutes of good fucking <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> starts to enjoy it and <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> unties him entie him and grabs him by the hair and push him to the cell wall and start to fuck his ass from behind.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave14'>>
<br /><br />
Asfter a good fucking <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> beggs her to cum on his face.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave15'>>
<br /><br />
Relationship with <<=$tmpGirl.name>> increased by 5
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100)>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease = 10>>
<<if !$slaves[$slaveOfferId].likesTGirls>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease += 10>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'relationship' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'happy' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<br /><br />
<<= setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> relationship decreased by <<=_slaveRelationshipDecrease>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].horny = 0>>
<<run delete $slaveOfferId>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><<set _availableTransGirlSlaves = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)>>
<<if (_availableTransGirlSlaves[2] ?? []).length>>
<<for _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave range _availableGirlSlaves[2]>>
<<capture _offerSlaveSlaveI, _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<if _offerSlaveSlave.chastityBelt>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_offerSlaveSlave])>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link $slaves[_offerSlaveSlave].name>>
<<set $slaveOfferId = _offerSlaveSlave>>
<<set $tmpGirl.offerSlave = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - Offer slave trans girls to slave guy: fuck'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.getAge($tmpGirl) > 55>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the hell have you imagined? I'm not interested in your whores.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.likesTGirls>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you for the offer but I'm not interested.
He nods affirmatively you grab <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> and put her into his cell. She starts screaming and pleading to get out.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave5'>>
<br /><br />
He immediately unbuttons his pants and grabs <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>'s head and fucks her mouth . Unhappy, <<=setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>>, tries to stop him but <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> shoves his dick deeper down her throat.
<br />
After a few good thrusts she starts to enjoy it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave6'>>
<br /><br />
He grabs her and pushes her on the bed. She hesitates, but after a moment, he spreads her ass and spit on his hard dick and shoves it in her ass.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave7'>>
<br /><br />
after two minutes of fucking, he grabs her, pushes her to the ground and cums on her face.
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/slave_offer_slave8'>>
<br /><br />
Relationship with <<=$tmpGirl.name>> increased by 5
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min($tmpGirl.relationship + 5, 100)>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease = 10>>
<<if !$slaves[$slaveOfferId].likesGuys>>
<<set _slaveRelationshipDecrease += 10>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'relationship' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<<setNpcStats 'slave' $slaveOfferId 'happy' `-_slaveRelationshipDecrease`>>
<br /><br />
<<= setup.displayName($slaves[$slaveOfferId])>> relationship decreased by <<=_slaveRelationshipDecrease>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny = 0>>
<<set $slaves[$slaveOfferId].horny = 0>>
<<run delete $slaveOfferId>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<video 'basement/first_visit1'>>
<br /><br />
You go to visit your new captive <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>. She sits restlessly in her cell knowing that there are
only a few reasons why you would go to the trouble of keeping her warm, fed, and imprisoned.
<br /><br />
Please let me go!
<br /><br />
<<addmins 10>>
You spend a moment telling her why she's here and what her options are. She's your slave and she will need to do whatever you ask her to do.
<br />
She spends a moment weighing her options, but it is clear <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> knows she would stand nochance of winning a fight.
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.sub < 10>>
Oh screw you! I am gonna kill you! You're dead!
Yes... Just please don't hurt me
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Whip her'>>
<<video 'basement/first_visit2'>>
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl.sub++>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> submission increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'NPC view'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _image = 'release'>>
<<if [1,3].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<set _image = _image + '_male'>>
<<set _img = 'places/basement/' + _image + '.webp'>>
<<image _img>>
You look at <strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>></strong> and open <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> cell door.
<br /><br />
<<=ucfirst(setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl))>> gets on <<=setup.pronounceWhos($tmpGirl)>> knees like <<=setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl)>> usually does when you come to visit <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>, but you catch <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> by surprise when you tell <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>> that you are going to release <<=setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>.
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship >= 30 && ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false)>>
"<strong>Are you sure?</strong>" <<=ucfirst(setup.pronounceWhat($tmpGirl))>> asks. <br />
"<strong>I really like it here with you. Is there any way I can stay?</strong>"
<br /><br />
<<set _linkMove = 'Move ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl) + ' to the guest house'>>
<<set _linkLeave = 'Leave ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl) + ' in cell'>>
<<set _linkRelease = 'Release ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship >= 30 && ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false) && (($guesthouseLimit ?? 3) - ($guests ?? []).length) > 0>>
<<link `_linkMove`>>
<<moveSlaveToGuest $tmpGirl $slaveId>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<<link `_linkLeave`>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<link `_linkRelease`>>
<<assignedTo $tmpGirl 'none'>>
<<slaveRemove $slaveId>>
<<statsAdd 'slaves_released'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<<set _npc = $slaves[$slaveId]>>
<br />
In the fading twilight, you made your way towards the decrepit basement, place where you held your slaves prisoners with this unforgiving wasteland above.
<br />
Just before reaching the iron door, a strange, haunting sound echoed through the damp corridors. Your heart raced, but you pressed on.
<br /><br />
As you descended, the feeble light of your lantern revealed the rows of cells, each one holding a weary figure, bound by chains and shadows.
The air was thick with despair. And then, in one corner, a silent figure swung limply from a frayed rope.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/hangman.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br />
Time seemed to stop as you rushed forward, hands trembling as you fumbled to release <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> from <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_npc)>> grim embrace.
But the life had already fled, leaving behind only the weight of futile regret.
<br /><br />
Gently, you lowered <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> to the cold ground, their vacant eyes fixed on a world that could offer them no solace.
<br />
In this unforgiving realm, even the will to survive could prove to be the most elusive of all.
<br /><br />
<<run $slaves.splice($slaveId, 1)>>
<<if $slaves>>
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_slaveI].happy -= 5>>
<strong>Happiness for all slaves dropped by 5 points</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/horny_slave_beg.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You walk downstairs to the basement to check the girls and as you walk by
<<=$slaves[$hornySlaveId].name>> she starts to beg you that she wants you.<br />
She's horny and want you to take her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Put dick inside her cell'>>
<<image 'places/basement/horny_slave_2.webp'>>
<br /><br />
She drops on her knees and grabs your dick with one hand, strokes it while looking at in and after a brief moment puts it all inside her mouth and sucks it.
<br /><br />
<<set $slaves[$hornySlaveId].relationship++>>
<strong><<=$slaves[$hornySlaveId].name>> relationship increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to turn around'>>
<<set _fucked = true>>
<<image 'places/basement/horny_slave_1.webp'>>
<br /><br />
Without hesitation she drops her pants and turns her ass and presses her asscheeks against cell bars.
<br />
You grab bars and hold them as you shove your dick inside her moist pussy<br />
She moans and begs you not to stop as she trembles while enjoying your dick.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<set $slaves[$hornySlaveId].horny = 0>>
<<image 'places/basement/horny_slave3.webp'>>
<br /><br />
She drops on her knees and tries to catch all your cum in her mouth but fails and a lot of it gets on her face.
<br /><br />
<<set $slaves[$hornySlaveId].relationship++>>
<strong><<=$slaves[$hornySlaveId].name>> relationship increased by 1</strong>
<<set $slaves[$hornySlaveId].happy += 10>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if !_fucked>>
<<set $slaves[$hornySlaveId].horny -=20>>
<<unset $hornySlaveId>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/basement/try_escape.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Your hear some noise and decide to check it out. You catch <strong><<=$slaves[$eventSlaveId].name>></strong> by surprise as she's trying to escape.
<br />
She notices you and stares at you with fear in her eyes.
<br /><br />
<div id="basement-event-button">
<<link 'Punish her'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<run $('#basement-event-button').slideToggle()>>
<<run $('#basement-event-action').slideToggle()>>
<div id="basement-event-action" style="display:none;">
<<image 'places/basement/try_escape_punish.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You tie her against the wall and thrash her back as hard as you can with your whip.
<br /><br />
<<set $slaves[$eventSlaveId].sub++>>
<strong><<=$slaves[$eventSlaveId].name>> submission increased by 1</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<</link>><<addhours 4>>
<<set $game.location.basement to true>>
You wake up more energized than ever and decide to explore around your cabin more. Just as you're ready to finish your walk you notice some strange bushes next to a wall. You decide to pull them aside and find a window behind it.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You continue your search from inside, and soon enough you find a door leading to a basement behind an old behind an old shelving unit. Within the room is dark; hardly any light gets inside from the dirty windows. Taking a step further in, what you see shocks you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
There are prison cells right under your cabin. You examine each cell, finding that while a few have broken locks, others are fine. Interesting, maybe you can find some use for these.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
[[Go upstairs|Wood cabin]]<<set _workingInGarden = 0>>
<<set _workingOnStreets = 0>>
<<set _showSlavesCount = 0>>
<h1 class="ptitle">
<<backButton 'Wood cabin'>>
<<set _basementLimitShow = ($basementLimit - $slaves.length)>>
<<if _basementLimitShow < 0>>
<<set _basementLimitShow = 0>>
Free rooms left: <strong><<=_basementLimitShow>></strong>
<<set _isSlaveInBasement = false>>
<<set _suicidalSlaves = []>>
<<set _lowSubmissionSlaves = []>>
<<set _slavesInBasement = []>>
<<set _isHeatWave = $weather?.heatWave ?? false>>
<<set _isSandStorm = $weather?.sandStorm ?? false>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $slaves.length; _i++>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof $slaves[_i].sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $slaves[_i].rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
<<set _isHeatWave = $weather?.heatWave ?? false>>
<<set _isSandStorm = $weather?.sandStorm ?? false>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'garden' and timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') && !_isSick && !_isHeatWave>>
<<set _workingInGarden++>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'streets' and timeBetween('14:00', '06:00') && !_dayOff && !_isSandStorm>>
<<set _workingOnStreets++>>
<<set _showSlavesCount++>>
<<set _isSlaveInBasement = true>>
<<set _hornySlaveId = null>>
<<if $slaves.length < 1>>
<div style="margin-top: 20px;">
You have no slaves...
<<set _girlGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'mistress')>>
<<if _girlGuest.length > 0 && timeBetween('12:00', '22:00') && typeof _girlGuest.sick === 'undefined' && _isSlaveInBasement>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[_girlGuest[0]]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'mistress'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl basement>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> is whipping one of your slaves<br /><br />
<<set _girlGuestLink = 'Approach ' + $tmpGirl.name>>
<<link `_girlGuestLink`>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $guestId = _girlGuest[0]>>
<<unset $slaveId, $charId, $childId>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<set _mistressId = _girlGuest[0]>>
<<if _mistressId && $player.quests.slave_party>>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.count('food') >= 20 && setup.cabinInventory.count('champagne') > 0 && timeBetween('15:00', '22:00') && (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0] ?? []).length >= 4>>
<<link 'Throw a party'>>
<<goto 'Basement - slave party'>>
-20 food, -1 champagne
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
Throw a party
20 food, 1 champagne and time between 15:00 - 22:00 and at least 4 women as slaves.
<<if (setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0] ?? []).length >= 3>>
<<if timeBetween('18:00','20:30') && $player.energy >= 40>>
<<link 'Group workout with slaves'>>
<<energy -40>>
<<addmins 90>>
<<goto 'Group workout - slaves'>>
<div class="link-internal" style="background: #ccc">
Group workout with slaves
Time between 19:00 - 20:30. Energy 40
<table id="slaves" class="npc-list">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $slaves.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _isSick = (typeof $slaves[_i].sick !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _isRest = (typeof $slaves[_i].rest !== 'undefined')>>
<<set _dayOff = _isSick || _isRest>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass($slaves[_i])>>
<<set _customColorStyle = ''>>
<<if typeof $slaves[_i].color !== 'undefined' >>
<<set _customColorStyle = ' npc-color color-' + $slaves[_i].color >>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'garden' and timeBetween('08:00', '16:00') && !_isSick && !_isHeatWave>>
<<set _workingInGarden++>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'streets' and timeBetween('14:00', '06:00') && !_dayOff && !_isSandStorm>>
<<set _workingOnStreets++>>
<<if $slaves[_i].assignedTo === 'milk_barn' and timeBetween('12:00', '18:00') && !_dayOff>>
<<if $slaves[_i].horny > 70 && !_hornySlaveId>>
<<set _hornySlaveId = _i>>
<<set $showSlavesCount++>>
<<if $slaves[_i].happy < -70>>
<<run _suicidalSlaves.push(_i)>>
<<if $slaves[_i].sub < 50>>
<<run _lowSubmissionSlaves.push(_i)>>
<<run _slavesInBasement.push(_i)>>
<tr class="item">
<td style="min-width: 25%">
<<if setup.getAge($slaves[_i]) < 18>>
<span @class="_genderClass" @style="_customColorStyle">
<<link $slaves[_i].name>>
<<set $slaveId = _i>>
<<unset $guestId, $charId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $slaves[_i]>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Child view'>>
<<goto 'Child view'>>
<span @class="_genderClass + _customColorStyle">
<<link $slaves[_i].name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to $slaves[_i]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<set $slaveId = _i>>
<<if !$slaves[_i].gender && !($slaves[_i].quests ?? {}).firstBasementVisit>>
<<if typeof $slaves[_i].quests === 'undefined'>>
<<set $slaves[_i].quests = {}>>
<<set $slaves[_i].quests.firstBasementVisit = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - first girl visit'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<<=setup.npcListInfo($slaves[_i], _isSick, _isRest)>>
<<npcListView $slaves[_i] _i 'slave'>>
<<link 'Kill'>>
/* rescue npc inventory first */
<<dialog 'Kill'>>
Are you sure you want to kill <<=setup.pronounceWho($slaves[_i])>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Basement'>>
<<assignedTo $slaves[_i] 'none'>>
<<slaveRemove _i>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<statsAdd 'slaves_killed'>>
<<statsAdd 'people_killed'>>
<<if !_showSlavesCount && _workingInGarden>>
All your slaves are at assigned jobs...
<br /><br />
<<if _showSlavesCount && !$locationEvents.basement>>
<<set $randomNumber = randomInteger(1, 10)>>
<<if $randomNumber === 0 && _lowSubmissionSlaves.length>>
<<set $eventSlaveId = setup.getRandomElement(_lowSubmissionSlaves)>>
<<if setup.getAge($slaves[$eventSlaveId]) >= 18 && !$slaves[$eventSlaveId].gender>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: $eventSlaveId
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<goto 'Basement event - try escape'>>
<<goto 'Basement event - try escape 2'>>
<<elseif $randomNumber === 1 && _hornySlaveId && setup.getAge($slaves[_hornySlaveId]) > 17 && !$slaves[_hornySlaveId].gender && !$slaves[_hornySlaveId].virgin>>
<<set $hornySlaveId = _hornySlaveId>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<<goto 'Basement event - horny slave'>>
<<elseif _suicidalSlaves.length && setup.percentageChance(setup.suicideChance($slaves[_suicidalSlaves[0]]))>>
<<set $slaveId = _suicidalSlaves[0]>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - slave hangman'>>
<<elseif typeof _mistressId !== 'undefined' && $guests[_mistressId].relationship >= 90 && !$player.quests.slave_party && $slaves.length >= 10 && $guests.length >= 10>>
<<set $guestId = _mistressId>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<<goto 'Basement - slave party introduction'>>
<<elseif setup.percentageChance(5)>>
<<set _guestsLikesGirls = setup.commonValues([setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[1] ?? [], setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'likesGirls')])>>
<<set _slavesForFuck = setup.commonValues([setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($slaves)[0] ?? [], _slavesInBasement])>>
<<if _slavesForFuck.length && _guestsLikesGirls.length>>
<<set $locationEvents.basement = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
guestId: setup.getRandomElement(_guestsLikesGirls),
slaveId: setup.getRandomElement(_slavesForFuck)
<<goto 'Basement - guest asks to fuck slave'>>
[[Back|Wood cabin]]<h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _npc1 = $guests[$tmpEvent.ids[0].split(':')[1]]>>
<<set _npc2 = $guests[$tmpEvent.ids[1].split(':')[1]]>>
You opened the door to the bathhouse.
<br />
<br />
<<image 'places/bathhouse/hottub_talk.jpg'>>
<br />
Just as the door creaked open, <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> smiling emerged, deep in conversation.
Their laughter and animated gestures filled the air as they noticed you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Hello there!
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
Have you been checking out the bathhouse too?
<br />
As the conversation flowed, they suggested something.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
You know, it's not just about the washing. Imagine enjoying the evening here with a hot tub right next to the bathhouse. How amazing would that be?
<br />
The idea caught your attention, and you started discussing the possibilities of combining the pleasure of outdoor bathing with the relaxation of a hot tub.
The conversation had turned into friendly banter about the potential for a cozy outdoor space.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'I will think about that'>>
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
Who knows. Maybe one day we might meet there.
<br />
<<image 'places/bathhouse/towel_flash.webp'>>
<<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> releases her towel passionately jumps a little on the spot in the result flashing her breasts.
<br /><br />
With smiles on your faces, you parted ways, leaving you with the exciting notion of transforming the area around the bathhouse into a tranquil retreat, complete with a hot tub to enjoy the serene ambiance
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
As you step into the sauna, the warmth immediately embraces you, and the scent of wood and sweat fills the air.
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> is lying on her stomach, her body glistening with perspiration. She has a towel placed under her breasts, accentuating her relaxed posture.
<br /><br />
<br />
When she hears you enter, she glances back, her eyes softening as she recognizes you. With a smile, she gracefully wraps the towel around herself and sits up, her body still glowing from the heat.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Hey! Didn't hear you come in. What's up?
<br />
She greets you warmly, patting the spot next to her. You sit down beside her, feeling the warmth from her body radiate towards you.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_talk">
<<link 'Interact with her'>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _npc>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $guestId = $tmpEvent.id>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<linkreplace 'Careless her leg'>>
<<run $('#option_talk').hide()>>
<<video 'bathhouse/towel1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Hmm, what you have in mind? What he's doing?
<br />
Then, without hesitation, she reaches out, her hand wrapping around you soft dick with a gentle but firm grip.
<br />
The sensation is both surprising and intimate as she begins to stroke you, her movements slow and deliberate. When you get hard enough, she steps one level down between your legs.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/towel2'>>
<br /><br />
She leans lower and gently puts your dick inside her soft mouth. Her lips wraps around your dick as she slowly slides your dick deeper in deeper inside her mouth with each thrust. Eyes are fully locked in yours.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/towel3'>>
<br /><br />
Then with a gentle hand movement she touches her towel and let if fall on the ground, revealing her breasts. You touch her nipples before reaching for her shoulder ready to position her.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_bend">
<<linkreplace 'Bend her over'>>
<<run $('#option_back').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_continue').show()>>
<<video 'bathhouse/towel4'>>
<br /><br />
Then, you position yourself behind her, your hands steadying her hips. Slowly, you begin to enter her, feeling the warmth and tightness as you push deeper. <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> lets out a soft moan, a sound that’s a mix of pleasure and longing, her body instinctively pressing back against you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh... That's the spot...
<br />
<div id="option_back">
<<linkreplace 'Push her on her back'>>
<<run $('#option_bend').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_continue').show()>>
<<video 'bathhouse/towel5'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Let me.
<br />
With her hands firmly planted on the bench for support, she positions herself over you, guiding you back inside her with a slow, deliberate motion.
You feel her body pressing down against you, and she begins to move, controlling the pace and depth with each movement of her hips.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> rides you with a mixture of power and grace, her movements purposeful as she takes what she wants, her body dictating the rhythm.
Each time she pushes down, you feel her muscles tense and relax around you, the sensation overwhelming as she fully takes the lead.
Her moans become more frequent, louder, as she moves faster, her body arching and grinding against you.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_continue" style="display:none">
With the intensity still high between you, <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> shifts again, taking full control of the situation.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Sit down.
<br />
You obey, moving to sit on the edge of the bench, your body still tingling from the previous moments.
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> stands in front of you, her gaze filled with a mix of desire and determination.
Without breaking eye contact, she positions herself in front of you as she lowers herself and rubs her pussy against your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/towel6'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just relax and let me do the job for once.
<br />
<<video 'bathhouse/towel7'>>
<br /><br />
As she slides onto you the sensation of her enveloping you again is almost overwhelming, made even more intense by the way she takes charge.
Standing over you, she begins to move, slowly at first, then faster, using the strength in her legs to lift and lower herself onto you.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_lead">
<<linkreplace 'Take the lead'>>
<<set _lead = true>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh my god! Ah.....
<br />
<<video 'bathhouse/towel8'>>
<br /><br />
With each forceful movement, you can feel her body reacting, her breath becoming more ragged, her moans growing louder.
She remains standing over you, her legs trembling slightly as you continue to thrust upward, the intensity increasing with every motion.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum in mouth'>>
<<if !_lead>>
<<run $('#option_lead').hide()>>
<<video 'bathhouse/towel9'>>
<br /><br />
She slips your dick out and rushes towards it with her mouth. She barely make it. As she wraps her lips around your cock as tight as she can, you cum deep into her throat.
Your cum shoots so deep that her gag reflex kicks in for a second. After that she manages to swallow your cum.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Didn't expect that pressure. Almost killed me, haha.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Careless her leg
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">HOT TUB</h1>
<br />
<<set $game.location.hottub = true>>
Hours pass as you labor tirelessly, welding and reinforcing the structure, fashioning it into a crude but functional vessel for warmth and relaxation.
Finally, as the last bolt is tightened and the final sealant applied, the hot tub stands ready, a testament to your ingenuity amidst the chaos.
<br /><br />
<<set _guests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<if _guests[0].length>>
<<set _randomGuest = $guests[setup.getRandomElement(_guests[0])]>>
<<if _randomGuest.horny > 50>>
<<set _npc = _randomGuest>>
<<if _npc>>
As you step back to admire your handiwork, one of your female guests approaches with a smile that lights up her face.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Congratulations on your masterpiece. Care if I am first one to test it out?
<br />
Before you even manage to reply to her, with a mischievous smile, she meets your gaze and begins to untie the fabric, revealing more of her sun-kissed skin with each tantalizing movement.
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl = _npc>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'hottub'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'undress'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> gets into hot tub and as her shirt slips from her shoulders, she meets my gaze with a coy grin.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Care to join me?
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Join her'>>
You take of your clothes and slowly climb into hot tub. Before you even manage to sit down, she's already right between your legs with your dick in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'bj'>>
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I just wanted to than you for your hard work.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'cum_in_mouth'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">HOT TUB</h1>
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<br />
As she gracefully slides into the hot tub next to you, the warmth of the water enveloping her naked form, the sunlight catches her skin, casting a radiant glow across her features.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax1'>>
<br /><br />
Her eyes meet yours, a mixture of longing and uncertainty reflected in their depths. In this post-apocalyptic world, where survival often takes precedence over the simple pleasures of life, moments of intimacy like this are rare and precious.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
What we got there, hehe.
<br />
In that moment, as her hand slips beneath the water and her fingers find your dick, a surge of sensation courses through you.
The touch is both unexpected and electrifying, sending a jolt of heat racing through your veins.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax2'>>
<br /><br />
She leans in closer and her lips touches your dickhead. She gives light kiss to it before fully taking your half hard dick in her mouth.
The sensation is electric, a heady mixture of desire and anticipation that leaves you breathless.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Lets make him hard. I want to do it right here in the hot tub.
<br />
As she whispers her request, her voice husky with desire, you feel a surge of anticipation coursing through you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax3'>>
<br /><br />
With a nod, you comply, sitting up on the edge of the hot tub as she positions herself between your legs. As your eyes meet, she grabs your hard dick and puts it in her mouth and slowly and sensually starts to suck it.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
How about you stick it into my pussy?
<br />
She turns around sits in doggy as invite for you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax4'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just put it in, please!
<br />
<div id="option_fuck">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<set _fucked = true>>
<<run $('#option_suck').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_cum').show()>>
You start slowly and slide your hard dick into her wet and tight pussy. She grabs the edges of hot tub as she quietly starts to moan.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax5'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh yes! Keep it going.. You can go even harder.
<br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax6'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her ass and pick up the speed. She lets out louder moan before grabbing her own ass and spreading her asscheeks
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh don't stop! Keep going! Just warn me when you're ready so I can taste you.
<br />
<div id="option_suck">
<<linkreplace 'Just suck me'>>
<<run $('#option_fuck').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_cum').show()>>
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax8'>>
<br /><br />
With a nod, she comply. For a brief moment she just puts tip of your dick into her mouth and jerks you off before starting to suck you of and even deepthroating you few times.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum" style="display:none">
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<set _npc.happy += 10>>
<<if _fucked>>
<<set _npc.horny = 0>>
She adjusts her position while on her knees, grabs your dick with one hand and jerks you off as fast as she can while simonteniously opened her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/hottub_relax7'>>
<br /><br />
As you started to cum all over her face, she managed to grab some of it with her mouth too. In the end she decided to also clean your dick with her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Heh, great! I have a feeling I will need a shower after this hot tub.
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">HOT TUB</h1>
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $player.quests.hottub = true>>
<<image 'places/bathhouse/hottub_relax.jpg'>>
<br />
As you sink into the warm embrace of the hot tub outside the bathhouse, the cares of the day melt away like snow under a spring sun.
The bubbling water envelops you, massaging away tension and leaving you weightless as if you're floating on a cloud.
The scent of cedar from nearby trees fills the air, mingling with the steam rising from the tub.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.perkHas('beaten') && setup.percentageChance(30)>>
And then, as you soak, something remarkable happens. It's as if the hot tub has a healing touch, targeting the sore spots and easing your discomfort.
You feel a sense of relief wash over you as the aches and pains in your body begin to dissipate, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
<br /><br />
<strong>Your body doesn't hurt anymore!</strong>
<<run delete $player.perks.beaten>>
<br /><br />
<<elseif $player.maxEnergy < 140 && setup.percentageChance(40)>>
<<set $player.maxEnergy += 10>>
And then, unexpectedly, a surge of energy courses through you. It's as if the warmth of the water has awakened something dormant within you, filling you with renewed vigor and vitality.
Your senses sharpen, and you feel more alive than ever before.
<br /><br />
<strong>Max energy increased to <<=$player.maxEnergy>>!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<set _guests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<if _guests[0].length>>
<<set _randomGuestId = setup.getRandomElement(_guests[0])>>
<<set _randomGuest = $guests[_randomGuestId]>>
<<if _randomGuest.horny > 50 && _randomGuest.relationship >= 60>>
<<set _npc = _randomGuest>>
<<if _npc>>
As you relax in the hot tub outside, the dim glow of flickering torches casting eerie shadows around you, you find a moment of respite from the harsh realities of the post-apocalyptic world.
<br />
Suddenly, one of your female guests, her eyes reflecting a mixture of desire and desperation, approaches you hesitantly.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Mind if I join you
<br />
<<set $tmpGirl = _npc>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'hottub'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'undress'>>
<br />
Before you can respond, she begins to unfasten the tattered remnants of her clothing, her movements a mixture of determination and vulnerability.
The cold wind whips through the remnants of civilization, carrying with it a haunting reminder of the world that once was.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Sure'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _randomGuestId
<<goto 'Hottub relax - join'>>
<<energy 10>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">HOT TUB</h1>
<br />
<br /><br />
<<if !$player.quests.hottub>>
<<link 'Relax in hot tub'>>
<<goto 'Hottub relax'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'massage'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Wow, really? I would love that
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> lies down on the massage table, her back facing you. She’s using a towel to cover her lower half,
preserving a sense of modesty despite the intimacy of the situation. You pour a small amount of warm oil into your hands, rubbing them together to warm it up.
The room is quiet except for the gentle sound of water dripping and the soft rustling of the towel as she adjusts herself.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'massage_back'>>
<br />
You start with slow, gentle strokes along her shoulders and back, feeling the tension and stress in her muscles.
As you work, you can feel her begin to relax under your touch.
You focus on her shoulders and upper back, kneading out knots and tightness, using firm but careful pressure.
The warmth of the oil and the rhythm of your movements create a calming effect.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
This feels so good.
<br />
<<set $tmpGirl.relationship = Math.min(100, $tmpGirl.relationship + 10)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.happy += randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<set $tmpGirl.horny += randomInteger(5, 10)>>
<<linkreplace 'Pull down her towel'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'remove_towel'>>
<br />
You slowly pull down her towel revealing her ass.
<br />
She breathes deeply, sinking further into the relaxation that the massage is providing.
You take your time, ensuring that she feels safe and comfortable throughout the entire process.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh my.. This feels like a heaven. Thank you.
<br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'massage_ass'>>
<br />
As you massage her ass, you remain attentive to her responses, ensuring that she feels comfortable and relaxed throughout.
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship < 50>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I think it will be enough. Thanks.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Massage her pussy'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'massage_pussy'>>
<br />
Then you slide your hand between her legs and start to massage her pussy. She moans for a moment before relaxing fully on the table.
<br />
She lets you work on her pussy for some time. After that she pulls you closer to her head and slides down your pants.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Let her suck you'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<set $sexAction = 'bj'>>
<<linkreplace 'Finish'>>
After completing the massage on her lower back, you cover her again with the towel, ensuring she feels secure.
The massage has created a peaceful respite from the harshness of the post-apocalyptic world outside, a moment of care and comfort that is rare and precious.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you so much! This really was something.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _firstGuestId = $tmpEvent.bathhouseThreesome[0].split(':')[1]>>
<<set _secondGuestId = $tmpEvent.bathhouseThreesome[1].split(':')[1]>>
<<set _firstGirl = $guests[_firstGuestId]>>
<<set _secondGirl = $guests[_secondGuestId]>>
<<image 'places/bathhouse/threesome.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
To your surprise, you weren't alone. <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> were already in there.
Their silhouettes barely discernible in the semi-darkness, sat on the edge of the large communal tub, their eyes momentarily diverted from the world outside.
<br /><br />
Mind if I join you?
<br />
They turned, their eyes meeting yours. <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> with fiery hair and a glint of defiance in her eyes, smiled warmly.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _firstGirl>>
Plenty of room for three of us
<br />
As the conversation flowed, <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> shared stories of their time in your settlement,
the challenges they faced, and the small victories that kept them going. You found their tales both harrowing and inspiring, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
<br />
As time passed, the atmosphere shifted. Laughter replaced stories, and playful splashes replaced cautious words. The water became a shared embrace, comforting and intimate.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>>'s hand brushed against yours, her eyes dancing with a playful glimmer.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _firstGirl>>
You know, in times like these, we have to grab onto moments of joy.
<br />
<<sayNpc _secondGirl>>
And sometimes, those moments come unexpectedly.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Spread your legs'>>
<<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> grabbed your dick and started to playfully touch it as <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> started to massage your back and put her breasts right into your face.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/threesome1'>>
<br /><br />
As <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> was holding your dick in her hands, <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> pushed her tits onto your face and let you suck her already hard nipples.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bathhouse/threesome2'>>
<br /><br />
Both girls swap and <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> leans down towards your dick and sucks it into her mouth. Meanwhile <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> gets up and pushes her breasts into your face and lets you suck her nipples,
same as you did to <<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> a moment back.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _firstGirl>>
Fuck me! Right now!
<br />
<<video 'bathhouse/threesome3'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> lies on her side and you lie behind her. You grab your dck and rub it against her moist pussy, after that you slide it in and with hard thrusts fuck her.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> looks for a second before joining. She leans down and starts to lick your balls while you keep punding <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>>.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _secondGirl>>
Don't forget about me!
<br />
<<video 'bathhouse/threesome4'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_secondGirl)>> climbs on top of you and, holding onto <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>>, slides down on your dick.
<br />
She slowly increases the pace, and her moans resonate throughout the entire bathhouse. <<=setup.displayName(_firstGirl)>> meanwhile plays with her bouncing breasts.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<video 'bathhouse/threesome5'>>
<br /><br />
They both dropped on their knees and opened their mouths as they waited for you to cum right into their faces. Instead all your load landed right on their beautiful breasts.
They giggled and a moment later exhausted laid down back on the benches.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bathhouse'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BATHHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<if $game.location.hottub ?? false>>
<div class="menu-grid">
<<grid bathhouse hottub 'Hottub' 'Hottub'>>
<<set _peopleInBathhouse = {}>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _bathGuestI, _bathGuest range $guests>>
<<capture _bathGuestI, _bathGuest>>
<<if _bathGuest.location !== 'bathhouse'>>
<<if typeof _peopleInBathhouse[_bathGuest.gender] === 'undefined'>>
<<set _peopleInBathhouse[_bathGuest.gender] = {}>>
<<run _peopleInBathhouse[_bathGuest.gender]['guest:' + _bathGuestI] = true>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_bathGuest)>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _bathGuest.name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to $guests[_bathGuestI]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $guestId = _bathGuestI>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<if !_bathGuest.gender && Object.keys(_peopleInBathhouse[_bathGuest.gender] ?? {}).length >= 2 && setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
bathhouseThreesome: [
<<goto 'Bathhouse - threesome'>>
<<elseif !_bathGuest.gender && setup.percentageChance(20)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _bathGuestI
<<goto 'Bathhouse - towel'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<<if [0,2].includes(_bathGuest.gender) && setup.getAge(_bathGuest) >= 17>>
Beauty score: <<=_bathGuest.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_bathGuest)>>
<<if _bathGuest.assignedTo>>
<<for _bathSlaveI, _bathSlave range $slaves>>
<<capture _bathSlaveI, _bathSlave>>
<<if _bathSlave.location !== 'bathhouse'>>
<<set _genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_bathSlave)>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<link _bathSlave.name>>
<<set $tmpGirl to $slaves[_bathSlaveI]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bathhouse'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<run delete $guestId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $slaveId = _bathSlaveI>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view'>>
<<goto `$tmpGirlViewBack`>>
<<if [0,2].includes(_bathSlave.gender) && setup.getAge(_bathSlave) >= 17>>
Beauty score: <<=_bathSlave.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_bathSlave)>>
<<if _bathSlave.assignedTo>>
<br /><br />
<<if !($locationEvents.bathhouse ?? false) && !($game.location.hottub ?? false) && Object.keys(_peopleInBathhouse[0] ?? {}).length >= 2 && setup.percentageChance(100)>>
<<set $locationEvents.bathhouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
ids: [Object.keys(_peopleInBathhouse[0])[0], Object.keys(_peopleInBathhouse[0])[1]]
<<goto 'Bathhouse - hot tub talk'>>
<<pickup $backpack 'blueprint_hot_tub' 1>>
<<if !$player.showered>>
<<link 'Take a shower'>>
<<set $isBathhouse = true>>
<<goto 'Shower-action'>>
<<if hasTime(1)>>
<<link 'Wait 30 minutes'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>>/* a little automation if settings allow it */
<<set $automatization ??= {}>>
<<set _ruleDup = $automatization.dup ?? false>>
<<set _ruleJob = $automatization.job ?? false>>
<<set _ruleHunter = $automatization.hunter ?? false>>
<<set _ruleStreetworker = $automatization.streetworker ?? 0>>
<<set _ruleButtplug = ($automatization.buttplug ?? false) || ($automatization.buttplugGender ?? []).includes(true)>>
<<set _ruleCondom = $automatization.condom ?? false>>
<<set _ruleDumbbell = $automatization.dumbbell ?? false>>
<<set _ruleBPgender = $automatization.buttplugGender ?? [_ruleButtplug, _ruleButtplug, _ruleButtplug, _ruleButtplug, _ruleButtplug]>>
<<set _bellstrength = {
dumbbell: {min: 0, max: 30},
kettlebell: {min: 30, max: 50},
dumbestbell: {min: 50, max: 60},
<<if _ruleDup || _ruleJob || _ruleHunter || _ruleStreetworker || _ruleButtplug || _ruleCondom || _ruleDumbbell>>
<<set _outputAutoList ??= []>>
<<set _isStorageAvailable = ($game.location.shop ?? false)>>
<<set _npcs = $slaves.concat($guests)>>
<<set _want = {}>>
<<set _companions = new Map(), _companionSlaves = new Map()>>
<<for _companionKey, _companion range $player.companions>>
<<set _guestType = _companionKey.split(':')[0]>>>
<<set _npcIndex = _companionKey.split(':')[1]>>
<<if _guestType !== 'guest'>>
<<set _slave = $slaves[_npcIndex]>>
<<set _npcId = _slave.id>>
<<set _companionSlaves.set(_npcId, true)>>
<<set _guest = $guests[_npcIndex]>>
<<set _npcId = _guest.id>>
<<set _companions.set(_npcId, true)>>
<<set _outDupNpcs = []>>
<<set _outMinusNpcs = []>>
<<set _bp_plus = [], _bp_minus = []>>
<<set _badWeatther = /* $weather?.heatWave || */ $weather?.sandStorm>>
<<for _npcI, _npc range _npcs>>
<<set _job = _companions.has(_npc.id) ? 'companion' :
_companionSlaves.has(_npc.id) ? 'companion_slave': (_npc.assignedTo ?? 'none')>>
<<set _outDupItems = []>>
<<set _outMinusItems = []>>
/* (setup.getNpcHappyLevel(_npc) === 'very_sad' */
<<if _ruleStreetworker && ['streets', 'nightclub', 'milk_barn', 'quarry'].includes(_job) && (setup.automatization.sexworkerDayOffCheck(_npc) || _npc.sick) && (typeof _npc.rest === 'undefined')>>
<<set _npc.rest = {
days: setup.getNpcHappyLevel(_npc) === 'very_sad' ? 3 : 2,
desc: 'Day off resting',
id: 'resting'
<<if _ruleButtplug>> /* add to specific gender only; remove from all when done */
<<set _gender = typeof _npc.gender !== 'undefined' ? _npc.gender : 4 >>
<<set _genderOK = _ruleBPgender[_gender]>>
<<if _npc.sub >= 20 && _npc.anal < 20 && !(_npc.buttplug ?? false) && _genderOK>>
<<set _bp_plus.push(_npc)>>
<<elseif _npc.anal >= 20 && (_npc.buttplug ?? false)>>
<<set _npc.buttplug = false>>
<<set setup.cabinInventory.pickup('buttplug', 1)>>
<<set _outMinusItems.push('Buttplug: 1')>>
/* chastity_belt, can only remove, TODO later */
<<for _itemI, _item range setup.inventoryNpc>>
<<set _itemcount = setup.npcInventoryCount(_npc, _item)>>
/* duplicates go to backpack or storage */
<<if _ruleDup || (_ruleCondom && _item === 'condom') || (_ruleDumbbell && ['dumbbell', 'kettlebell', 'dumbestbell'].includes(_item)) ||
(_ruleHunter && ['bow', 'axe'].includes(_item)) ||
(_ruleJob && !['condom', 'kettlebell', 'kettlebell', 'dumbestbell'].includes(_item)) >>
<<if _itemcount > 1>>
<<run _itemcount-->>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.from_npc(_npc, _item, _itemcount)>>
<<set _outDupItems.push(_item + ': ' + _itemcount)>>
<<set _itemcount = 1>>
<<if _item === 'condom'>>
<<if !_ruleCondom>>
/* special for condom, no need if already pregnant, age >=60, wrong gender, see setup.pregnancyChance(_npc) */
/* < <if (typeof _npc.pregnancy !== 'undefined' || _npc.gender || _npc.age >= 60)> > */
<<if !setup.pregnancyChance(_npc)>>
<<if _itemcount > 0>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.from_npc(_npc, _item, _itemcount)>>
<<set _outMinusItems.push(_item + ': ' + _itemcount)>>
<<elseif _job === 'streets' && _itemcount == 0>>
<<set _want[_item] ??= []>>
<<set _want[_item].push(_npc)>>
/* special for dumbbell, baseed on strength not toolbox */
<<elseif ['dumbbell', 'kettlebell', 'dumbestbell'].includes(_item)>>
<<if !_ruleDumbbell>>
<<if _bellstrength[_item].min <= _npc.strength && _npc.strength < _bellstrength[_item].max && _itemcount == 0>>
<<set _want[_item] ??= []>>
<<set _want[_item].push(_npc)>>
<<elseif (_npc.strength < _bellstrength[_item].min || _npc.strength >= _bellstrength[_item].max) && _itemcount > 0>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.from_npc(_npc, _item, _itemcount)>>
<<set _outMinusItems.push(_item + ': ' + _itemcount)>>
/* toolbox for job */
<<elseif _ruleJob || (_ruleHunter && ['bow', 'axe'].includes(_item))>>
<<if (setup.automatization.job_tools[_job] ?? []).includes(_item) && _itemcount == 0>>
<<set _want[_item] ??= []>>
<<set _want[_item].push(_npc)>>
<<elseif !(setup.automatization.job_tools[_job] ?? []).includes(_item) && _itemcount > 0>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.from_npc(_npc, _item, _itemcount)>>
<<set _outMinusItems.push(_item + ': ' + _itemcount)>>
<<if _outDupItems.length > 0>>
<<set _outDupNpcs.push(_npc.name + ' (' + _outDupItems.sort().join(', ') + ')')>>
<<if _outMinusItems.length > 0>>
<<set _outMinusNpcs.push(_npc.name + ' (' + _outMinusItems.sort().join(', ') + ')')>>
<<if _outDupNpcs.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Duplicates removed: ' + _outDupNpcs.sort().join('; ') + ';')>>
<<if _outMinusNpcs.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Removed things: ' + _outMinusNpcs.sort().join('; ')+ ';')>>
<<unset _outDupItems, _outDupNpcs, _outMinusItems, _outMinusNpcs, _npcI, _npc, _npcs, _itemI, _item, _itemcount>>
/* using pop so guests gets first ;-) */
/* add */
<<for _item, _npcs range _want>>
<<set _outItem = []>>
<<set _itemcount = setup.automatization.job_tools.mc.includes(_item) ? 2 : 1>> /* save one for the MC */
<<for _npcs.length > 0 && setup.cabinInventory.has(_item, _itemcount)>>
<<set _npc = _npcs.pop()>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.to_npc(_npc, _item)>>
<<set _outItem.push(_npc.name)>>
<<if _outItem.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Added ' + _item + ' to: ' + _outItem.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<if _want[_item].length > 0>>
<<set _outNo = []>>
<<for _npc range _want[_item]>>
<<set _outNo.push(_npc.name)>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Add failed - no ' + _item + ' in storage for: ' + _outNo.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
/* buttplug */
<<set _outItemAdd = [], _outItemRemove = []>>
<<for _bp_plus.length > 0 && (setup.cabinInventory.has('buttplug') || _bp_minus.length > 0) >>
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('buttplug')>>
<<set setup.cabinInventory.drop('buttplug', 1)>>
<<set _npc = _bp_minus.pop()>>
<<set _npc.buttplug = false>>
<<set _outItemRemove.push(_npc.name)>>
<<set _npc = _bp_plus.pop()>>
<<set _npc.buttplug = true>>
<<set _outItemAdd.push(_npc.name)>>
<<if _outItemRemove.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Removed buttplug from: ' + _outItemRemove.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<if _outItemAdd.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Added buttplug to: ' + _outItemAdd.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<if _bp_plus.length > 0>>
<<set _outNo = []>>
<<for _npc range _bp_plus>>
<<set _outNo.push(_npc.name)>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Add failed - no buttplug in storage for: ' + _outNo.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
/* dumb-, dumber-, dumbest-bells, npc gets the next higher type */
<<if _ruleDumbbell>>
<<set _outItem = []>>
<<set _want.dumbbell ??= []>>
<<set _want.kettlebell ??= []>>
<<set _want.dumbestbell ??= []>>
<<for _item range ['kettlebell', 'dumbestbell']>>
<<for (_want.dumbbell.length > 0 || _want.kettlebell.length > 0) && setup.cabinInventory.has(_item, 1)>>
<<if _want.kettlebell.length > 0>>
<<set _npc = _want.kettlebell.pop()>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.to_npc(_npc, _item)>>
<<set _outItem.push(_npc.name + ' got ' + _item + ' instead of kettlebell')>>
<<elseif _want.dumbbell.length > 0>>
<<set _npc = _want.dumbbell.pop()>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.to_npc(_npc, _item)>>
<<set _outItem.push(_npc.name + ' got ' + _item + ' instead of dumbbell')>>
<<if _outItem.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push(_item + ': ' + _outItem.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<set _outItem = []>>
<<if _ruleHunter>>
<<set _item = 'axe'>>
<<set _outItem = []>>
<<set _want.bow ??= []>>
<<for _want.bow.length > 0 && setup.cabinInventory.has(_item, 2)>>
<<set _npc = _want.bow.pop()>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.to_npc(_npc, _item)>>
<<set _outItem.push(_npc.name)>>
<<if _outItem.length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Hunter ' + _item + ' npc ← cabin: ' + _outItem.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<if _want.bow.length > 0>>
<<set _outNo = []>>
<<for _npc range _want.bow>>
<<set _outNo.push(_npc.name)>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('Hunter failed - no ' + _item + ': ' + _outNo.sort().join(', ') + ';')>>
<<unset _npc, _want, _outNo>>
/* MC */
<<set _outItem = []>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<for _item range setup.automatization.job_tools.mc.sort()>>
<<if !$backpack.has(_item) && $storage.has(_item)>>
<<transfer $storage $backpack _item 1>>
<<set _outItem.push('Got +' + _item)>>
<<elseif $backpack.has(_item)>>
/* keep */
<<set _outItem.push('No -' + _item)>>
<<if (_outItem ?? []).length > 0>>
<<set _outputAutoList.push('You: ' + _outItem.join(' | '))>>
<<unset _outItem, _item>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br />
The early morning air is cool against your skin as you slowly begin to wake.
The first thing you notice is the gentle breeze brushing over your exposed legs.
Confusion flickers through your sleepy mind as you realize the sheets have been pulled back, leaving you uncovered from the waist down.
<br /><br />
Your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the dim light filtering through the room. You glance down and your breath catches.
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> is nestled between your legs.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I thought you deserved a better wake-up call
<br />
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over1'>>
<br /><br />
She pulls back, a soft, contented smile playing on her lips as she leans up to kiss your dick gently.
<br />
You can only nod, still reeling, as she wraps her hand around your dick, pulling the sheets more off you two, exposing your legs fully.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over2'>>
<br /><br />
She goes down till your balls and licks them, slowly moving upwards without taking her tongue off your dick. When she reaches top of your dick, she embraces it and fully takes it into her mouth.
<br />
She doesn't waste any time and her movements instantly are dedicated and focused.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Fill up my mouth!
<br />
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over3'>>
<br /><br />
Almost with a force, she squeezed your dick before unleasing her fully power. She simuntaniously sucked and jerked you off.
She was doing that so fast, that it almost felt like she wants you to cum as fast as you can.
She didn't even try to fully get your dick into her mouth, only the tip of your dick was in her mouth as her full focus was on her hand movements.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over4'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s hand are almost a blur now, her voice cracking, barely keeping up. Her eyes flicker with desperation as she fights to maintain her speed.
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> arm shake visibly, but she pushes on as she clearly wants your cum in her mouth. She looks so exhausted...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over5'>>
<br /><br />
As you release your cum deep into her mouth, she slowly slows down, exhausted but with smile on her face as she did it.
She doesn't swallow it yet but is very careful so nothing drips out of her mouth.
As her mouth is fully loaded, she looks at you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Finally... Mm It toukh ageessss.
<br />
Then with a smirk on her face she opened her mouth and slowly let your cum drip out.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
You want some? hehe
<br />
<<video 'bedroom/stay_over6'>>
<br /><br />
As she was done, she picked up her clothes and with a wink left the room.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Get up'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom-sleep'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br />
You approach <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>, the air heavy with the weight of the crumbling world around you.
The village is quiet, save for the distant sound of crackling fires.
<br /><br />
It’s going to be a cold night. Would you like to share my bed tonight?
<br />
She looks at you, her expression a mixture of exhaustion and something else.
<br /><br />
<<if $tmpGirl.relationship > 50 && $tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Really? I'd like that.
<br />
In the bedroom you light a small lantern, its dim glow casting long shadows on the walls.
<br />
<<if isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.cabinType > 0>>
Blair has already gone somewhere else to sleep.
<br />
She smiles, a small, tired thing, and slips off her jacket, laying it over a chair.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bedroom/sleepover2.webp'>>
<br />
You both settle into the bed, the silence thick but companionable. You feel the warmth of her body next to yours, a strange comfort in a world that’s anything but comfortable.
<br /><br />
You hesitate, then reach out to gently take her hand. She doesn’t pull away, and for the first time in what feels like foreve.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bedroom/sleepover.webp'>>
<br />
<<set $sleepOver = {
type: 'guest',
id: $guestId
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $guestId 'happy' 6>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $guestId 'relationship' 5>>
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you, but I am okay. I’ve gotten used to sleeping on my own.
<br />
You nod again, watching as she walks away, a shadow among many in the dim light.
The rejection stings a little, but you tell yourself it’s just another part of surviving in this broken world.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br />
<<set _guest = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
In the dim, flickering candlelight of your bedroom, you lay down in your bed, exhausted from another day of survival in this harsh, post-apocalyptic world. The silence of the night is interrupted by a gentle knock on your door.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
I'm feeling scared tonight. Can I stay here with you?
<br />
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Yes'>>
<<set _guest.relationship = Math.min(100, _guest.relationship + 10)>>
<<set _guest.happy += 10>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<if $characters?.blair?.quests?.cabinType>>
You try to tell Blair that she should move a bit but she's already sleeping and you can't wake her. Look like she won't wake up anytime soon.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover1'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> enters the room, her face pale and her eyes wide with anxiety. She quickly slips under the covers beside you, seeking the warmth and reassurance of another human presence.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
<br />
A moment of silence passes between you, and then, tentatively, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> leans closer.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Can I... can I be close to you tonight?
<br />
Of course. We can find comfort in each other.
<br />
<div id="option_sleep">
<<link 'Try to sleep'>>
<div id="option_lift">
<<linkreplace 'Lift her night skirt'>>
<<run $('#option_sleep').hide()>>
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover2'>>
<br /><br />
Feeling a deep connection, you tentatively lift her night skirt a bit, your movements slow and careful revealing her firm ass and panties.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
What are you doing?
<br />
You pause, your heart pounding. She looks at your bulge as she smiles with her eyes. Then she leans closer to you once more.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
I want to feel close too. But not with you dressed. I want you to take it out.
<br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover3'>>
<br /><br />
As you pull out your hard cock, she has already pressed her ass against your leg and lifted her nightshirt up even more reaviling her ass fully. You decide to turn towards her and put your dick between her ass cheeks.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover4'>>
<br /><br />
You move closer, your bodies pressing together as the warmth and connection between you grow stronger. She breathes, her voice filled with anticipation and mutual desire.
<br /><br />
She pulls her panties aside and looks into your eyes, her gaze steady.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
I want you in my ass. Just do it slowly.
<br />
You proceed carefully, making sure she is comfortable and ready every step of the way as you put your dick against her asshole.
You begin to slowly slide your dick into her asshole, moving gently and attentively.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover5'>>
<br /><br />
At first, you encounter resistance as she's not fully relaxed. You pause, feeling her tension.
<br />
As she starts to relax, you try again, moving very slowly.
The tip of your dick enters her, and you both take a moment to adjust to the sensation. You can feel her body gradually relaxing more with each passing moment.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover6'>>
<br /><br />
Eventually, you are fully inside her, and you both take a moment to savor the connection. You begin to move with more speed, establishing a steady rhythm that feels good for both of you.
Throughout, you remain attentive to <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s reactions. She starts to give out small moans.
<br />
As she relaxes more, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> starts to help you by making small movements with her lower back, pushing back against you to meet your thrusts.
Her participation encourages you, and you continue with the same rhythm.
<br /><br />
After a while, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> pauses and turns her head to you, a glint of determination in her eyes
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
I want to be on top of you.
<br />
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover7'>>
<br /><br />
You guide her as she slides your dick back into her asshole, both of you taking your time to ensure comfort.
Once she's comfortably seated, <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> begins to move, slowly increasing her speed as she forward.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Oh this is it. I really like it.
<br />
<<if (_guest.traitsLocked ?? []).includes('analslut')>>
<<run _guest.traitsLocked.splice(_guest.traitsLocked.indexOf('analslut'), 1)>>
<strong> <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> analslut locked trait has been removed!</strong>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>>'s movements become even more intense, her body moving with a desperate urgency. The tightness around you, combined with the speed and intensity of her movements, sends you over the edge.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum in her asshole'>>
<<video 'bedroom/sleepover8'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _guest.horny = 0>>
<<set _guest.anal = Math.min(100, _guest.anal + 10)>>
<<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> continues to move through your orgasm, her own pleasure evident in her expression and the soft moans escaping her lips.
Finally, she slows down, her body relaxing as the waves of pleasure subside as your dick slips out.
<br /><br />
Both of you lie there for a moment, catching your breath and savoring the afterglow of the intense experience.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<sayNpc _guest>>
Oh, alight.. I was hoping.. Nevermind...
<br />
She slowly closes your doors and goes away.
<br /><br />
<<set _guest.relationship-= 4>>
<<set _guest.happy -= 10>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br />
You stirred from your nap, slowly becoming aware of your surroundings. As you woke up, a subtle breeze caught your attention, and you felt the refreshing air around your crouch.
Confused, you opened your eyes to find <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> holding your blanket as she passionatly sucks your dick.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh, I'm sorry I didn't want you to oversleep and you were hard so I decided that might was well wake you up.
<br />
As you stretched and kicked off your blanket, she took a step back and checked you out with a smile on her face.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to undress'>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh I hoped you would suggest something like that.
<br />
<br />
As she looked at you with warm smile, she slowly slides down her top straps and later removes her top and let's it fall on the ground.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $guestId = $tmpEvent.id>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _fuckActionMapping = {
1: '%name% and Blair exchange glances with each other and playfully smile at each other before Blair places her hand on your chest and forcefully pushes you down. %name% spits on your dick before Blair puts it in her mouth and starts to suck you off while %name% focuses on your balls',
2: 'As you lie on the bed on your back, Blair gets on you in reverse cowgirl position and slides onto your dick. %name% meanwhile massages her ass and in a moment starts to help her with the movements',
3: "They both lie on their backs as you fuck Blair's pussy while other girl rubs her clit as she watches you both. %name% asks to fuck her too.",
4: "You switch to %name%'s pussy. The difference is noticeable immediately. If Blair was quiet, then %name% immediately starts moaning loudly throughout the room without any hesitation.",
5: '%name% drops on her knees and is ready to swallow your dick but instead of that you cum all over her face without a chance to warn her. She opens her mouth and puts her tongue out to catch each drop of you cum',
<<set $characters.blair.virgin = false>>
<<set _videoName = '/bedroom/guest_visit_threesome' + ($fuckAction ?? 1)>>
<<video `_videoName`>>
<<if $fuckAction !== 5>>
<<horny 20>>
<br /><br />
<<= _fuckActionMapping[($fuckAction ?? 1)].replaceAll('%name%', $guests[$guestId].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $fuckAction !== 5>>
<<link 'Double blowjob'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $fuckAction = 1>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Fuck Blair reverse cowgirl'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $fuckAction = 2>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Fuck Blair'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $fuckAction = 3>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + $guests[$guestId].name>>
<<link _linkName>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $fuckAction = 4>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<link 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $fuckAction = 5>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $fuckAction === 5>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _guest = $guests[$guestId]>>
You sit down on your bed when suddenly your doors open and <<=setup.displayName(_guest)>> stands in the doors with only her nightshirt.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/bedroom/guest_visit.webp' 'sfw'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _guest>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<br />
<<say $tmpGirl.name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Hey! What you're doing? Maybe want to have some fun?
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + $tmpGirl.name>>
<<if $charactersInLocation['bedroom'].includes('blair') && timeBetween('22:00','23:59') && $characters.blair.relationship >= 90>>
Don't leave me out. Can I join?
<<set _blairJoin = true>>
<br /><br />
<<link _linkName>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<if _blairJoin>>
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Fuck them both'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom: horny guest - threesome Blair'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Fuck them both
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<<if $game.day > 5 && !($game.location.basement ?? false)>>
<<goto 'Basement find'>>
<<if $player.horny >= 40>>
<<image 'places/cabin/wake_up.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.energy < 80>>
You wake up still tired, but ready to explore the world some more.
You wake up fully rested and ready to conquer the world.
<<set _messagesCount = setup.sleepMessages.count()>>
<<if _messagesCount >= 8>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Wake up'>>
<<if _messagesCount>>
<h3>Some things have happened</h3>
<br />
<<for _morningMessageType, _morningMessages range ($morningMessages ?? {})>>
<<for _morningMessageSubType, _morningMessagesSub range _morningMessages ?? {}>>
<<if _morningMessagesSub.length>>
<div @class="'morning-messages ' + _morningMessagesType + ''">
<legend><<=_morningMessageType>> <<=(_morningMessageSubType ? '(' + _morningMessageSubType + ')' : '')>> (<<=_morningMessagesSub.length>>)</legend>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _morningMessagesSub.length; _i++>>
<div class="morning-message">
<<print _morningMessagesSub[_i]>>
<<unset $morningMessages>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Wake up'>>
<<widget wakeUp>>
<<set _weather = either('rain','storm','sun')>>
<<if $weather?.daysLeft>>
<<set $weather.daysLeft-->>
<<if !$weather || !$weather?.daysLeft>>
<<set $weather = {
weather: _weather
<<if settings.bgVolumeEnabled>>
<<set _bgWeather = "bg-" + $weather.weather>>
<<set _bgVolume = (settings.bgVolume / 20)>>
<<audio _bgWeather loop play volume _bgVolume>>
<<if $game.day > 150 && setup.percentageChance(1) && $weather?.weather === 'sun' && !$weather.heatWave && $guests.length > 0>>
<<set $weather.heatWave = true>>
<<set $weather.daysLeft = randomInteger(4,6)>>
<<goto 'Weather - Heat wave'>>
<<set _morningEvent = true>>
<<if $game.day > 130 && setup.percentageChance(1) && $weather.weather === 'storm' && !$weather?.sandStorm && $guests.length > 0>>
<<set $weather.sandStorm = true>>
<<set $weather.daysLeft = 1>>
<<goto 'Weather - Sand storm'>>
<<set _morningEvent = true>>
<<if !_morningEvent>>
<<set _randomSleepEventInteger = randomInteger(0,2)>>
<<if ($characters.blair.quests ?? false) && $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished_thanked && !$characters.blair.quests.bj && _randomSleepEventInteger === 0 && !setup.player.hasFlaccidDick()>>
<<goto 'Blair quest - morning bj'>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.bj = true>>
<<elseif $pregnancyHappening>>
<<goto 'Childbirth'>>
<<elseif $pregnancyStreetsHappening>>
<<goto 'Pregnancy street client'>>
<<elseif $scavengingDidntReturn !== null>>
<<goto 'Scavenging - didnt came home'>>
<<elseif setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'maid').length && ($characters.blair.quests ?? false) && $characters.blair.relationship > 70 && setup.percentageChance(5) && !setup.player.hasFlaccidDick()>>
<<goto 'Blair - morning surprise'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('blair') && $characters.blair.quests.pregnancy && !$characters.blair.quests.pregnancy_talk>>
<<goto 'Blair - pregnant'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('laura') && $characters.laura.quests.first_vials && ($game.location.lab ?? false) && ($characters.laura.quests.productionLastDay ?? 0 + 10) < $game.day && ($characters.laura.quests.morningSampleDay ?? 0 + 20) < $game.day && setup.percentageChance(30) && !setup.player.hasFlaccidDick()>>
<<goto 'Laura - morning sample'>>
<<elseif $game.day > 100 && !$player.quests.first_settlers && setup.baseManagement.population.livingHousesCount() > 0 && ((!$player.quests.first_settlers_day || $player.quests.first_settlers_day + 30) < $game.day)>>
<<goto 'First settlers'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</widget>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _girlGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'maid')>>
<<set _isMaidInRoom = _girlGuest.length > 0 && timeBetween('09:00', '15:00')>>
<<if _isMaidInRoom>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[_girlGuest[0]]>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'maid'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl cleaning>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> is in your room cleaning. She doesn't notice you as she bends down to pick up something from the floor.
<br /><br />
<<set _girlGuestLink = 'Approach ' + $tmpGirl.name>>
<<link `_girlGuestLink`>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $guestId = _girlGuest[0]>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $charId>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<br /><br />
<<if $charactersInLocation['bedroom'].includes('blair') && timeBetween('22:00','23:59')>>
<<link 'Talk with Blair'>>
<<goto 'Blair - bedroom talk'>>
<<link "Sleep">><<sleep>><</link>>
<<if timeBetween('08:00','23:00') && !$player.nap>>
<<link 'Take a nap'>>
<<set $player.nap = true>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<energy 20>>
<<if setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'maid').length>>
<<energy 20>>
<<if _isMaidInRoom && setup.percentageChance(100) && $tmpGirl.likesGuys && !($locationEvents.bedroom ?? false)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: $guests[_girlGuest[0]]
<<set $locationEvents.bedroom = true>>
<<goto 'Bedroom event - maid surprise'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<if timeBetween('08:00','23:00')>>
<<link 'Wait an hour'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<link 'Stats'>>
Dialog.setup("Stats", "Stats");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("MC stats").processText());
<<if ($game.cabinName ?? false)>>
<<link 'Settlement management'>>
<<goto 'Settlement management'>>
[[Back|Wood cabin]]
<<if !($locationEvents.bedroom ?? false)>>
<<if timeBetween('20:00', '23:00') && setup.percentageChance(10)>>
<<set _hornyGuests = setup.getHornyPersons($guests)>>
<<if (_hornyGuests[0] ?? []).length>>
<<set $guestId = _hornyGuests[0][Math.floor(Math.random()*_hornyGuests[0].length)]>>
<<set $locationEvents.bedroom = true>>
<<goto 'Bedroom: horny guest'>>
<<elseif timeBetween('21:00', '23:00') && setup.percentageChance(5) && recall($suppCode)>>
<<set _girls = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<if (_girls[0] ?? []).length>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
id: _girls[0][Math.floor(Math.random()*_girls[0].length)]
<<set $locationEvents.bedroom = true>>
<<goto 'Bedroom - sleepover'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<<if $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished_thanked>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished_thanked = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - quest missing friend thanks'>>
<<elseif ($game.location.settlement ?? false) && !$characters.blair.quests.sex>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.sex = true>>
<<goto 'Blair quest - first sex'>>
<<elseif ($game.cabinName ?? false) && !$characters.blair.quests.basement && $characters.blair.relationship >= 80>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.basement = true>>
<<goto 'Blair event - basement'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<video '/bedroom/blair_talk'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _talkedAbout = either('her cold room in farm', 'your warm bed', 'comfortable sheets')>>
You talked about <<=_talkedAbout>>.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.relationship < 20>>
<<set $characters.blair.relationship +=2>>
<strong>Blair relationship increased by 2</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Blair with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.quests.sex>>
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<if $characters.blair.quests.basement>>
<<link 'Take her to the basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
You turn around and Blair has already taken off her top and removed her bra half way.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/date_scavenger1'>>
<br /><br />
Maybe we could have some fun here?
<br /><br />
She licks her hand and slides it into your tight jeans, grabs your dick and slowly starts to jerk off.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<video 'blair/date_scavenger2'>>
<br /><br />
She unbuttons your pants and your dick falls out of your pants. With a strong grip she continues to jerk you off while you kiss her and touch her firm breasts.
<br /><br />
I want it it my mouth. Lay down and I'll show you something...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Lay down'>>
<<video 'blair/date_scavenger3'>>
<br /><br />
You lay down on some strange-looking mattress while Blair fully removes your pants. She looks at you, smiles, and slowly licks your dick as she draws circles with her tongue.
<br />
Suddenly she fully takes it in, she struggles but she's very motivated to do it few more times.
<br /><br />
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to get on you'>>
<<video 'blair/date_scavenger4'>>
<br /><br />
You slide your hard dick inside her wet pussy.
<br />
As usual, Blair is very loud and doesn't even try to be quiet. You're slightly worried that this way you might attract unnecessary attention, but decide to continue and pick up the pace.
<br /><br />
Oh my fucking god! Please, please don't stop! I beg you! Oh..
<br /><br />
She simply falls onto you, powerless, and enjoys the fucking as much as possible. Her arms and legs just flail in all directions from how relaxed she is.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her missionary'>>
<<video 'blair/date_scavenger5'>>
<br /><br />
You grasp her with both hands and lift her into the air. After a moment, you've already spun around and gently place her where you had just been.
<br />
You slide your dick back inside her pussy and slowly speed up. She grabs your hand and holds it as you pick up the pace.
As you pick up speed she gets louder and louder till she again she screams from pleasure as you fuck her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<div id="ending" style="display:none;">
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You decide not to pull out and cum right inside her pussy. As you take out your dick, your sperm drops out of her.
<br /><br />
<<if setup.pregnancyChance($characters.blair)>>
<<set $characters.blair.pregnancy_father = 'mc'>>
<<set $characters.blair.pregnancy = 0>>
We should repeat it some other day.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<div id="option2">
<<link 'Tell that you should probably leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<addhours 1>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<br /><br />
We're lucky that he managed to get away. This can't happen again.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">OUTSIDE</h1>
<<addhours 4>>
<br /><br />
In the harsh and desolate post-apocalyptic world, Blair and you decided to embark on a perilous scavenging mission.
The sun hung low in the ashy sky, casting eerie shadows across the barren landscape as you made your way toward an old, decrepit house with hope to find something useful there.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The house was a crumbling relic of a bygone era, its walls sagging and windows long shattered.
The creaking of the warped floorboards beneath your feet echoed through the stillness of the wasteland. As you cautiously searched the rooms, your eyes scanned for anything of value—food, medicine, or even a glimpse of the past.
<br /><br />
You ever wonder who lived here before all of this, before the world fell apart? I imagine that maybe a young couple was living here.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Look around'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(40)>>
Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the sound of a twig snapping behind you. You turned, hearts pounding, to find a shadowy figure emerging from the shadows. Desperation and hunger had driven them to ambush you, their eyes wild with desperation. Without hesitation, Blair and you fought back, defending yourselves against the threat. It was a brutal struggle, but you managed to overpower the attacker and secure your safety.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fight'>>
<<generateEnemies 3>>
<<fight $enemies 'Blair - date [scavenging] fuck' 'Blair - date [scavenging] lost' true>>
<<set _randomItem = either('cosmetics', 'piercing', 'buttplug')>>
<<set _randomCount = randomInteger(2, 5)>>
<<pickup $backpack _randomItem _randomCount>>
<strong>You found <strong class="iitem"><<=_randomCount>> <<=Item.get(_randomItem).name>>'s</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Blair - date [scavenging] fuck'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
You descend one floor down, and Blair leans against the spot where there used to be a window, briefly enjoying the view with a smile. After a moment, she turns around, sensually sways her hips, and playfully winks.
<br /><br />
Maybe we could have some fun here?
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/date_skyscraper1'>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Approach her'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<video 'blair/date_skyscraper2'>>
<br /><br />
You lean in, attempting to take her nipples into your mouth, but she resists and lowers herself onto her knees. She pulls down your panties and with giggle grabs your dick in her hand.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her against the window'>>
<<video 'blair/date_skyscraper4'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her hand and spin her around. Pressing her palms against the wall, before you even enter her, she moans because she knows something wonderful will follow. You shove your hard dick inside her wet pussy and as you thrust it inside her, she slowly gets closer to the window.
<br /><br />
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her gently'>>
<<run $('#option4').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<<video 'blair/date_skyscraper6'>>
<br /><br />
You switch places and you lean against the wall. She sensually climbs on top of you. Holding onto the metal pipe above you, she slowly settles onto you. She leans in and slowly starts to take control.
<br /><br />
Oh yes! Who's your mistress?
<div id="option4">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her hard'>>
<<run $('#option3').hide()>>
<<run $('#ending').show()>>
<<video 'blair/date_skyscraper5'>>
<br /><br />
Excited, you push her down to the ground and step onto her face with your foot. She doesn't resist and is accustomed to you treating her like that, and she enjoys it.
<br /><br />
Oh fuck yes!
<div id="ending" style="display:none;">
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/blair/date_skyscraper_cum.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You decide not to pull out and cum right inside her pussy. As you take out your dick, your sperm drops out of her.
<<if setup.pregnancyChance($characters.blair)>>
<<set $characters.blair.pregnancy_father = 'mc'>>
<<set $characters.blair.pregnancy = 0>>
<br /><br />
Now we can go back.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<addhours 4>>
<div id="option2">
<<link 'Tell that you should probably leave'>>
<<goto 'Outside'>>
<<addhours 4>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">CITY</h1>
<br /><br />
The air was thick with uncertainty, but your determination to create a meaningful memory propelled them forward. Armed with a few scavenged supplies and a sense of adventure, you navigated through the shattered streets, dodging shadows and weaving through the remnants of the past.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/blair/skyscraper1.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Your path led you through hauntingly empty boulevards, where shattered storefronts stood as testament to the lives that were once lived. They shared stories along the way, each tale a tiny candle of warmth against the encroaching darkness. Laughter echoed through the desolate landscape, a reminder that even in the harshest of times, humanity's spirit could not be extinguished.
<br /><br />
Do you remember? How looked this place before?
<br /><br />
<div id="dialog1">
<<link 'Yes.. It was something...'>>
<<run $('#dialog1').hide()>>
<<run $('#dialog1-continue').show()>>
<<link "No. Haven't been on this part of the town">>
<<run $('#dialog1').hide()>>
<<run $('#dialog1-continue').show()>>
<div id="dialog1-continue" style="display:none;">
<<addhours 4>>
<<image 'people/blair/skyscraper2.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Finally, after a heart-pounding journey through uncertainty and danger, you stood before the towering skyscraper that still managed to scrape the sky. Its upper floors were missing, a testament to the ravages of time and disaster, yet its skeletal frame remained resolute. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, you began your ascent, using the remains of staircases and makeshift ladders to climb toward your destination.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Climb'>>
As you ascended, the world beneath you transformed. The city, once a barren wasteland, revealed its forgotten beauty from this new vantage point. The moonlight bathed the ruins in a soft glow, creating an otherworldly ambiance that defied the surrounding devastation. You and Blair found yourself pausing to take in the view, the weight of the world momentarily lifted as they marveled at the stark contrast between destruction and the indomitable human spirit.
<br /><br />
<<image 'people/blair/skyscraper3.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
After what seemed like an eternity, you reached the highest intact floor of the skyscraper. A breathtaking panorama unfolded before you — a tapestry of broken buildings, silent streets, and a sky awash with stars. Amidst the solitude, you found solace in each other's company. You shared a simple meal you had brought along, savoring the flavors and the moment as if it were a feast fit for kings.
<br /><br />
Can you believe we're actually doing this? Scaling a half-ruined skyscraper for a date?
<br />
I never thought a date would involve so much climbing, but it's kind of exhilarating, don't you think? Plus, the view better be worth it.
<br />
Well, I must admit, I'm glad we're doing this together. It's like we're exploring a lost world.
<br />
It's strange how these circumstances can bring people closer. We're living through a story that's uniquely ours.
<br />
You know, it's funny. In a world where everything has fallen apart, I feel like I've found something truly valuable.
<br />
<br />
We should probably go back
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Blair - date [skyscraper] fuck'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
So what should we do?
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Go to skyscraper'>>
<<set $player.companionsHome = $player.companions>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<goto 'Blair - date [skyscraper]'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Go to skyscraper
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<link 'Go scavenging together'>>
<<set $player.companionsHome = $player.companions>>
<<set $player.companions = {}>>
<<goto 'Blair - date [scavenging]'>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Go scavenging together
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<br />
I'm so proud of you! Who would have thought that you, who relatively recently emerged from your bunker, would be able to create your own place that people and you yourself could call home.<br />
I.. I love you...
<<image 'places/cabin/gate_hug.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to sleep'>>
<<set $game.showFlag = true>>
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<div id="flag_choose" style="display: flex; justify-content: center">
<div class="flag_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagBg = 'red'>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<div class="flag_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagBg = 'blue'>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<div class="flag_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagBg = 'green'>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<div id="icon_choose" style="display: flex; justify-content: center">
<div class="flag_icon_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagIcon = 1>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<div class="flag_icon_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagIcon = 2>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<div class="flag_icon_choose_item">
<<link 'Choose'>>
<<set $game.flagIcon = 3>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<<if $game.flagIcon && $game.flagBg>>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; text-align: center;">
<br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done finish'>>
.flag_choose_item {
margin: 0px 30px;
.flag_icon_choose_item {
width: 102px;
margin: 0 53px;
</style><h1 class="ptitle">CABIN</h1>
<br />
<<addhours 10>>
<br /><br />
Wow! You really did it! It's so beautiful and now girls can finally call this place a real home.
<br />
Have you already thought of a name for this place?
<br /><br />
You'll call this place: <<textbox "_gateName" 'Cabin'>>
<br /><br />
You also need to create a flag for your village so that other villages and travelers can recognize you
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue with flag'>>
<<set $game.cabinName = _gateName>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate done flag'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<<addmins 30>>
<br /><br />
Listen, <<=$player.name>>. I was thinking about this place.
<br />
Your little cabin has already progressed quite a bit. You have worked very well. Have you thought about turning this place into a small village? Of course, you should understand that in this way you will not only attract traveling merchants or people looking for a place to spend the night, but also certainly unfavorable individuals and bandits. It would definitely be necessary to start with the construction of a secure gate.
<br /><br />
She places a large, crumpled paper roll on the table and slowly unrolls it, placing two empty glasses on either side, and then leans over the table and places two more empty cylinders.
<br/><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/gate_cleavage.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
My father wanted to build such gates a long time ago, but eventually realized that he was too old and wouldn't be able to handle it all. I took the drawings from his house, maybe they will be useful to you.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/gate_blueprint.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
When the gates are ready, you could even come up with a name for this place and put up a big sign so people know what this place is called.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Tell her that you\'ll think about it'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
I heard that you found a couple of bottles of champagne. Could I taste it? I have never drunk it before and have no idea how it tastes.
<br />
Please, pretty please.
<br />
By the way, the girls are complaining that they are tired and fed up with just working and not doing anything else. Maybe we could have a sit-down by the campfire one evening with some champagne?
<br /><br />
<strong>You will need <span class="iitem">20 food</span> and <span class="ittem">1</span> champagne.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>>
[[Leave|Kitchen-room]]<h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'kissing'>>
<br /><br />
Gently you push her against the kitchen counter tenderly pressing your lips against hers. You wrap your hands around her waist and spin her around, leaning her back a bit while still making out...
<br />
Rubbing your hands over her body you then start sliding a hand between her legs...
<br /><br />
<<if !$characters.blair.quests.sex>>
<<blair>>We shouldn't...<</blair>>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.relationship < 30>>
<<set $characters.blair.relationship +=1>>
<strong>Blair relationship increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Blair any more with this action anymore.</strong>
<<addmins 30>>
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.quests.sex>>
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'kitchen'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<run delete $guestId>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Kitchen-room'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Kitchen-room'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
[[Let her go|Kitchen-room]]<<if $characters.blair.relationship >= 20 && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - quest missing friend'>>
<<elseif $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found && !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_finished = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - quest missing friend found'>>
<<elseif isMetChar('rodger') && $characters.rodger.quests.champagne && !$characters.blair.quests.house_party>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.house_party = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - house party'>>
<<elseif $characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished && !$characters.blair.quests.gate>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.gate = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - gate'>>
<<elseif $game.cabinName && !$characters.blair.quests.nursery>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.nursery = true>>
<<goto 'Blair - nursery'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<<addmins 30>>
<<video '/kitchen/blair_talk'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _talkedAbout = either('her dad', 'her wanting to go into adventures', 'her accident in underground city')>>
You talked about <<=_talkedAbout>>.
<br /><br />
<<if $characters.blair.relationship < 20>>
<<set $characters.blair.relationship +=1>>
<strong>Blair relationship increased by 1</strong>
<strong>You can't increase your relationship with Blair with this action anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if ($characters.blair.relationship > 15)>>
<<if $characters.blair.relationship > 40>>
<<linkreplace 'Date'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(60)>>
<<goto 'Blair - date'>>
Sorry, I can't today. I need to help my dad.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Kiss her'>>
<<goto 'Blair - kitchen kiss'>>
<<link 'Approach her'>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'kitchen'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Kitchen-room'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - character'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - character'>>
<<if $game.canMarry && !$characters.blair.quests.married && $backpack.has('wedding_ring')>>
<<link 'Marry her'>>
<<goto 'Blair - marry #1'>>
<<if $characters.blair.pregnancy >= 8 && $backpack.has('pregnancy_speed_potion')>>
<<link 'Give pregnancy speed potion'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $characters.blair.pregnancy += 100>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $pregnancyPotionBackLink = 'Blair - kitchen talk'>>
<<goto 'Girl - pregnancy speed potion'>>
<<addmins 30>>
[[Leave|Kitchen-room]]<h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/kitchen/blair_propose.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
You get down on your knee while she's preparing breakfast, and when she turns around, she immediately understands what's happening and throws herself around your neck.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/kitchen/blair_propose_yes.gif' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
Yes, yes, yes!!!!
<br /><br />
She immediately puts on the ring and admires it. A moment later, she starts getting anxious and suggests that we should have the ceremony tonight. The sooner, the better, and she rushes out the door to start preparing.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Wait evening'>>
<<addhours 11>>
<<goto 'Blair - marry #2'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GREENHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/greenhouse/wedding.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
The air was heavy with an eerie silence as I approached the dilapidated greenhouse. Its fragile structure had weathered the harsh conditions of the post-apocalyptic world, barely holding onto its former glory. Inside, a soft glow emanated from flickering candles scattered across the room, casting dancing shadows on the cracked glass walls.
<br /><br />
As you stepped through the creaking door, you found yourself amidst a small gathering of survivors. The ambiance was both somber and hopeful, as if they were preserving a sliver of normalcy amidst the chaos that enveloped their lives. The group huddled together, their eyes reflecting a mix of resilience and vulnerability.
<br /><br />
At the heart of the room stood Blair, adorned in a once-beautiful, now tattered wedding dress. Its white fabric was stained with dirt and grime, but she wore it with an undeniable grace. Beside her, her father stood tall, a symbol of strength and protection, supporting her through this solemn occasion.
<br /><br />
The father's eyes met yours as you entered, and he nodded with a mix of pride and apprehension. You approached him, offering a reassuring smile, understanding the weight of the situation. The world had changed, and yet, love persevered. In this moment, amidst the ruins and uncertainty, a ray of hope emerged.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/greenhouse/wedding_ring.webp' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
As you sealed your vows with a gentle kiss and ring, the gathered witnesses erupted into a soft applause, your emotions released in a moment of shared joy. It was a fleeting respite from the hardships of your reality, but it was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, love and unity have the power to prevail.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Start small after ceremony'>>
<<set $characters.blair.family = {
father: 'vincent',
husband: 'mc'
<<set $player.family ??= {}>>
<<set $player.family.wives ??= []>>
<<set $player.family.wives.push($characters.blair.id)>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.married = true>>
<<drop $backpack 'wedding_ring' 1>>
<<goto 'Blair - marry #3'>>
<</link>><<set _randomGuest = setup.getRandomPersonIdsGirls($guests, 1)>>
<h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
After the heartfelt ceremony in the greenhouse, the small group of survivors moved to the kitchen, which had been transformed into an intimate gathering space. The dim lighting created a cozy atmosphere, and the flickering candlelight added a touch of warmth to the cold surroundings.
<br /><br />
The bride's father bid his daughter a tearful farewell, his eyes filled with a mix of joy and longing. With a heavy heart, he departed, leaving the bride in the care of her newfound friends. The girls formed a protective circle around her, their presence a reminder that they were all in this together, navigating the desolate world with strength and resilience.
<br /><br />
Laughter and whispers filled the air as the girls embraced the bride, enveloping her in a sisterhood forged through shared experiences. They had all faced loss and hardship, but this night was a chance to revel in the love and joy that had been found amidst the ruins.
<br /><br />
How about our wedding night? I will go freshen up, but after 10 minutes, I'll be waiting for you in the room
<br /><br />
Blair left, and the girls bid her good night with giggles on their faces, knowing what would unfold in that room.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<if _randomGuest.length>>
<<linkreplace 'Keep a company to the girls'>>
Just as Blair left the kitchen, some of the girls turned their gazes towards you. After a moment, <strong class="gender-girl"><<=$guests[_randomGuest[0]].name>></strong> approached you.
<br /><br />
How about we warm you up? You're gonna have a long night...
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<link 'Decline and say that tonight you belong to Blair'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<linkreplace 'Agree'>>
<<horny 10>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<strong class="gender-girl"><<=$guests[_randomGuest[0]].name>></strong> drops on her knees and crawls under table, unzipping your pants and quickly taking a look around if Blair isn't coming back.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Deepthroat her'>>
You grab her head and push your dick as far as you can inside her mouth as she gags but still tries to take it all.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to the bedroom'>>
<<goto 'Blair - marry #4'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<horny 100>>
<br /><br />
Entering the bedroom, Blair is already waiting for you, lying on the bed. Upon seeing you, a wide smile appears on her face, and without saying anything, she simply starts kissing you and, after a moment, she lifts her dress and turns her back towards you.
<br /><br />
Fuck me! Like there is no tomorrow!
<br /><br />
Without hesitation, you insert your hard dick inside her pussy and without taking her dress off fuck her tight pussy.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
She presses against the counter and quietly starts to moan while looking over her shoulder in your eyes.
<br/><br />
<br /><br />
She moves away from the nightstand and, leaning down, touches the ground with her hands.
<br /><br />
Take off my dress and fuck me as hard as you can!
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take off her dress'>>
<<video '/bedroom/wedding3'>>
<br /><br />
You rip off her wedding dress on throw her on the bed in the same doggy position. She lets out a load moan as you keep pounding her tight pussy. You grab her neck and pull her head upwards as she continues to stare in your eyes.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bedroom/wedding1'>>
<br /><br />
You turn her around and slide your dick back inside her pussy.
<br />
She completely loses any sense of shyness and she screams as loudly as she can, not caring at all whether someone hears her or not. She begs you not to stop.
<br /><br />
<<video '/bedroom/wedding2'>>
<br /><br />
She lifts her leg and redirects your hand towards her clit as she keeps screaming her lungs out.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<br /><br />
You pull out but keep rubbing your dick against her pussy as you start to cum and cover her new ring in your warm cum.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Sleep eval'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
<<video 'blair/morning_surprise1'>>
<br /><br />
You barely open your eyes and in front of you, you see Blair, who has already woken up your dick and its is in her tight mouth. At that very moment, the sound of a door is heard, indicating that someone is coming to your room.
<br />
Blair manages to hide underneath blanket as she's a bit shy when others are around.
<br /><br />
<<video 'blair/morning_surprise2'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _randomGuest = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'maid')>>
After a few seconds <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuest[0]])>> enters the room and tells you that she wanted to clean up a bit.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Let Blair continue'>>
<<video 'blair/morning_surprise3'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuest[0]])>> makes some small talk and takes some things off the ground, while Blair somewhat awkwardly sucks your dick...
<br />
After some talking, <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuest[0]])>> leaves.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck Blair'>>
<<video 'blair/morning_surprise4'>>
<br /><br />
She gets on all fours and lets you fuck her as you like. When noone is in the room she gets wild and lets out screams as loud as she can. Probably didn't realize that the walls are thin.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'blair/morning_surprise5'>>
<br /><br />
As you pull out, you put your dick on her ass and continue to jerk off. She continues to moan as she watches at your pumping dick over her shoulder... After a few seconds you cum all over her ass...
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
By the way, good job with the gate, <<=$player.name>>!
<br />
Given the current situation, you should consider whether or not it would be necessary to have a separate house specifically for children. They would have their own little corner where they could play and wouldn't have to witness what's happening around them as often.
<br /><br />
<strong>Nursery unlocked in workbench</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set $game.location.bar = true>>
<<addmins 30>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
Listen, about Ashley. I found her<br />
<<if !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_dead>>
She's alive. I managed to get her to your dad's farm behind the barn.
I am sorry... She's dead. She was involved with some bad people.
<br /><br />
<<if !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_dead>>
Really?! Oh my god, thank you so much. I won't forget this! I need to go see her and check if she's ok! But before that I have a gift for you!
What? NO! How? Oh god NO!
<br /><br />
<<if !$characters.blair.quests.missing_friend_found_dead>>
<br /><br />
<strong>You received an revolver</strong>
<<pickup $backpack 'revolver' 1>>
<br /><br />
She starts crying and runs to you for comfort. You hold her and let her cry it out. You didn't know they were so close.
<br /><br />
You have done so much for me, I don't even know how to thank you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/friend_found_finished'>>
<br /><br />
She pushes you against kitchen counter and starts to kiss you. You feel this is it, as you pull up her shirt and look at her firm breasts. You kiss her passionately and you're ready to take off your pants to fuck her hard..
<br /><br />
Sorry, I can't do that. You've done so much for me, but I can't... I need to go.
<br /><br />
<strong>Blair relationship increased by 5</strong>
<<set $characters.blair.relationship +=5>>
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>>
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
You enter your room and notice that Blair is already waiting for you.
<br /><br />
Finally! I was hoping you would be home soon. I've thought about you all day and a way to thank you! You have no idea!
<br /><br />
You reassure her that no thanks are needed, but she still insists.
<br /><br />
Please, just don't think anything bad about me. I haven't done anything like this before.
<br /><br />
She pushes you down on your back and unbuttons your pants with a shy smile. She turns away as she slides her hand inside your pants and grabs your hard dick gently stroking it. She almost seems afraid she might break it.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_thank_you_1'>>
<br /><br />
She mumbles something under her breath like she's trying to follow her own instructions. You deeply exhale as you see her mouth slowly moving closer to your cock.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_thank_you_2'>>
<br /><br />
I am so sorry! I thought I could do it but I can't. Lets just go to bed.
<br /><br />
<strong>Blair relationship increased by 5<br />
Blair corruption increased by 5<br /></strong>
<<set $characters.blair.relationship += 5>>
<<set $characters.blair.corruption += 5>>
<br /><br />
<<link "Sleep">><<sleep>><</link>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<<=$player.name>>!! I need your help!<br />
My friend is missing and I haven't seen her for several days.
<br />
Could you please try and find her?
<br /><br />
I can try.<br />
What's her name? What does she look like? Where did you last see her and what are some places where she likes to hang out?
<br /><br />
Her name is Ashley. She has long red hair and is in her 40s. Don't tell anyone but she really likes to sneak out to the local bar in the underground city. Maybe you should ask around there.
<br /><br />
<<set $game.location.bar = true>>
<<addmins 30>><div class="caut-bar"></div>
<div style="padding: 20px; background-color: #f1c40f; color:#2c3e50; font-weight:bold">
<br />
Game has detected a game breaking bug for Blair!!
<br />
Please save the game to the file and report it as bug without making any other movements.
<br />
<div class="caut-bar"></div><h1 class="ptitle">BASEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<=$player.name>>! I wanted talk to you.
<br />
This might sound strange, but I've heard what you do with girls in the basement... And... I want you to do the same with me too.
<br /><br />
She takes you by the hand and leads you to the basement.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Follow her'>>
You walk down and as she looks at you with flirtatious eyes, you tie her to one of the radiators.
<br /><br />
<<video '/basement/blair_basement1'>>
<br /><br />
She seems relaxed and is enjoying the moment.
<br />
She backs away and looks around, as she has never been here before.
<br /><br />
<<video '/basement/blair_basement2'>>
<br /><br />
In a slow pace, you approach her and unexpectedly rip her blouse open. A momentary shock appears on her face, but it is quickly replaced by playful giggling.
<br />
You slap her face few times as she thank you for that.
<br /><br />
My breasts! Slap them too! Please!
<br /><br />
<<video '/basement/blair_basement4'>>
<br /><br />
You continue to slap her medium size breasts as she moans before grabbing your dick and shoving it in her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $characters.blair>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'basement'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<unset $slaveId, $guestId, $childId>>
<<set $charId = 'blair'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
You both get into bed and start to discuss today's events.
<br /><br />
<<blair>>You know I saw that, right?<</blair>>
<<you>>What do you mean?<</you>>
<<blair>>How you looked at those girls in the settlement..<</blair>>
<br /><br />
You don't know how to respond so just press yourself against her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_virgin1'>>
<br /><br />
You should know that I'm still a virgin. Till today I thought I'd stay that way till I got married. After seeing you and those other girls something happened in me. I can't explain it...<br />
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_virgin2'>>
<br /><br />
She takes you by surprise and jumps on you wrapping her legs around you so you can't move.
<br /><br />
I think I'm ready. Just don't move, please.
<br /><br />
She slowly leans towards you and gently kisses your lips as you feel your dick hardening against her ass while she slowly continues kissing you.
<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
She takes off her shirt and you help her take off her bra as she continues to passionately kiss you.<br />
She rubs her breasts against your chest while gasping deeply.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Put your dick in'>>
<<video 'bedroom/blair_virgin3'>>
You give her a few more kisses then without warning, grab your dick and gently slide it inside her tight pussy.
<br />
She twitches in pain for a second as she starts to bleed a little bit.
<br /><br />
<<blair>>Ouch! Uh! I, I LOVE YOU!<</blair>>
<br /><br />
Her confidence grows so you decide to increase the pace as you shove your dick deeper and faster inside her.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You pull out and push her on her back while grabbing her legs and putting them up. While holding her firmly you shove your dick back inside her with a big thrust and she starts to shiver.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_virgin4'>>
<br /><br />
Please don't stop! Oh my god!
<br /><br />
You fuck her tight pussy for a while. Next you flip her over, grab her ass and squeeze it hard before pulling her onto her knees for doggy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_virgin5'>>
<br /><br />
Please, please - cum in me! Oh lord!
<br /><br />
As you start to cum inside her you change your mind and pull out a few seconds too late and cover her ass and pussy in your warm cum."
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<link 'Sleep'>>
<<run delete $characters.blair.virgin>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_bj1'>>
<br /><br />
You open your eyes wide as you feel someone grab your cock and stroke it. You pull off the sheet and see Blair's blushing face.
<br /><br />
Sorry I woke you up. I couldn't sleep all night. I was thinking about it and couldn't take it anymore. Please don't be mad.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_bj2'>>
<br /><br />
She catches you by surprise as the first thing she takes in her mouth isn't the tip of your dick but your balls, all of them! She sucked them in like a vacuum cleaner.
<br />
You utter a quiet moan before laying back and just enjoying it.
<br /><br />
After a few minutes she looks up with disappointment in her eyes because she couldn't make you cum.
<br /><br />
I am so sorry. I know I'm not the best but I promise I can get better....
<br /><br />
She pulls your dick out of her mouth and grabs it so hard that it almost hurts. While looking straight at it she picks up the pace.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_bj3'>>
<br /><br />
Please! Cum for me! Let me get that feeling for the first time.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum on her face'>>
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/blair_bj4'>>
<br /><br />
You get up to cum on her face. As you do that, she manages to open her mouth and catch some of it with her tongue.
<br />
She giggles while cleaning her lip with her finger.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Get out of the bed'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.bj_day = $game.day>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<<if $pregnancyHappening.type === 'slave'>>
<<set _mother = $slaves[$pregnancyHappening.id]>>
<<elseif $pregnancyHappening.type === 'character'>>
<<set _mother = $characters[$pregnancyHappening.id]>>
<<set _mother = $guests[$pregnancyHappening.id]>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _mother>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'childbirth'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'scream'>>
<br />
You hear screams and you rush toward the source. As you get to your destination you realize it's <<=setup.displayName(_mother)>>.
Her contractions grew stronger, <<=setup.displayName(_mother)>> knew that she didn't have much time left. She asks you to create a makeshift birthing area.
<<set _chanceSuccess = 60>>
<<set _chanceMotherDies = 5>>
<<if setup.hasDoctor()>>
<<set _chanceMotherDies = 1>>
<br /><br />
<<set _isStorageAvailable = ($game.location.shop ?? false)>>
<<set _reqKey = 'towel'>>
<<set _towelCount = $backpack.count(_reqKey) + (_isStorageAvailable ? $storage.count(_reqKey) : 0)>>
<<if _towelCount >= 5>>
<<linkreplace 'Grab towels and make a birthing area'>>
<<if _isStorageAvailable>>
<<transfer $storage $backpack _reqKey 5>>
<<drop $backpack 'towel' 5>>
<br /><br />
You lay down towels on the ground and hope that will do.
<br /><br />
<<set _chanceSuccess += 5>>
<<set _chanceMotherDies -= 1>>
You look around but see nothing that could work (<strong>missing <<=5-_towelCount>> of the 5 towels</strong>)
<br /><br />
<<if setup.hasDoctor()>>
<<set _chanceSuccess += 20>>
<<set _chanceMotherDies -= 2>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('breeder')>>
<<set _chanceSuccess += 10>>
<<set _chanceMotherDies -= 1>>
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'push'>>
<br /><br />
<<addhours 7>>
<<energy -70>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(_chanceSuccess)>>
The labor was long and painful, but <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> was determined to bring her child into the world. Finally, after hours of pushing, she heard the sound of a baby's cry.<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> held her newborn child close, tears streaming down her face. She knew that they were still in a dangerous situation, but for the moment, all that mattered was the new life in her arms.
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'kid'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _childGender = randomInteger(0,1)>>
Congratulation, it's a <<if !_childGender>><span style="color:pink">girl</span><<else>> <span style="color:blue">boy</span><</if>>
<br /><br />
<<set _mother = $tmpGirl>>
<<newchild _childGender _mother>>
<<set _randomName = $newChild.name>>
What will be <<if !_childGender>>her<<else>>his<</if>> name: <<textbox "_childName" _randomName>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<set _mother.noPregnancyDays = randomInteger(180, 250)>>
<<if $pregnancyHappening.type === 'slave'>>
<<set $slaves[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<elseif $pregnancyHappening.type === 'character'>>
<<set $characters[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<set $guests[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<set _child.name = _childName>>
<<if ($game.location.nursery ?? false)>>
<<run $nursery.push(_child)>>
<<elseif ($game.location.guesthouse ?? false)>>
<<run $guests.push(_child)>>
<<run $slaves.push(_child)>>
<<run delete $pregnancyHappening>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'died'>>
<br /><br />
Despite the best efforts of the community, tragedy strikes. The child is born, but due to the harsh conditions and lack of medical resources, it becomes clear that survival is impossible.
The child passes away in <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>'s arms.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<for _childGuestI, _childGuest range $guests>>
<<set $guests[_childGuestI].happy -= 10>>
<<for _childSlaveI, _childSlave range $slaves>>
<<set $slaves[_childSlaveI].happy -= 10>>
<<set _mother = $tmpGirl>>
<<run delete _mother.pregnancy>>
<<if $pregnancyHappening.type === 'slave'>>
<<set $slaves[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<elseif $pregnancyHappening.type === 'character'>>
<<set $characters[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<set $guests[$pregnancyHappening.id] = _mother>>
<<unset $pregnancyHappening>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You and your fellow survivors fought bravely, but the attackers were too many, too well-armed, and too ruthless.
As the last defenses crumbled, the leader of the gang steps forward, his sneer replaced with a look of triumph.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
I warned you. You had chance.
<br />
The attackers begin to ransack the settlement, taking anything of value.
The leader gestures to his men, and they start rounding up the survivors corralling them into the central area of the settlement.
<br /><br />
<<set _tookFood = Math.min(100, setup.cabinInventory.count('food'))>>
<<set _tookKnives = Math.min(5, setup.cabinInventory.count('knife'))>>
<<set _tookMoney = Math.min(300, $player.money)>>
<<if _tookFood>>
<strong>They stole <<=_tookFood>> food</strong>
<br />
<<if _tookKnives>>
<strong>They stole <<=_tookKnives>> knives</strong>
<br />
<<if _tookMoney>>
<strong>They stole <<=_tookMoney>> caps</strong>
<br />
<br />
<<set _guestsCount = Math.min(1, $guests.length)>>
<<set _slavesCount = Math.min(2, $guests.length)>>
<<set _randomGuestIds = setup.getRandomPersonIds($guests, _guestsCount)>>
<<set _randomSlaveIds = setup.getRandomPersonIds($slaves, _slavesCount)>>
<<set _npcsTaken = []>>
<<for _npcIndex, _npc range _randomGuestIds>>
<<set _npcsTaken.push(setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuestIds[_npcIndex]]))>>
<<guestRemove _randomGuestIds[_npcIndex]>>
<<for _npcIndex, _npc range _randomSlaveIds>>
<<set _npcsTaken.push(setup.displayName($slaves[_randomSlaveIds[_npcIndex]]))>>
<<slaveRemove _randomSlaveIds[_npcIndex]>>
The survivors are taken captive. The attackers impose harsh conditions, treating the inhabitants as forced labor.
The leader makes it clear that any resistance will be met with brutal punishment.
<br /><br />
You can't do anything but just look as they take with them <<=_npcsTaken.join(', ')>>.
<br /><br />
As you look outside your gates, in the distance you see as they car disappears behind the trees with some of your people.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Get up'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _guards = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'guard')>>
<<set _allyCount = _guards.length + Object.keys($player.companions).length>>
<<set _enemyGuyCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 3), 4)>>
<<set _enemyGirlCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 2)-1, 1)>>
<br /><br />
As you step outside, the cool evening breeze brushes against your face, carrying with it a faint, unfamiliar scent.
The tranquility is abruptly shattered by the sound of metal clanging against metal.
The source of the noise becomes apparent as you approach the gate: a rusty, battered car parked just outside, and a group of grim-looking men standing in front of it,
banging on the door with their fists and the butts of their knives.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Well, look what we have here. Nice place you got. Shame if something happened to it.
<br />
He gestures to his companions, each one armed with an assortment of knives and makeshift weapons, their faces hidden behind makeshift masks. The tension is palpable as they spread out, ensuring you understand the seriousness of the situation.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
Here's the deal. You either pay us 500 caps as a toll for... protection, or we take whatever we like. And trust me, you don't want that.
<br />
In front of you are standing <strong>10 guys, all holding knives</strong> in their hands.
<br /><br />
<<generateEnemies 8 0 8>>
<<for _enemyI = 0; _enemyI < $enemies.length; _enemyI++ >>
<<set $enemies[_enemyI].strength += randomInteger(50, 130)>>
<<set $enemies[_enemyI].endurace += randomInteger(50, 130)>>
<<set $enemies[2].inventory.car_part = 1>>
<div id="option_fight">
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<set _guards = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'guard')>>
<<fight $enemies 'Wood cabin' 'Event - Base attack with car - lost' false _guards>>
<<set $fight.skipEndingLost = true>>
<<if $player.money >= 500>>
<div id="option_pay">
<<linkreplace 'Pay 500 caps'>>
<<run $('#option_fight').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<<set $player.money -= 200>>
<<set $player.quests.baseAttackCarDay = $game.day>>
You hand over the demanded supplies, losing valuable resources but avoiding immediate conflict.
<br /><br />
This sets a precedent for future extortion attempts, and you'll need to decide how to handle those.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
Today, your steps lead you toward the mountain.
The climb is steep and unforgiving, but you know the view from the top is worth it.
From up there, you can see the extent of your domain, the broken remains of the old world stretching far beyond the treeline.
<br /><br />
You’re nearing the summit when you hear it—a faint rustle off the trail.
Your instincts kick in immediately, sharp as a knife. You stop, listening, your senses on high alert.
Quietly, you veer toward the sound, each step deliberate and silent.
<br /><br />
That’s when you see her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing1'>>
<br /><br />
She’s crouched among the ferns, her back to you, pants around her ankles.
A girl—young, wiry, her hair a tangle of grime and sweat. She’s completely unaware of your presence. The audacity of it sparks a flash of anger in you.
<br /><br />
$tmpGirl.hair = 'ginger',
$tmpGirl.race = 'white'
She jolts, spinning around, her face a mask of shock and embarrassment. Scrambling to pull up her pants, she stumbles back, her hands shaking.
But you’re quicker. In a few swift strides, you grab her arm and haul her upright.
<br /><br />
What the hell do you think you’re doing on my property?
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Please sorry! I didn't know! Let me go!
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I don't have any caps or food. Please let me go!
<br />
So, what are you going to pay with?
<br />
<div id="option_bj">
<<linkreplace 'Get on your knees'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<set _bj = true>>
Her eyes widen slightly, realizing what you mean. The fight in her seems to waver for a moment before she looks away, staring at the ground.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Fine! Just don't hurt me.
<br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing2'>>
<br /><br />
Her breath catches.
There’s hesitation in her movements, a flicker of resistance in her eyes, but she knows she doesn’t have a choice.
Slowly, she sinks to her knees, the dry earth crunching beneath her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing3'>>
<br /><br />
She holds your dick in her hand. You grab her hair and pull her mouth onto your dick. She clearly struggles with the size of yours.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing4'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Please don't. It's way to big. Let me just do it my way.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Force her deeper'>>
You put your hand on her hair, sliding fingers through them as you pushed her head on your dick, simultenously making movements with your hips towards her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing5'>>
<br /><br />
Her lips wrapped around your cock, her skilled tongue tracing the veins as she sucked harder.
Your fingers tangled in her hair, gripping tightly as you moaned uncontrollably while she choked on your dick.
<br /><br />
Tears stung her eyes as she gagged on your length, her throat stretched to its limit. She tried to pull back, but your hands held her in place, your grip unrelenting.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Stop! I can't breath.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull out her tits'>>
You let her breath for a moment. Meanwhile you leaned towards her top and slowly pulled out ouf on her breast.
Then you focused on second one and stopped only when both of them were naked outside of her top.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Hey! This wasn't the deal!
<br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing6'>>
<br /><br />
Then once again you put your hand on her head and she instantly knew what you will do.
She clearly knew she is not able to put it all in so she firmly wrapped her hand around your dick and while sucking your dick, she stroked it with one hand.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/trespassing7'>>
<br />
With each movement you tried to push her deeper and deeper.
At one point she just gave up and pressed both hands against your legs, that way at least trying to limit how deep you could push her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Jus.t.. cu.mm.. alread.. hhh
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum in her throat'>>
Your cock twitched, and with a guttural roar, you exploded deep into her throat filling her with his hot, creamy load.
She just stood there in shock as she didn't expect that at all.
<br /><br />
<<image 'game/misc/cum_throat.webp'>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Let her go'>>
<<if !_bj>>
<<run $('#option_bj').hide()>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you! And I am so sorry. This won't happen again.
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
She quickly scrambles on her feet. she mutters something, clutching her bag tightly as she backs away.
<br />
You don’t respond, just watch as she turns and rushes down the mountain trail, her footsteps echoing against the stillness of the forest.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<br/><br />
With a shared understanding, you all gradually moved towards the private quarters of your dwelling.
The scent of the champagne lingered in the air, adding an intoxicating layer to the already charged atmosphere.
<br /><br />
Entering the bedroom, the ambiance shifted again. The soft glow of a few candles placed strategically around the room created a warm and intimate setting. The air was thick with the heady mix of anticipation and the fragrant notes of aged champagne.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[0]>>
I like it here! Looks so comfortable!
<br />
<br />
As the night wore on, the playful tension between you and the three women escalated into a magnetic attraction. The air was thick with desire, and the flickering candles cast shadows that seemed to dance in rhythm with the beating hearts in the room.
<br /><br />
<<for _key, _girlId range $tmpEvent.girlIds>>
<<set $guests[_girlId].relationship += 10>>
<<set $guests[_girlId].happy += 20>>
<<set $guests[_girlId].drunk = 100>>
<strong>Relationship with <<=setup.displayName($guests[_girlId])>> increased by 10</strong>
<br />
<br />
With a tender touch, <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> began to slowly unbutton <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>>'s top, revealing the delicate contours of her breasts.
The room, once filled with laughter and shared stories, now witnessed a more intimate narrative—a tale of exploration and connection that defied the constraints of the outside world.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[1]>>
<<=$tmpEvent.girls[2].name>>!!! What are you doing? Ha-ha...
<br />
As the fabric fell away, unveiling the beauty that lay beneath, the ambiance in the room shifted into a more profound intimacy. The scent of passion and the faint notes of champagne lingered, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that mirrored the forbidden romance unfolding before them.
<br /><br />
As you and <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> where watching, she slowly put hand on your crouch and started to unbutton your pants. As <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> top fell off in revenge, your dick was already outside your pants.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[2]>>
Oh my!
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[1]>>
This might be best after party ever, heh.
<br />
They slowly started to crawl on the bed toward you till they reached your dick, <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> firmly was holding in her hand.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event1'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> was the first who decided to get a taste of your dick. As other girls were already naked she grabbed your dick and started to suck it with passion as
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> took her hair and hold them while <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> sucked your balls.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event2'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[1]>>
Leave something for others, girl.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> took her turn. That felt different, not hard as <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>>. Almost felt like she's trying to making love. Gently and with love.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event3'>>
<br /><br />
As <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> was ready for your dick, <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> instead of sharing, just pulled down her panties and crawled onto you. She spread her legs and slowly slides on your dick.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> put two fingers on her clit and started to massage it as she bounced up and down with load moans.
<br /><br />
She fucked you for some time before <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> looked frustrated and she undressed fully and winked at you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[2]>>
Come her.
<br />
Other girls looked at her and with giggles took the same position by her side.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event4'>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[2])>> bites her lip as you slowly slide into her pussy and start to fuck her.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[2]>>
Oh shit... That's so good...
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpEvent.girls[1]>>
Fuck us all!
<br />
They both lean down with her pussies in the same line with reach for your hands.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event5'>>
<br /><br />
As you keep fucking <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> you also put your fingers inside other two girls and fuck them with your fingers. They all moan as each of them holds each others hands.
<br />
Moans get loader and loader as one of the girls starts to shake her legs as you keep pounding <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> tight pussy.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'cabin/house_party_event6'>>
<br /><br />
As you start to cum <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> and <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> turns around and watches as your cum gets all over <<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[0])>> ass.
<br />
They giggle and leans toward your dick while trying to catch some of it before it lands on ass.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>>
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpEvent.girls[1])>> decides you clean your dick with her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Fire place'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
<<set _npcList = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0]>>
<<set _randomNpc = setup.getRandomElement(_npcList)>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_randomNpc]>>
The silhouette of a woman sways sensually to a rhythm only she can hear, her movements reflecting a mixture of grace and desperation.
The worn-out wooden floorboards creak beneath her bare feet as she loses herself in the dance.
<br />
The flickering shadows cast by the dancing flames seem to dance along with her, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.
<br /><br />
<br />
As you stand there, a silent observer in the doorway, <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> doesn't seem to notice your presence at first.
Her movements become more provocative, a strange juxtaposition to the harsh reality outside. It's almost as if she's trying to escape the desolation through the rhythm of her dance.
<br /><br />
Suddenly, <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> catches a glimpse of you in the corner of her eye. Her body freezes for a moment, and her eyes widen in surprise.
A hint of vulnerability flashes across her face, but it quickly transforms into a mischievous smile.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
<<= $player.name>>! I thought I am alone. How long have you been standing there?
<br />
She takes a step toward you, her eyes locked with yours. The firelight accentuates the contours of her face, revealing a mix of defiance and playfulness.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Did you come here just to watch, or are you looking for a bit of company?
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Maybe I could offer you something... a little more personal.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take a seat'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
You take a seat on a worn-out wooden chair, and she approaches you with a seductive sway in her hips. The pulsating rhythm of her dance matches the erratic beat of your heart.
<br />
The flickering candlelight casts a warm glow on the scene, accentuating the contours of her body as she moves.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/late_dance1'>>
<br /><br />
She turns around and places one hand on your shoulder, lightly trailing her fingers down your arm. The scent of smoke and the faint aroma of something sweet linger in the air. Her eyes hold a playful invitation as she leans in, letting you grab and play with her breast.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/late_dance2'>>
<br /><br />
With a sultry gaze, she extends her hand, reaching your pants. She starts to unzip them...
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just relax and let me do the rest.
<br />
<<video 'cabin/late_dance3'>>
<br /><br />
She finishes and helps you take out your dick. She grabs it firmly and makes few sensual strokes with her hand while sliding down her panties with other.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/late_dance4'>>
<br /><br />
With leg she kicks away her panties she just took off and leans closer while slowly bending a bit. She grabs your hard dick in her hand and aims it towards her pussy...
<br />
She slowly slides your dick inside her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just relax. I will take care of you.
<br />
<<video 'cabin/late_dance5'>>
<br /><br />
As your dick gets moist enough, she gradually picks up the pace and increasingly performs her movements faster and faster.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
This feels so good! Just don't dare to move. It's all me tonight.
<br />
With her hands, she pushes against your legs and increases the pace even more.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<set $guests[_randomNpc].happy += 10>>
<<set $guests[_randomNpc].horny = 0>>
<<set $guests[_randomNpc].virgin = false>>
<br />
You cum inside her pussy. She feels that and makes a loud moan as her legs start shaking and she jumps off you while your cum drips all over your dick.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh, that was something. Have a good night!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'Decline offer'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Let me take a look... I am ready to pay 100 caps for one.
<br />
<<set _hasVirgins = false>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _slaveI, _slave range ($slaves ?? [])>>
<<capture _slaveI, _slave>>
<<if !_slave.virgin || _slave.gender>>
<<set _hasVirgins = true>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span class="name-no-click"><<=setup.displayName(_slave)>></span>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_slave)>>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<dialog 'Throw out'>>
Are you sure you want to sell <<=(_slave.gender ? 'him' : 'her')>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Event - virgin merchant sell'>>
<<run $slaves.splice(_slaveI, 1)>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<set $player.money += 100>>
<<statsAdd 'slaves_sold'>>
<<if !_hasVirgins>>
<strong>You have nothing to sell...</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Finish trading'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<<set $game.virgin_merchant_day = $game.day>>
<br /><br />
As you step out of the wood cabin, the chill of air stings your cheeks.
The world beyond the settlement gates is a mix of desolation and stubborn life, struggling to survive amidst ruins and overgrown vegetation.
The sound that catches your attention isn't the usual rustle of leaves or distant animal calls; it's a voice, human and unexpected.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Walking towards the gates, you saw him—a weathered old man with a tattered cloak and a cart laden with goods. His eyes, though tired,
gleamed with a sharp intelligence that belied his age. He introduced himself as a merchant, his voice carrying a hint of gravel from years spent on the road.
<br /><br />
Then came his chilling request, delivered with a casualness that made your blood run cold.
<br /><br />
I'm in need of a rare commodity.
<br />
What kind of commodity?
<br />
I need a virgin voman. I am willing to pay you 100 caps.
<br /><br />
<<link 'I accept, choose one'>>
<<goto 'Event - virgin merchant sell'>>
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/gate_lone_survivor.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
The lone survivor that you let stay overnight and feed at your camp yesterday has gathered his belongings and is waiting for you at the gate.
<br /><br />
Thank you very much! I will never forget your hospitality. I have a gift of gratitude for you.
<<pickup $backpack 'antibiotics' 1>>
<strong>You received <strong class="iitem">1 antibiotics</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The lone survivor that you let stay overnight and feed at your camp yesterday is nowhere to be found. The gate is left half-open and it appears that food has been taken from the storage.
<br /><br />
<<set _food = Math.min(20, setup.cabinInventory.count('food'))>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('food', _food)>>
<strong>You lost <strong class="iitem"><<=_food>> food</strong></strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Continue'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/gate_lone_survivor.jpg' sfw>>
<br /><br />
A lone survivor approaches the gate, claiming to be a doctor who can provide valuable medical assistance to your settlement. However, you also know that they have a history of stealing from other settlements.
<br /><br />
Please, sir. Can I stay here for one night? I'm hungry and I don't have the strength to continue my journey. I beg you. I could offer you something in return for it..
<br /><br />
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('food', 2)>>
<<link 'Let him in'>>
<<set setup.cabinInventory.drop('food', 2)>>
<<set $game.lone_survivor = true>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
-2 food.
<<link 'Tell him to go away'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<set $player.reputation-->>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Let me take a look... I am ready to pay 20 caps for one.
<<set _hasBabies = false>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _nurseryI, _nursery range ($nursery ?? [])>>
<<set _hasBabies = true>>
<<capture _nurseryI, _nursery>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span class="name-no-click"><<=setup.displayName(_nursery)>></span>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_nursery)>>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<dialog 'Throw out'>>
Are you sure you want to sell <<=(_nursery.gender ? 'him' : 'her')>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Event: Baby merchant sell'>>
<<run $nursery.splice(_nurseryI, 1)>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 2>>
<<set $player.money += 20>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _slaveI, _slave range $slaves>>
<<if setup.getAge(_slave) > 17>>
<<set _hasBabies = true>>
<<capture _slaveI, _slave>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span class="name-no-click"><<=_slave.name>></span>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_slave)>>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<dialog 'Throw out'>>
Are you sure you want to sell <<=(_slave.gender ? 'him' : 'her')>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Event: Baby merchant sell'>>
<<run $slaves.splice(_slaveI, 1)>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 2>>
<<set $player.money += 20>>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) > 17>>
<<set _hasBabies = true>>
<<capture _guestI, _guest>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<span class="name-no-click"><<=_guest.name>></span>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_guest)>>
<<link 'Sell'>>
<<dialog 'Throw out'>>
Are you sure you want to sell <<=(_guest.gender ? 'him' : 'her')>>?
<br />
<<link 'Yes' 'Event: Baby merchant sell'>>
<<assignedTo _guest 'none'>>
<<guestRemove _guestI>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 2>>
<<set $player.money += 20>>
<<if !_hasBabies>>
<strong>You have nothing to sell...</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Finish trading'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
What kind of place is this? It doesn't really matter. I have a generous offer for you. Do you have small children or newborns? I'm ready to buy them from you.
<br /><br />
<div id="options">
<<linkreplace 'What he will do with them'>>
Why do you care? Have you ever eaten them? Get ready for a delicious soup. Mmm...
<br /><br />
<<link 'I accept, choose one'>>
<<goto 'Event: Baby merchant sell'>>
<<link 'Maybe some other time'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<linkreplace 'Kill him'>>
<<run $('#options').hide()>>
<br /><br />
Looking into his eyes, you find an old, rusted pipe within arm's reach, and you strike him in the head with it. He wasn't prepared for it and falls dead to the ground. Within seconds, the ground around him turns red.
<br />
<br />
<strong>People like him will leave you alone for a while.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<set $game.baby_merchant_day = $game.day>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set _eventBaseAttackCapturedGirls = 1>>
<<if Object.keys($prevFight).length && setup.percentageChance(50) && $slaves.length > 1>>
<<set _eventBaseAttackCapturedGirls++>>
As you look outside your gates in the distance you see group of attackers walking away with <strong class="iitem"><<=_eventBaseAttackCapturedGirls>></strong> of your slaves.
<br /><br />
<<set _eventBaseAttackSlaveListIds = setup.getRandomPersonIds($slaves, _eventBaseAttackCapturedGirls).sort().reverse()>>
They took:
<br />
<<set _beforeSlaves = clone($slaves)>>
<<for _eventBaseAttackSlaveListId, _eventBaseAttackSlaveList range _eventBaseAttackSlaveListIds>>
<<capture _eventBaseAttackSlaveListId>>
<strong class="iitem"><<=$slaves[_eventBaseAttackSlaveList].name>></strong><br />
<<set $slaves.splice(_eventBaseAttackSlaveList, 1)>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Get up'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _guards = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'guard')>>
<<set _allyCount = _guards.length + Object.keys($player.companions).length>>
<<set _enemyGuyCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 3), 4)>>
<<set _enemyGirlCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 2)-1, 1)>>
<br /><br />
As you stroll through your village, enjoying the warm sunshine on your face, a sudden commotion catches your attention. One of your girls, sprints towards you, her face contorted with fear and her eyes wide with panic. She screams at the top of her lungs, "Help! Help! They're attacking our base!"
<br /><br />
Between gasps for breath, the girl manages to respond, her voice trembling, "A group of bandits! They stormed our gates and managed to break through! They're wreaking havoc inside!"
<br /><br />
As you arrive at the gate, the sight that greets you is one of chaos.
Gates lie broken and splintered, remnants of a violent struggle and in front of you are standing <<=_enemyGuyCount>> guys and <<=_enemyGirlCount>> <<=(_enemyGirlCount > 1 ? 'women' : 'woman')>>.
<br /><br />
<<set $prevFight = {}>>
<div id="option1">
<<include 'Event: Base attack - fight'>>
<<linkreplace 'Try to negotiate'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<if $player.int < 30>>
<br /><br />
They all start laughing in your face. One of them spits on your face.
<br /><br />
<strong class="iitem">Your intelligence failed</strong>
<br /><br />
<<include 'Event: Base attack - fight'>>
They mockingly look at each other and nods their heads.
<br /><br />
"<strong>You have a deal! But we'll take on of your slaves with us</strong>"
<br /><br />
<<link 'Accept the offer'>>
<<goto 'Event: Base attack - lost'>>
Will take one of your slaves.
<<include 'Event: Base attack - fight'>>
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
Stepping outside, you hear voices. You decide to go and see what's happening. A couple of girls are looking at the garden and discussing something among themselves.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/bathhouse_talk.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
<<set _randomGuests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
As they sat around the fire, <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>> cleared her throat and caught the attention of the others.
<br /><br />
<<say $guests[_randomGuests[0][0]].name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Ladies, I've been thinking. We've been through so much, and it's high time we consider our own well-being
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][1]])>>, a woman with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, raised an eyebrow.
<br /><br />
<<say $guests[_randomGuests[0][1]].name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
What do you have in mind, <<=$guests[_randomGuests[0][0]].name>>? More scavenging runs for supplies?
<br /><br />
<<say $guests[_randomGuests[0][0]].name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
No, <<=$guests[_randomGuests[0][1]].name>>, not quite. I've been hearing murmurs of exhaustion among us. Washing ourselves under rainwater and whatever springs we find has become tiresome. We deserve a chance to relax and take care of ourselves.
<br />
How about we ask <<=$player.name>> to build us something like bathhouse? maybe also with sauna?
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][3]])>> leaned forward, her eyes alight with a newfound idea. The women exchanged glances, intrigued by the concept.
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][2]])>>'s lips curled into a determined smile.
<br /><br />
<<say $guests[_randomGuests[0][3]].name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
A sauna? Now that's an idea. We'll create a place where we can wash away the dirt and relax our tired bodies. A sanctuary amidst the chaos.
<br />
With a renewed sense of purpose, the women began to sketch out their ideas, discussing how they could repurpose salvaged materials, create a heating system, and design a space that would bring a semblance of normalcy to their lives.
<br /><br />
They continued their conversation for a while as you stood behind and listened to everything. After a moment, one of them turned around and noticed you were behind. The other girls also turned and asked if you liked the idea and if you were ready to do it.
<br /><br />
<<link "Anything for you, girls">>
<<notify 6s>>Bathhouse available in workbench!<</notify>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<link "I'll think about it">>
<<notify 6s>>Bathhouse available in workbench!<</notify>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set _persons = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0]>>
<<set _randomPersons = setup.getRandomPersons(_persons, 2)>>
_randomPerson1Id = _randomPersons[0],
_randomPerson2Id = _randomPersons[1]
<<unset $tmpGirlCapture>>
<<set _money = randomInteger(50, 75)>>
<<set _splitMoneyPerPerson = Math.round(_money / 3, 0)>>
<<set _splitMoney = _money - _splitMoneyPerPerson * 2>>
<strong><<=$guests[_randomPerson1Id].name>></strong> and <strong><<=$guests[_randomPerson2Id].name>></strong> are arguing and fighting over a rusty metal box which lays on the ground between them.<br />
They both claim ownership over the coins inside; one for finding the box, and the other for getting the lock open.
There are <strong class="iitem"><<=_money>></strong> caps inside, enough to considerably help the entire colony if needed.
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<set _linkName = 'Interview ' + $guests[_randomPerson1Id].name>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<set $guestId = _randomPerson1Id>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[_randomPerson1Id]>>
<<capture $tmpGirl>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<div id="option2">
<<set _linkName = 'Interview ' + $guests[_randomPerson2Id].name>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<set $guestId = _randomPerson2Id>>
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[_randomPerson2Id]>>
<<capture $tmpGirl>>
<<include 'NPC info'>>
<<linkreplace 'Render judgment'>>
<br />
You've decided.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Give box to ' + $guests[_randomPerson1Id].name>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship = Math.min($guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship + 10, 100)>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship -= 20>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
+10 relationship <<=$guests[_randomPerson1Id].name>>; -20 relationship <<=$guests[_randomPerson2Id].name>>
<<set _linkName = 'Give box to ' + $guests[_randomPerson2Id].name>>
<<link `_linkName`>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship = Math.min($guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship + 10, 100)>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship -= 20>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
+10 relationship <<=$guests[_randomPerson2Id].name>>; -20 relationship <<=$guests[_randomPerson1Id].name>>
<<link 'Split between them'>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship -= 5>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship -= 5>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
-5 relationship
<<link 'Split between you three'>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship -= 10>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship -= 10>>
<<set $player.money += _splitMoney>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
+<<=_splitMoney>> caps; -10 relationship
<<link 'Keep them to yourself'>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson2Id].relationship -= 20>>
<<set $guests[_randomPerson1Id].relationship -= 20>>
<<set $player.money += _money>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
+<<=_money>> caps; -20 relationship
<</linkreplace>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You hear noise coming from a place where you've stored some food, and decide to cautiously investigate its source. The door to the room is ajar and the sounds keep getting louder and louder as you approach - something's definitely here. To your surprise, as you carefully take a peak in between the door's gap, you see a small child in front of you. He immediately spots you peering through the doorway, a fearful look in his eyes.
Abandoning stealth and swinging open the door, you see that they're holding a few pieces of food in their gaunt hands.
<br /><br />
<<set _foodOptions = [$storage.count('food'), $backpack.count('food'), 5]>>
<<set _foodGive = Math.min.apply(null, _foodOptions.filter(Boolean))>>
<<if _foodGive && ($storage.count('food') || $backpack.count('food'))>>
<div id="option_food">
<<linkreplace 'Tell him to take as much as he likes.'>>
<<run $('#option1_desc, #option2, #option_invite').hide()>>
<<if $storage.count('food') >= _foodGive>>
<<drop $storage 'food' _foodGive>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' _foodGive>>
<strong>You've lost <<=_foodGive>> food.</strong>
<br /><br />
A wide smile bursts onto the child's face as he exclaims, <strong>"Thank you so much mister!"</strong> He takes some more food, before quickly darting out of the building and disappearing into the nearby forest.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option1_desc">
-<<=_foodGive>> food
<<if ($game.location.nursery ?? false)>>
<div id="option_invite">
<<linkreplace 'Invite to live in your settlement'>>
<<run $('#option2, #option_food').hide()>>
<<set $tmpGuy.birthDate = setup.getBirthDate(randomInteger(7, 13))>>
<<set $tmpGuy.relationship = randomInteger(40, 70)>>
<<run $nursery.push($tmpGuy)>>
A wide smile bursts onto the child's face as he exclaims, <strong>"Thank you so much mister! I would like that!"</strong>. He puts down the food he was trying to steal, and you show him a place where he can sleep.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.goodwill += 2>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option2">
<<link 'Throw him out.'>>
<<set $player.goodwill -= 5>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><<if [0,2].includes($tmpGirl.gender)>>
<<set _portrait = '/people/anongirl.png'>>
<<set _portrait = '/people/anonguy.png'>>
<br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<if $tmpGirl.washedBathhouse>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Sorry, I will have to decline. I already was in bathhouse today. Maybe some other time
<<set _isOk = true>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh, I like where this is going. Lead the way.
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Sorry, I wouldn't be comfortable there together with you.
<br /><br />
<<if _isOk>>
<<link 'Go to the shower'>>
<<set $oldTmpGirlLocation = $tmpGirl.location>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'shower'>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<link 'Back'>>
<<if $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<<goto $tmpGirlViewBack>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<=$game.cabinName ?? ''>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
As you approach the village gate, you encounter a stranger standing next to a colorful caravan filled with beautiful horses. He introduces himself as Barnaby, the Horse Traveling Merchant. Barnaby explains that he's passing through the area and offers a selection of horses for sale. He also mentions that he's a skilled horse trainer and takes great care of his animals...<br /><br />
Would you want to buy a horse?
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Yes'>>
With excitement, Barnaby shows the traveler various horses and tells that one horse costs <strong class="iitem">400 caps</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.money >= 400>>
<<linkreplace 'Buy horse'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<run $('#option1_desc').hide()>>
<<set $player.money -= 400>>
What you will call your horse? <<textbox "_tmpHorseName" 'Bullet'>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<set $player.horse = _tmpHorseName>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option1_desc">
<<linkdesc>>-400 caps<</linkdesc>>
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'No'>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
With a gracious smile, Barnaby nodded understandingly, accepting the traveler's decision.
<br /><br />
No worries at all. If you ever change your mind I'll probably come and check on you again
<br /><br />
With that, the traveler continued on his way, leaving you and your beautiful horses behind.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/stuck1'>>
<br /><br />
Entering the kitchen, you see <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>. She's pulling something by the sink. You decide to ask if everything is okay, to which she replies that her hand is stuck while cleaning the drain.
<br /><br />
<<say $tmpGirl.name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Could you help me please?
<br /><br />
<div id="option_help">
<<link 'Help her'>>
<<run $('#option_fun, #option_help').hide()>>
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<div id="option_fun">
<<linkreplace 'Have some fun'>>
<<set _hadFun = true>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $guests[$guestId].horny = 0>>
<<run $('#option_help').hide()>>
<<video 'kitchen/stuck2'>>
<br /><br />
<<say $tmpGirl.name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Really? You think this is the right time? Ohh... god...
<br /><br />
<<video 'kitchen/stuck3'>>
<br /><br />
As you grab her top and pull it, one of her breasts falls out swings as you fuck her tight pussy. She's clearly enjoying it as she doesn't resist in any way.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'kitchen/stuck4'>>
<br /><br />
You pull out and cum all over her back as she finally manages to get her hand out of the drain. Cum drops from her back on the ground.
<<run $('#option_end').show()>>
<div id="option_end" style="display:none;">
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> manages to pull out the trapped arm, and she sighs in relief.
<br /><br />
<<say $tmpGirl.name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
Thank you so much!
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _persons = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'garden')>>
<<if _persons.length>>
<<set _randomPerson = _persons[Math.floor(Math.random()*_persons.length)]>>
<<set _person = $guests[_randomPerson]>>
<<set _persons = setup.getPersonsForLocation($slaves, 'garden')>>
<<set _randomPerson = _persons[Math.floor(Math.random()*_persons.length)]>>
<<set _person = $slaves[_randomPerson]>>
<br /><br />
A weary <strong><<=setup.displayName(_person)>></strong> reports grave news. Some of the food rations appear to have gone bad. Somebody had forgotten to shield them properly, allowing bugs to get into the containers.
<br /><br />
<<set _rottenPercentage = 20>>
<<set _countFood = $backpack.count('food')>>
<<set _foodOutBackpack = Math.round( (1.0 * _rottenPercentage / 100) * _countFood, 0)>>
<<set _countFood = $storage.count('food')>>
<<set _foodOutStorage = Math.round( (1.0 * _rottenPercentage / 100) * _countFood, 0)>>
<<set _foodOut = _foodOutBackpack + _foodOutStorage>>
Bickering about whose fault the situation quickly evolves into a different discussion, as the hungry guests begin to argue if they can afford to throw away precious food, even if a little past its prime.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Throw the food out'>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' _foodOutBackpack>>
<<drop $storage 'food' _foodOutStorage>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
Throw <<=_foodOut>> food out
<<link 'Keep the food'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(50)>>
<<set $game.foodRotten = true>>
<<goto 'Kitchen-room'>>
Chance that your guests or slaves will get ill from food poisoning
<<set $game.rotten_rations_day = $game.day>><h1 class="ptitle">SETTLEMENT</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _horseRideMapping = {
1: 'The girl turned around on the back of the horse, facing you, and sensually began to kiss you and pull off her blouse.',
2: 'Girl kisses our chest and in a matter of seconds your dick is already in her mouth',
3: 'You slowly pull her on you and push her wet pussy onto your hard dick',
4: 'She spreads her legs and takes the lead',
5: 'She turns around and you cum on her firm ass as she keeps rubbing it against your dick',
<<set _videoName = '/settlement/horse_ride' + ($horseRideAction ?? 1)>>
<<video `_videoName`>>
<<if $horseRideAction !== 5>>
<<horny 15>>
<br /><br />
<<= _horseRideMapping[($horseRideAction ?? 1)]>>
<br /><br />
<<if $horseRideAction !== 5>>
<<link 'Blowjob'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 2>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Fuck her'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 3>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link 'Let her ride you'>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 4>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<link 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $horseRideAction = 5>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<if $horseRideAction === 5>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<unset $horseRideAction>>
<<goto 'Settlement'>>
<</if>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
On the first floor, you hear some murmuring and knocking noises. There are also voices audible, one a woman's, the other a man's.
<<if $guests.length > 0>>
And you're almost certain that they don't belong to a guest you're hosting.
You're supposed to be alone. There's almost certainly an intruder in your cabin.
<br /><br />
You decide to check the first floor.
<br /><br />
As you reach the lower level, the faint sound of clinking catches your attention. Your heart races as you creep towards the source of the noise, your worn-out boots barely making a sound on the debris-strewn floor. Through a cracked doorway, you glimpse a flicker of movement.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple1'>>
<br /><br />
Peering around the corner, your eyes widen at the sight: a couple, their tattered clothing and gaunt faces reflecting the harshness of their lives. They were rifling through the stash of canned food you had managed to scavenge over time. Your fists clenched instinctively, anger and desperation surging within you.
<br /><br />
The sound was enough to alert the couple.
<br /><br />
<strong>They try to explain that they hadn't eaten for several days and they had no choice but to try to find some food here. They are so desperately hungry that they can't think properly or stand on their feet anymore.</strong>
<br /><br />
<<set _foodOptions = [$storage.count('food'), $backpack.count('food'), 20]>>
<<set _foodGive = Math.min.apply(null, _foodOptions.filter(Boolean))>>
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Offer them food if you can fuck the girl'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<run $('#option1_desc, #option2, #option3').hide()>>
<<if $backpack.count('food') >= _foodGive>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' _foodGive>>
<<drop $storage 'food' _foodGive>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
Fuck you! Who do you think you are?!
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple2'>>
<br /><br />
Okay... I'll do it. But don't expect me to be happy about it...
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to undress'>>
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple3'>>
<br /><br />
She starts undressing while her man is knelt down and gathering all the food cans, not even attempting to look at her.
<br /><br />
<div id="option3">
<<linkreplace 'Tell her to suck you'>>
<<set _sucked = true>>
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple4'>>
<br /><br />
You sit down in the chair, and the girl kneels down. She looks at her man one last time, who with a broad smile on his face, can't stop watching the cans of food he's gathered. The girl's gaze becomes mocking, and she seems intent on making him feel uncomfortable, starting to enthusiastically suck on your dick while looking at you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<if !_sucked>>
<<run $('#option3').hide()>>
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple5'>>
<br /><br />
She reclines on her side on the carpet, facing her man who still hasn't even looked in your direction. You slowly slide your dick into her, and she unexpectedly tenses up and then relaxes. She's no longer concerned about what her man is doing; she's completely surrendered to you.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'cabin/uninvited_couple6'>>
<br /><br />
You cum right inside her, and she enjoys every drop of you. She continues to moan while your sperm leaks out of her wet pussy.
<br /><br />
Hey, what the hell?! Babe! How could you allow that? We should leave.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Escort them outside'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<linkdesc 'option1_desc'>>
-<<=_foodGive>> food
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Give them food and tell them to get lost'>>
<<set $player.goodwill++>>
<<run $('#option2_desc, #option1, #option3').hide()>>
<<if $backpack.count('food') >= _foodGive>>
<<drop $backpack 'food' _foodGive>>
<<drop $storage 'food' _foodGive>>
<br /><br />
Really? Thank you so much!!
<br /><br />
Both the man and the woman wear a grateful smile on their faces. They quickly pack the food into their bags as if fearing you might change your mind.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Escort them outside'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<<linkdesc 'option2_desc'>>
-<<=_foodGive>> food
<div id="option3">
<<link 'Fight them'>>
<<generateEnemies 1 1>>
<<fight $enemies 'Wood cabin' 'Wood cabin' true>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">SHOWER</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
With a slow turn of the doorknob, you push the door ajar, revealing the silhouette of <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> standing under the feeble stream of water.
Droplets cascade down her body, and her expression shifts from surprise to a sheepish smile as she notices your presence.
<br /><br />
<<video 'shower/taken1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Sorry for not asking permission. I owe you one.
<br />
Her voice carrying a hint of warmth and sincerity. Her eyes meet yours, reflecting a mix of exhaustion and gratitude
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'How about now?'>>
She giggles as she pulls curtains aside and fully shows her naked body.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
So fast? Aren't you impatient one.
<br /><br />
<<video 'shower/taken2'>>
<br /><br />
She drops on her knees and unzips your pants, takes out your dick and strokes it before sucking it in her mouth.
<br />
She looks straight in your eyes with a smile on her face before she goes down to your balls and licks them too.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Ah, whatever... Fuck me!
<br />
She turns around and lifts her leg as you prepare to slide your dick into her wet pussy.
<br /><br />
<<if _npc.virgin>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].virgin = false>>
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> lost her virginity!
<br /><br />
<<video 'shower/taken3'>>
<br /><br />
She grabs the shower curtains and firmly clings to them, pulling them as she lets out a loud moan.
<br />
She looks at you as you fuck her pussy while holding curtains with one hand and you with another.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Don't spare me.
<br />
<<video 'shower/taken5'>>
<br /><br />
She releases your hand and grabs the faucet when you pick up the pace, starting to fuck her faster and stronger. Her moans are getting louder.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just don't cum inside. I want you all on my ass or back.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum inside her'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<video 'shower/taken4'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her by waist and pull her as close as you can to yourself before cumming inside her. At first she doesn't understand that and looks at you with a smile on her face but as soon as she notices
that you didn't pull out she gets annoyed and stomps out of the shower half naked.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Really? Even after I asked you not to?
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><<link 'Attack them'>>
<<set $enemies = []>>
<<set _guards = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'guard')>>
<<set _allyCount = _guards.length + Object.keys($player.companions).length>>
<<set _enemyGuyCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 3), 4)>>
<<set _enemyGirlCount = Math.max(Math.floor(_allyCount / 2)-1, 1)>>
<<for _baseAttackI = 0; _baseAttackI < _enemyGuyCount; _baseAttackI++>>
<<set $tmpGuy.strength = randomInteger(40, 70)>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(20)>>
$tmpGuy.inventory = {
'knife': 1
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGuy)>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _enemyGirlCount; _i++>>
<<run $enemies.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<fight $enemies 'Wood cabin' 'Event: Base attack - lost' false _guards>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
<<set _randomGuests = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
As you come out of your room in the morning, one of your guests comes running towards you, loudly saying that one of your guards managed to catch a woman in the morning light who was trying to enter the resource room. He was able to apprehend her, and she is currently tied up behind the house. You decide to go and see what is really happening there.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught1'>>
<br /><br />
Just as you have circled around the house and come into her line of sight, she starts screaming hysterically. Fear is visible in her eyes, but you can't understand what she's saying because there's something dirty shoved into her mouth. Her screams are so loud that you're starting to get annoyed.
<br /><br />
<div id="option-slap">
<<linkreplace 'Slap her'>>
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught2'>>
<br /><br />
You havedown and slapped her across the face. Instantly, she falls silent and just quietly watches you, waiting to see what you will do next.
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<set _intruderFucked = true>>
<<run $('#option-slave, #option-release').hide()>>
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught4'>>
<br /><br />
You lean in to look into her eyes and remove the dirty cloth from her mouth. Meanwhile, <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>> notices you and decides to approach. Upon arrival, she starts laughing and flirtatiously says to you that she also wants to join in or at least watch and that you should start with her delicious mouth.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her mouth'>>
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught3'>>
<br /><br />
While you untie your pants, <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>> rips open girl's blouse and giggles as she stand behind her, holding her hair so she can't move her head.
<br />
You shove your dick inside the helpless girl and make her gag on your cock.
<br /><br />
<<say $guests[_randomGuests[0][0]].name setup.ImagePath+'/people/anongirl.png'>>
I got an idea. Tie me too. I want to feel like her. Helpless. I want to watch as close as I can.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Tie them both and bring them inside'>>
At <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>>'s request, you tie her up as well, and you lead them into your room. <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>> lies down next to the girl with a wide smile, as she watchines other girl being thrown into the bed in the doggy position.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught5'>>
<br /><br />
You gently slide your dick inside intruders pussy but instead of taking it slow, you just start to pound her already wet pussy as fast and deep as you can. <<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuests[0][0]])>> just watches and moans together with the girl as she fantasies being in her place.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/intruder_caught6'>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<run $('#option-slave, #option-release').show()>>
<br /><br />
Her legs start trembling, and after a moment, you pull out and cum your warm cum all over her back as her hands are tied behind her back and she tries to push you away from her.
<br /><br />
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Fuck her
<<if ($game.location.basement ?? false) && $slaves.length < $basementLimit>>
<div id="option-slave">
<<link 'Enslave her'>>
<<set $tmpGirl.capture = false>>
<<set $slaves.push($tmpGirl)>>
<<goto 'Basement'>>
<<statsAdd 'people_captured'>>
<div id="option-release">
<<linkreplace 'Release her'>>
<<if !_intruderFucked>>
<<run $('#option-slap').hide()>>
<<set $player.reputation++>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<run $('#option-slave').hide()>>
<br /><br />
You untie the girl and with tears in her eyes, she quietly mouths a thank you. She hesitates, saying that you will never see her again and she's very sorry.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FIRE PLACE</h1>
<br />
<<set _npcKey = setup.getRandomElement(setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)[0] ?? [])>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_npcKey]>>
The night air was cool and crisp as you strolled through the settlement. The soft glow of scattered lanterns illuminated the narrow paths, casting a warm hue on the wooden structures. The sounds of laughter and distant conversations filled the air, creating a comforting ambiance.
As you rounded a corner, you noticed a solitary figure sitting by the flickering flames of the central fireplace.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Approach her'>>
Curiosity tugged at you, and you decided to approach to find <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>, one of the girls from your community, gazing into the dancing flames.
Her expression seemed distant, lost in thought. You decided to join her, settling down on the rough-hewn log beside her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Join her'>>
<<set _npc.relationship += 10>>
<<set _npc.happy += 10>>
<<=_npc.name>>, mind if I join you?
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh, it's you. Sure, have a seat.
<br />
The crackling of the fire filled the silence for a moment before you spoke again.
<br /><br />
What brings you out here all alone? The night is beautiful, but it's not often I see someone sitting here by themselves.
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just needed some time alone, you know? It's been a long day, and I needed to clear my head.
<br />
You nodded, understanding the need for solitude in a bustling community. She hesitated for a moment before she continued.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
It's a bit of everything, really. The challenges we face, the uncertainties. Sometimes it feels overwhelming.
<br />
You sat in companionable silence for a while, both lost in your thoughts. The flames danced, casting shadows that seemed to mimic the complexities of your lives.
<br /><br />
As you continued to sit by the fireplace, your conversation turned to lighter topics, and the night seemed a little less daunting with the warmth of camaraderie.
The settlement around you continued to buzz with life, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of unity as you faced the challenges of your shared journey together.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Invite her to spend night with you'>>
<<if setup.sexChance(_npc)>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Sure, why not? It sounds like a nice way to end the night.
<br />
Together, you walked towards your dwelling, the night air crisp around you. Inside, the soft glow of a single lantern illuminated the room, casting a warm ambiance.
You settled into the cozy space, the flickering light creating dancing shadows on the walls.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Fuck'>>
<<set $tmpGirl = _npc>>
<<set $guestId = _npcKey>>
<<fuck _npc>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Sorry but I'll have to decline.
<br />
With a small smile, she bid you goodnight and made her way towards her dwelling. Left alone by the fireplace, you watched as she disappeared into the darkness, realizing that everyone had their own ways of finding solace and comfort during challenging times.
As the night progressed, you decided to take a moment for reflection before eventually heading to bed yourself, grateful for the bonds that held your settlement together.
<br />
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FIRE PLACE</h1>
<br />
<<set _randomGuests = setup.getRandomPersonIds($guests, 6)>>
<<set _npc1 = $guests[_randomGuests[0]]>>
<<set _npc2 = $guests[_randomGuests[1]]>>
<<set _npc3 = $guests[_randomGuests[2]]>>
As you walked past the flickering fire, a brilliant streak of light caught your eye. At first, you thought it was just another shooting star in the post-apocalyptic sky, a fleeting sparkle of cosmic wonder amidst the chaos of your world. But then, the light multiplied, fragmenting into smaller pieces that rained down in a mesmerizing display of celestial chaos.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You tilted your head back, squinting against the glare, trying to make sense of what you were seeing.
<br /><br />
Hey, look up!
<br />
You called out to the others gathered around the fire, their faces etched with weariness from another day of survival.
<br /><br />
As more fragments streaked across the sky, leaving glowing trails of debris in their wake, a sense of wonder and apprehension mingled in the air. The fire crackled softly, a counterpoint to the celestial spectacle unfolding above you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
It's beautiful.
<br />
As more fragments streaked across the sky, leaving glowing trails of debris in their wake, a sense of wonder and apprehension mingled in the air.
The fire crackled softly, a counterpoint to the celestial spectacle unfolding above you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
Oh that's another satellite.
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc3>>
We used to send those things up there, thinking we could conquer the heavens.
<br />
You stood there in silence for a while, watching as the remnants of human ambition burned bright in the night sky, a poignant reminder of a world that once was. And as the last glimmers faded into the darkness, you returned to the warmth of the fire, grateful for the simple comfort of companionship amid the ruins of your past.
<br /><br />
<<for _randomGuestI, _randomGuestId range _randomGuests>>
<<set _happyInc = randomInteger(7, 15)>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName($guests[_randomGuestI])>> happiness increased by <<=_happyInc>></strong>
<<set $guests[_randomGuestI].happy += _happyInc>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br />
The faint yet rhythmic sound of banging resonates through the stillness, cutting through the eerie quiet and sending a shiver up your spine.
Gripping your weapon instinctively, you make your way to the gate.
There, beyond the sturdy wooden barricade and barbed wire, stands a young couple, their weary faces framed by the grime of the road, desperation,
and hope etched deeply into their expressions. In the woman’s arms, bundled in layers of cloth, is a kid, perhaps only a few years old, its face barely visible but serene,
oblivious to the harsh world it’s been born into.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/new_settlers1.jpg'>>
<br />
You carefully approach, your presence stiffening the couple. The man, his voice trembling with both exhaustion and resolve, speaks first
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
We heard about your settlement. We've been on the road for months, trying to survive with... with her.
<br />
He nods toward the baby.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGuy>>
We don't ask for charity. We'll gather our own wood, hunt or scavenge for food. We only ask for protection—at least, a place where she can grow up safe from raiders and beasts.
<br />
The woman, her face shadowed with fatigue, joins in, her eyes pleading
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
We can pay. Whatever tax you set, we'll manage it. Just… please. We need a chance, somewhere we don't have to sleep with one eye open.
<br />
The wind carries the scent of dirt, sweat, and the faintest tang of fear. You assess them closely.
They appear able-bodied and resourceful, though weary. With the harsh times approaching, the risk of taking on new people is daunting, yet a kid among them adds a layer of gravity.
A reminder of a time long past, when family and community meant something, even in the darkest times.
<br /><br />
Looking back at them, you take a deep breath, weighing the cost of rejecting them against the possible strain they might bring. Finally, you speak.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_stay">
<<linkreplace 'Let them stay as settlers'>>
<<set $player.quests.first_settlers = true>>
<<set $player.baseManagement ??= {}>>
<<set $player.baseManagement.settlers = 3>>
<<run $('#option_away').hide()>>
All right. But here, every settler has responsibilities.
You'll gather your own supplies, as you've promised.
In return, you'll contribute to the settlement in both labor and resources, whatever tax we set.
<br />
Their faces soften with a mixture of relief and gratitude. The man nods quickly, reaching for your hand with a grip that speaks of survival, of a man ready to build a life from the ground up, no matter how hard it may be.
The woman’s tired smile as she holds her child a little closer is a spark of hope, fragile yet burning in the dark.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Thank you so much!
<br />
<div style="font-size: 17pt; color: white; font-weight: bold">
You got your first settlers!
<br /><br />
You lead them down the worn path through the heart of the settlement, the dirt packed hard from footsteps.
The air feels a little warmer here, sheltered from the cold and open wilds beyond the walls, and the young couple relaxes just a fraction as they realize they've made it.
The kid stirs in its mother’s arms, letting out a soft coo that brings a faint, tired smile to her lips.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/cabin/new_settlers2.jpg'>>
<br /><br />
Finally, you arrive at one of the empty houses. The roof, though patched in places, holds strong, and the door swings open with a soft creak.
Dust hangs in the air, disturbed as they step inside, and though the place is bare, it's shelter—a gift of unimaginable value in these times.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<div id="option_away">
<<linkreplace 'Tell them to go away'>>
<<run $('#option_stay').hide()>>
I'm sorry. I can't take on any more settlers. This world… it's not kind to the weak, and I can't risk the safety of everyone here by adding another family.
<br />
The woman's grip on the baby tightens, her face a mixture of exhaustion and silent resignation.
She nods once, biting back whatever words were forming on her lips.
Slowly, they turn to leave, their figures already shrouded in the mist as they trudge away, the faint sound of their footsteps swallowed by the quiet landscape.
You watch them disappear, knowing you may never see them again.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go back'>>
<<set $player.quests.first_settlers_day = $game.day>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">FOREST</h1>
<br />
<<set _peopleWorking = setup.getPersonsForLocation($guests, 'forest')>>
<<set _randomPeople = setup.shuffling(_peopleWorking)>>
<<set _victim = $guests[_randomPeople[0]]>>
<<set _npc = $guests[_randomPeople[1]]>>
<<set _helpers = []>>
<<for _i = 1; _i < _randomPeople.length; _i++>>
<<run _helpers.push($guests[_randomPeople[_i]])>>
<<set _pronWhat = setup.pronounceWhat(_victim, true)>>
<<set _pronWho = setup.pronounceWho(_victim)>>
The dim light of dawn filters through the makeshift windows of your camp as you go over the daily plans with your small team.
The air carries a slight chill, a reminder of the ever-present uncertainty of this new world. Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps echoes through the camp.
You look up to see one of the forest workers, sweat dripping from his brow and eyes wide with panic, rushing toward you.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
You gotta come quick! It's <<=setup.displayName(_victim)>>! <<=_pronWhat>>'s been crushed by a tree! _pronWhat's stuck and we can't get <<=_pronWho>> out!
<br />
The <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> leads you through the thick underbrush, past the remnants of a once-thriving forest now scarred by the apocalypse.
Your mind races with possible scenarios and solutions. You need to assess the situation quickly and act even faster.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
You reach the site, and there lies <<=setup.displayName(_victim)>>, trapped beneath a massive fallen tree. <<=_pronWhat>>'s conscious but in visible pain, <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim)>> chest pinned awkwardly under the heavy trunk.
The other workers are gathered around, their faces etched with concern and helplessness.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
If we have enough axes we can try to get <<=_pronWho>> out!
<br />
<<if setup.cabinNpcInv.count('axe', _helpers) >= 5>>
/* < <if setup.cabinInventory.count('axe') > 5> > */
<<set _linkName = 'Help ' + _pronWho>>
<div id="option_help">
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<set _tryHelp = true>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('axe', 5)>>
<<run $('#option_look').hide()>>
Your team members scramble to grab their tools.
The air is thick with urgency as you race back to the site where <<=setup.displayName(_victim)>> lies pinned beneath the massive tree.
<<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim, true)>> face is pale, sweat beading on <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim)>> forehead, but <<=setup.pronounceWhat(_victim)>>'s still conscious.
<br /><br />
<<addmins 30>>
Finally, with a mighty crack, the tree splits.
<br /><br />
<strong class="iitem">You broke 5 axes</strong>
/* <<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('axe', 5)>> **/
<<run setup.cabinNpcInv.drop('axe', 5, _helpers)>>
<br /><br />
Everyone, lift!
<br />
Together, you and the team heave, using every bit of strength to shift the massive trunk just enough to free <<=setup.displayName(_victim)>>.
<br />
You rush <<=_pronWho>> back to the camp with broken bones.
<<set _victim.sick = {
days: 30,
desc: 'Broken bones',
id: 'broken_bones'
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Look at ' + _pronWho + ' helplessly'>>
<div id="option_look">
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
<<run $('#option_help').hide()>>
<<=setup.displayName(_victim)>>'s breathing becomes more labored, and you notice <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim)>> grip on your hand weakening. Panic starts to seep into your determination.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_victim)>>, no! Hold on!
<br />
You shout, but it's too late. <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim, true)>> eyes close, <<=setup.pronounceWhos(_victim)>> chest rises and falls one last time, and then <<=_pronWhat>>'s gone.
<<guestRemove _randomPeople[0]>>
<br /><br />
A heavy silence falls over the group. The sound of axes stops as everyone realizes the horrifying truth. <<=setup.displayName(_victim)>> is dead.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_leave').show()>>
<div id="option_leave" style="display:none">
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">GREENHOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/greenhouse/event_big_pumpkin.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<<set _eventNpc = $guests[$tmpEvent.guestId]>>
<br /><br />
As you enter the garden the familiar scent of earth and thriving plants washes over you.
You find <<=setup.displayName(_eventNpc)>> you've come to know as an expert gardener, her hands gently tending to the vibrant foliage.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _eventNpc>>
Good day! I have a little surprise for you. Look, it's huge!
<br />
There, you see it – the extraordinary pumpkin, the result of her careful tending in your own garden. It sits proudly, dwarfing its companions in both size and vibrancy, a testament to her skill.
<br /><br />
<<pickup $backpack 'food' 10>>
Collected additional <strong class="iitem">10 food</strong>
<br /><br />
<<if recall($suppCode)>>
<<linkreplace 'How about you carve that pumpkin'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<sayNpc _eventNpc>>
Heh, might work good as decoration and increase people mood maybe. I like your idea!
<br />
She immediately gets to work and after 15 minutes the pumpkin is carved and she puts it on her head as a joke.
<br /><br />
<<image 'places/greenhouse/event_big_pumpkin2.jpg' 'sfw'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _eventNpc>>
Ha ha! Are you scared yet?
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Take off your pants and use her mouth'>>
<<video 'greenhouse/pumpkin1'>>
<br /><br />
You notice a smirk on her face as she drops on her knees and lets you slide your cock through carved pumpkin mouth right into hers.
After few deep thrusts you leave it inside and she takes the lead by licking it playfully.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _eventNpc>>
Can you please lie down?
<br />
You lie down on the ground and <<=setup.displayName(_eventNpc)>> step over you with one leg. You look at her pussy from below.
<br />
She slowly starts to squat until she bumps into your dick.
<br /><br />
<<video 'greenhouse/pumpkin2'>>
<br /><br />
You grab your dick and adjust it a bit right before pushing it deep inside her moist pussy and instantly speeding up catching her by surprise.
<br />
She grabs the table right behind you to get a balance.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _eventNpc>>
Oh, fuck this. I want to see you!
<br />
She takes off pumpkin and drops it on the ground right before she gets on the table and spreads her legs for you.
<br /><br />
<<video 'greenhouse/pumpkin3'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her by legs and pull her towards the table edge and then you slowly enter her pussy. She instantly moans while looking at you.
<br />
Her leg starts to shake a little bit so she tries to gently bite her knee to calm it down.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<image 'places/settlement/rodger_bottles_eve_cum.webp'>>
<br /><br />
You push her legs together and turn her to side before cumming inside her pussy. With last pulse your dick slips out and you manage to get your cum on her pussy from outside too.
<br /><br />
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
How about you carve that pumpkin
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<run delete $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Wood cabin'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<addhours 1>>
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
As you walk inside the guest house, you notice <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> standing on the porch.
Her hair catches the sunlight, creating a halo around her head, and she seems lost in the beauty of the morning. You approach quietly, not wanting to startle her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view1'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh good morning
<br />
She turns to look at you, a hint of surprise in her eyes before she smiles warmly
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd come out and enjoy the sunrise. It's been a while since I've seen a morning this peaceful.
<br />
You sit down next to her, the old wood of the porch creaking under your weight.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_glad">
<<linkreplace "I'm really glad you're here">>
<<set _glad = true>>
<<set _npc.relationship += randomInteger(1, 3)>>
<<set _npc.horny += randomInteger(1, 5)>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh, thank you!
<br />
Then she shifts her position and leans over the railing to get a better view, her back to you. The movement is natural, and she seems unaware of the unintended implication.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I will probably take a quick shower before I start my day.
<br />
<br />
Before you can respond, she reaches down and removes her shorts right in front of you, revealing her red panties. Her actions are nonchalant, as if she’s completely comfortable in your presence.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Give her a slap'>>
<<run $('#option_go').hide()>>
<<video 'cabin/morning_view2'>>
<br /><br />
<<if _npc.relationship < 40>>
<<set _npc.relationship -= 10>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
What the hell are you doing?
<br />
She grabs her shorts from the ground and stomps out.
<br /><br />
<<run $('#option_go').hide()>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> gasps and then turns to look at you, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh, so that's how it is?
<br />
She steps closer, her eyes locked on yours. She whispers, her voice dripping with a mix of challenge and desire.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Well, if you're going to start something, you better be ready to finish it
<br />
She slides her hand into your pants and takes out your cock.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view3'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
How about we start day the right way? Huh.
<br />
She teases, her voice husky as she continues to stroke you, her hand moving with a steady rhythm.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view4'>>
<br /><br />
She locks the look with you and leans forward towards your dick. Then she slowly puts it in her mouth and starts to suck it. Her tongue moves around your dickhead.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view5'>>
<br /><br />
Then, with a mischievous smile, she kneels in front of you and presses your cock between her breasts. The sensation is almost too much to bear as she squeezes them together, creating a tight, warm channel.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
How about this?
<br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> increases the pace slightly, her movements becoming more fluid and confident.
The pleasure builds with each stroke, leaving you breathless and yearning for more.
<br />
After a while, she pulls away, her eyes locking onto yours with a knowing smile.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view6'>>
<br /><br />
Without a word, she leans forward and takes your dick back into her mouth, her tongue expertly swirling around the tip as she begins to suck.
She wraps her hand around your cock and strokes you while continuing to suck you off. He puts a lot of effort in it.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Give it to me...
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'cabin/morning_view7'>>
<br /><br />
Feeling the culmination approaching, <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>'s movements become even more deliberate, her focus unwavering.
You struggle to maintain control, but the sensations overwhelm you. With a shuddering breath, you cum inside her mouth.
<br /><br />
She wraps her lips around the tip of your cock so all of your semen goes right into her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<video 'cabin/morning_view8'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Can't let you go without cleaning you up
<br />
She starts to lick rest of your cum off your dick and swollows it all. Her eyes locks with yours as she cleans your dick.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<div id="option_go">
<<linkreplace 'I should go'>>
<<if !_glad>>
<<run $('#option_glad').hide()>>
<<sayNpc _npc>>
If you need any help, just let me know.
<br />
With one last look at the peaceful morning, you turn and head back, feeling a renewed sense of hope and determination.
You know that with friends like <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> by your side, you can face whatever challenges come your way.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
</div><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<<actionImage $tmpEvent 'bedroom' 'masturbate'>><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<horny 20>>
As you approach <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> bed, you notice the rhythmic motion beneath the threadbare blanket, her breath coming in short, uneven gasps.
You freeze, realization sinking in as you glimpse her hand moving beneath the fabric, lost in a private moment of pleasure she thought no one would disturb.
<br /><br />
<<set _action = 'masturbate'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && setup.npcInventoryHas($tmpGirl, 'sextoy') && setup.percentageChance(90)>>
<<set _action = 'masturbate_dildo'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl _action>>
<br /><br />
The air between you grows thick with the sudden, unspoken tension, the fragile intimacy of the moment at odds with the chaos outside.
<br /><br />
<<set _linkName = 'Interrupt ' + setup.pronounceWho($tmpGirl)>>
<<linkreplace _linkName>>
What are you doing?
<br />
<<if $tmpGirl.corruption < 60>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' $guestId 'corruption' 5>>
<strong><<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> corruption increased by 5</strong>
<br /><br />
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'masturbate_hide'>>
<br />
She stammers, unable to meet your gaze, her breath shaky.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
I didn’t... I didn’t think anyone would-
<br />
She bites her lip, looking away, her shoulders hunching as if trying to disappear beneath the blanket.
Shame radiates from her, but there’s something else in her eyes—a vulnerability she struggles to hide.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Approach her'>>
<<goto 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'sleeping'>>
<<actionImage $tmpGirl 'sleep' 'no-text'>>
<<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> lies asleep, her face serene and undisturbed by the harsh realities that lie beyond the fragile walls of the guesthouse.
Her hair spills over the pillow like a cascade of dark silk, and her breathing is slow and steady, as if she's found peace in the midst of chaos.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull sheets up'>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_1'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<br /><br />
You gently pull the sheet up just a bit more, exposing her panties and ass to the cold air. You lean closer and notice her cute panties and that you almost can see through them.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Uncover her breasts'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_2'>>
<br /><br />
Her skin gleams in the dim light, and as the sheet falls away, it reveals more of her body and the soft curve of her naked breasts.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Pull down her panties'>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_3'>>
<br /><br />
As you slowly begin to pull down her panties, the tension in the room grows palpable. <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>, still sleeping, shifts slightly. She turns onto her back, her body now fully exposed to the dim light filtering through the guesthouse.
Her breathing remains steady, her face relaxed. You pause for a moment, your heart racing.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_4'>>
<br /><br />
Her skin is soft and smooth, a gentle curve that leads down her hips. The delicate fabric of the panties slides down her thighs, revealing her shaved pussy.
There's a sense of vulnerability in the moment, as the last piece of clothing is removed, exposing her completely.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Rub your dick against her pussy'>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_5'>>
<br /><br />
You wrap her panties around your dick and slowly move it toward her pussy. Then, gently you start to rub your dickhead between her labia. Her breathing is getting deeper.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Insert'>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<set $player.goodwill-->>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_6'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly slide your dick into her somewhat dry pussy. She slightly shifts as you move your dick in and out of her.
With each thrust you feel her pussy getting more wet.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Faster'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_7'>>
<br /><br />
You slowly start to increase the speed. Her pussy gets more and more relaxed while she's deep into the sleep.
If you will try to go deeper that might be too much for her and she might wake up.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Deeper'>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_8'>>
<br /><br />
You decide to risk it and slide your dick almost fully inside her.
<br />
You also picked up the pace, fucking <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>> harder and faster, making her shifting in her sleep with mix of some very quiet moan.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_9'>>
<br /><br />
You could feel her walls tightening around you. You fucked her harder and deeper, your hips moving with a mind of their own as you chased your own release.
And then, with a final thrusts, you felt yourself tumble over the edge as you were almost ready to cum all over her.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2_10'>>
<br /><br />
With a final deep thrust you reach your climax and pull out too much, so your dick slips out. You grab it in your hand and with few additional jerks, cum all over her ass and pussy.
<br />
She shifts a bit but still stays on her back sleeping.
<br /><br />
Gently, you reached for the sheets and pulled them up, covering her exposed body. Then you slowly moved away from her bed so she doesn't wake up.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUESTHOUSE</h1>
<br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
The creaking door swings open, and there stands <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>, framed by the fading daylight that struggles to filter through the grimy windows.
<br /><br />
<br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Mind if we talk somewhere more private?
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Sure. My room'>>
<<run $('#option_leave').hide()>>
You gesture for her to enter, and she steps into the dimly lit room.
The air is heavy with the scent of dust and decay, but within these walls, there's a semblance of safety and quietude.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> paces the room, her eyes scanning it. After a brief moment she turns to face you, a subtle blush coloring her cheeks.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I've been thinking... Life is so uncertain, and we've seen our fair share of it. I don't want to carry regrets, especially when there's so much we can't control.
<br />
As she speaks, you can sense the vulnerability in her words, a reflection of the uncertainties that have shaped your lives in this new world.
<br /><br />
<<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> takes a deep breath, her gaze meeting yours.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I'm still a virgin, and I've been thinking that maybe... maybe we could change that together.
<br />
The words hang in the air, and the room seems to hold its breath along with you. In the midst of survival and camaraderie, the rawness of human connection becomes more profound, and the desire for intimacy becomes a delicate dance in a world on the brink of collapse.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_yes">
<<linkreplace 'Alright'>>
<<run $('#option_no').hide()>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].virgin = false>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].likesGuys = true>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].relationship += 50>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].sub += 30>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].happy += 80>>
A mixture of relief and gratitude flashes across her face as she takes a step closer.
The world outside seems to fade away as she slowly removes her shorts but leaves panties on and lays down in your bed on her chest.
<br />
You join her, sitting on the edge of the bed, your senses heightened by the awareness of the fragility of this moment.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/take_virginity1'>>
<br /><br />
You carefully grab her ass and squeeze it before sensually sliding your hand across her ass and grabing her panties, pulling them down.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Just please... Be gentle...
<br />
With a silent agreement, you climb onto her finding a position that reflects the unspoken connection between you and <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>>.
<br />
You spread her ass, grab your dick and slowly slide your hard cock inside her untouched pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/take_virginity2'>>
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Wait, wait, can we go slower for a moment? It hurts.
<br />
Acknowledging her request, you ease back, allowing the pace to slow down. The dim light in the room flickers, casting a gentle glow that accentuates the intimacy of the shared space.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh, it's slowly getting better. Mmmm. A bit faster.
<br />
<<video 'guesthouse/take_virginity3'>>
<br /><br />
She doesn't finish her sentence as you thrust your dick inside her red pussy and she instantly puts out load scream and moan mixed together.
She makes strange movements with her ass as she would try to get more comfortable and you just decide to put her in doggyy position.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/take_virginity4'>>
<br /><br />
As you and <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> continue to explore the intimate moment, you guide her into a new position—the two of you adapting and responding to the unspoken rhythm that has developed between you.
She even tries to take a lead as she starts to increase phase and push your pussy onto your dick.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh it's getting better! Pain is almost gone.
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'guesthouse/take_virginity5'>>
<br /><br />
Few more thrusts and you pull out and cum on her ass. She lets out load moan as pushes her head into pillows to silence the noise as your cum drips all over her ass.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Oh my.. It's finally done. Can I just lay down for few minutes? Just to relax..
<br />
The room holds a different kind of energy—a mixture of vulnerability, intimacy, and shared moments.
As <<=setup.displayName(_npc)>> requests to lay in the bed for a few minutes to gather her thoughts and calm down, you understand the need
for a brief moment of reflection and respite.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<div id="option_no">
<<linkreplace 'No'>>
<<run $('#option_yes').hide()>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].quests ??= {}>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent.id].quests.take_virginity = true>>
She nods, a mixture of disappointment and understanding in her expression.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
I get it. It's just that with all the uncertainty, I thought sharing something like this could bring us closer.
<br />
As the conversation fades into the hushed background noise of the settlement, you both understand the unspoken bond that has grown stronger through shared trials.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<div id="option_leave">
<<link 'Maybe later'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
_hornyGuests = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'horny', 20, '>='),
_nymphoGuests = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'traits', 'nymphomaniac', 'includes'),
_interestedGuests = setup.distinctValues([_hornyGuests, _nymphoGuests]),
_prospects = 0,
_k = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'id', $tmpGirl.id)
<<run _interestedGuests.delete(_k)>>
<<if !setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))>>
<<if $tmpGirl.married && $tmpGirl.family.husband !== 'mc'>>
You know that I am married to someone else. I don't want to do it.
<<elseif !$tmpGirl.likesGuys>>
Sorry, you are not my type, I hope you understand.
I'm not in the mood right now, maybe some other time.
<<elseif _interestedGuests.length == 0>>
Didn't find anyone interested, maybe some other time.
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _interestedGuests.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i, _j>>
_guest = $guests[_interestedGuests[_i]],
_genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_guest),
_j = _interestedGuests[_i],
_guestYes = (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest, $tmpGirl.gender, $tmpGirl.beauty)) || setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest, $tmpGirl.gender, $tmpGirl.beauty))),
_mainYes = (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl, _guest.gender, _guest.beauty)) || setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl, _guest.gender, _guest.beauty))),
_mcYes = setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl))
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 18 || _guest.gender>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<if (_guestYes && _mainYes && _mcYes)>>
<<set _prospects++>>
<<link _guest.name>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<if ($guests[_j].gender == 0 && $guests[_k].gender == 0)>>
<<set $guestId2 = _j>>
<<set $tmpGirl2 = $guests[_j]>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<threesome $tmpGirl $tmpGirl2>>
<<if _prospects == 0>>
I didn't match with anyone, maybe some othertime.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
_hornyGuests = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'horny', 20, '>='),
_nymphoGuests = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'traits', 'nymphomaniac', 'includes'),
_interestedGuests = setup.distinctValues([_hornyGuests, _nymphoGuests]),
_prospects = 0,
_k = setup.propertyMatchIndexes($guests, 'id', $tmpGirl.id),
_girlsLikingGirls = [],
_girlsLikingBoth = [],
_guysLikingGirls = [];
<<run _interestedGuests.delete(_k)>>
<<if ($tmpGirl.horny < 20 && !($tmpGirl.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac'))>>
I'm not in the mood, maybe some other time.
<<elseif _interestedGuests.length == 0>>
Didn't find anyone interested, maybe some other time.
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _interestedGuests.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i, _j>>
_guest = $guests[_interestedGuests[_i]],
_genderClass = 'gender-' + setup.genderClass(_guest),
_j = _interestedGuests[_i],
_guestYes = (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest, $tmpGirl.gender, $tmpGirl.beauty)) || setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest, $tmpGirl.gender, $tmpGirl.beauty))),
_mainYes = (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl, _guest.gender, _guest.beauty)) || setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($tmpGirl, _guest.gender, _guest.beauty)))
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<<if _guestYes && _mainYes && !_guest.gender && _guest.likesGirls>>
<<set _girlsLikingGirls.push(_j)>>
<<if _guestYes && _mainYes && !_guest.gender && _guest.likesGirls && _guest.likesGuys>>
<<set _girlsLikingBoth.push(_j)>>
<<if _guestYes && _mainYes && _guest.gender == 1 && _guest.likesGirls>>
<<set _guysLikingGirls.push(_j)>>
<span @class="''+_genderClass+''">
<<if (_guestYes && _mainYes)>>
<<set _prospects++>>
<<link _guest.name>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<if ($guests[_j].gender == 0 && $guests[_k].gender == 0)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [_j, _k]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - female on female'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_j].gender == 0 && $guests[_k].gender == 1)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_j], [_k]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on female'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_k].gender == 0 && $guests[_j].gender == 1)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k], [_j]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on female'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_j].gender == 1 && $guests[_k].gender == 1)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [_j, _k]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on male'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_j].gender == 2 && $guests[_k].gender == 1)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_j], [_k]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on transfemale'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_k].gender == 2 && $guests[_j].gender == 1)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k], [_j]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on transfemale'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_j].gender == 0 && $guests[_k].gender == 2)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_j], [_k]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - transfemale on female'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_k].gender == 0 && $guests[_j].gender == 2)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k], [_j]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - transfemale on female'>>
<<elseif ($guests[_j].gender == 2 && $guests[_k].gender == 2)>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [_j, _k]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - transfemale on transfemale'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && _girlsLikingGirls.length > 1>>
_girl0 = $guests[_girlsLikingGirls[0]],
_girl1 = $guests[_girlsLikingGirls[1]],
_linkName = _girl0.name + ' & ' + _girl1.name
<span @class="'gender-girl'">
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [_girlsLikingGirls[0], _girlsLikingGirls[1], _k]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - female on female'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && _guysLikingGirls.length > 1>>
_guy0 = $guests[_guysLikingGirls[0]],
_guy1 = $guests[_guysLikingGirls[1]],
_linkName = _guy0.name + ' & ' + _guy1.name
<span @class="'gender-guy'">
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k], [_guysLikingGirls[0], _guysLikingGirls[1]]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - males on female'>>
<<if !$tmpGirl.gender && _girlsLikingBoth.length > 0 && _guysLikingGirls > 0 >>
_girl0 = $guests[_girlsLikingBoth[0]],
_guy0 = $guests[_guysLikingGirls[0]],
_linkName = _girl0.name,
_linkName2 = _guy0.name
<span @class="'gender-girl'">
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k,_girlsLikingBoth[0]], [_guysLikingGirls[0]]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on females'>>
<span @class="'gender-guy'">
<<link _linkName2>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_k,_girlsLikingBoth[0]], [_guysLikingGirls[0]]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on females'>>
<<if $tmpGirl.gender == 1 && _girlsLikingBoth.length > 1>>
_girl0 = $guests[_girlsLikingBoth[0]],
_girl1 = $guests[_girlsLikingBoth[1]],
_linkName = _girl0.name + ' & ' + _girl1.name
<span @class="'gender-girl'">
<<link _linkName>>
<<set $locationEvents.guesthouse = true>>
<<set $tmpEvent = [[_girlsLikingBoth[0], _girlsLikingBoth[1]], [_k]]>>
<<goto 'Guesthouse [Event] - male on females'>>
<<if _prospects == 0>>
I didn't match with anyone, maybe some othertime.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Back'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent, Math.min($tmpEvent.length, 3)),
_minCorruption = 100,
_nbVirgins = 0,
_nbAnalVirgins = 0,
_nbSquirters = 0,
_index = 0,
_girlNames ='',
_separator =''
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i + 1 == _guestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<set _girlNames += _separator + $guests[_guestIds[_i]].name>>
<<set _minCorruption = Math.min(_minCorruption, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].corruption)>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[_i]].virgin>>
<<set _nbVirgins += 1>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[_i]].anal < 20>>
<<set _nbAnalVirgins += 1>>
<<if ($guests[_guestIds[_i]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<set _nbSquirters += 1>>
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','feet','spanking','feet','spanking'][random(0, _r)],
['sn_tits','masturbating','rimjob','masturbating','rimjob'][random(0, _r)],
<<set _maxVirgins = _guestIds.length>>
<<if _r == 3>>
<<set _maxVirgins = _guestIds.length - 1>>
<<if Math.min(_nbVirgins, _nbAnalVirgins) >= _maxVirgins>>
<<set _sexActions[2] = 'facesitting'>>
<<if _nbVirgins >= _maxVirgins>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'scissoring'>>
<<if _nbAnalVirgins >= _maxVirgins>>
<<set _sexActions[4] = 'sn_pussy'>>
<<elseif _guestIds.length == 3 && _r == 2 && !$guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin && $guests[_guestIds[0]].anal >= 20>>
<<set _sexActions[4] = 'strapon_double'>>
<<if _nbSquirters == 0>>
<<set _sexActions[5] = 'orgasm'>>
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see
<<if _guestIds.length == 3>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> pleasuring each other.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_girlNames = $randEvent[1],
_sexActions = $randEvent[2],
_index = $randEvent[3]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<set _url = 'actions/female_on_female-'+_guestIds.length+'/default/'+_sexActions[_index]+'/'+ either(setup.actions['female_on_female-'+_guestIds.length]['default'][_sexActions[_index]])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['female_on_female'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%names%', _girlNames).replace('%name%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%name2%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[3] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female_on_female-2/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female_on_female-2']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
<<print _actionText['female_on_female']['caught'][0].replace('%names%', _girlNames).replace('%name%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%name2%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask to join them'>>
<<set _yesGuestIds = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($guests[_guestIds[_i]]))>>
<<set _yesGuestIds.push(_guestIds[_i])>>
<<if _yesGuestIds.length == 0>>
They refuse and leave the room at once!
<<if typeof $guestId !== 'undefined' && typeof $tmpGirl !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<if _yesGuestIds.length == 1>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[0]], true)>> agrees to sex with you!
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set $guestId = _yesGuestIds[0],
$tmpGirl = $guests[_yesGuestIds[0]]>>
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[0]], true)>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[1]], true)>> agree to have a threesome with you!
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set $guestId = _yesGuestIds[0],
$tmpGirl = $guests[_yesGuestIds[0]],
$guestId2 = _yesGuestIds[1],
$tmpGirl2 = $guests[_yesGuestIds[1]]>>
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'NPC view - guest'>>
<<threesome $tmpGirl $tmpGirl2>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = [setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 1), setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 1)],
_minCorruption = Math.min($guests[_guestIds[0]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[1]].corruption),
_isVirgin = $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin,
_isAnalVirgin = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20),
_isSquirter = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter'),
_hasSmallTits = $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small',
_isFemaleSadist = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('sadistic'),
_isMaleMasochist = ($guests[_guestIds[1]].traits ?? []).includes('masochist'),
_index = 0
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','handjob','handjob','footjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','titjob','titjob','dp'][random(0, _r)],
['nipple_lick','nipple_lick','nipple_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','pussy_fingering','pussy_fingering','anal_fingering','anal_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy','pussy','pussy','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_back','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[1] == 'titjob' && _hasSmallTits>>
<<set _sexActions[1] = 'dp'>>
<<if _sexActions[2] == 'pussy_lick' && _isSquirter>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'squirt_lick'>>
<<if _sexActions[3] == 'pussy_fingering' && _isVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'anal_fingering'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'pussy' && _isVirgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'anal',
_sexActions[5] = 'cum_in_ass'
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'dp',
_sexActions[5] = 'cum_throat'
<<if _r > 2 && _isFemaleSadist && _isMaleMasochist>>
_sexActions[4] = 'anal_reverse',
_sexActions[5] = 'anal_reverse_cum'
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] _sexActions[_index] 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_female'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask for a creampie in pussy'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> seems a bit in pain at first as she looses her virginity.
<br /><br />
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin = false>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_female']['pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'cum_in_pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_female']['cum_in_pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.pregnancyChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy_father = $guests[_guestIds[1]].id>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy = 0>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> says no and leaves the room half naked.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_femaleGuestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 2),
_maleGuestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 1),
_guestIds = _femaleGuestIds.concat(_maleGuestIds),
_guestNames ='',
_girlNames ='',
_guyNames ='',
_separator ='',
_index = 0,
_minCorruption = 100,
_nbFemaleSadists = 0,
_nbMaleMasochists = 0
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i > 0 && _i + 1 == _guestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<set _guestNames += _separator + $guests[_guestIds[_i]].name>>
<<set _minCorruption = Math.min(_minCorruption, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].corruption)>>
<<set _separator =''>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _femaleGuestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i > 0 && _i + 1 == _femaleGuestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<set _girlNames += _separator + $guests[_femaleGuestIds[_i]].name>>
<<if ($guests[_femaleGuestIds[_i]].traits ?? []).includes('sadistic')>>
<<set _nbFemaleSadists += 1>>
<<set _separator =''>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _maleGuestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i > 0 && _i + 1 == _maleGuestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<set _guyNames += _separator + $guests[_maleGuestIds[_i]].name>>
<<if ($guests[_maleGuestIds[_i]].traits ?? []).includes('masochist')>>
<<set _nbMaleMasochists += 1>>
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<if _nbFemaleSadists > 0 && _nbMaleMasochists > 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','kissing','nipple_lick','nipple_lick','nipple_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_fingering','pussy_fingering','pussy_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj_reverse','anal_reverse','bj_reverse_anal_reverse','nipple_lick_anal_reverse','pussy_lick_anal_reverse'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_reverse','bj_reverse_anal_reverse','nipple_lick_anal_reverse','pussy_lick_anal_reverse','handjob_anal_reverse'][random(0, _r)],
['handjob_anal_reverse','bj_anal_reverse','sn_anal_reverse','pussy_anal_reverse','pussy_anal_reverse'][random(0, _r)],
<<if _sexActions[1] == 'pussy_fingering' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
<<set _sexActions[1] = 'anal_fingering'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'pussy_anal_reverse' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'sn_anal_reverse'
<<elseif $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin && $guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','kissing','nipple_lick','nipple_lick','nipple_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick','anal_fingering','anal_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['handjob','handjob','handjob','titjob','titjob'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','sn','sn','sn'][random(0, _r)],
['dp','dp','dp','footjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_ass','cum_on_tits','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[2] == 'titjob' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small'>>
<<set _sexActions[2] = 'bj'>>
<<if ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<set _sexActions[2] = 'squirt'>>
<<elseif $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','nipple_lick','handjob','titjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','pussy_lick','bj','bj','dp'][random(0, _r)],
['dp','sn','sn','anal_fingering','anal_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['bj_b_anal','bj_b_anal','anal','anal','anal_b_bj'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_b_bj','anal_a_pussy_lick','anal_a_pussy_lick','anal_fisting','anal_fisting'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_ass','cum_on_tits','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[0] == 'titjob' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small'>>
<<set _sexActions[0] = 'handjob'>>
<<if ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'squirt'>>
<<elseif $guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','nipple_lick','handjob','titjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','bj','dp','sn','anal_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_fingering','pussy_fingering','bj_b_pussy','bj_b_pussy','pussy'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy','pussy_a_sn','pussy_a_sn','pussy_a_pussy_lick','pussy_a_pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_pussy_lick','pussy_pussy_lick','pussy_pussy_lick','pussy_a_pussy','pussy_a_pussy'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_ass','cum_on_tits','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[0] == 'titjob' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small'>>
<<set _sexActions[0] = 'handjob'>>
<<if ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'squirt'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'pussy_a_pussy' && $guests[_guestIds[1]].virgin>>
<<set _sexActions[4] = 'pussy_a_sn'>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','nipple_lick','handjob','titjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','bj','dp','sn','anal_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_fingering','bj_b_pussy','pussy','pussy_a_sn','pussy_a_pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj_b_anal','anal','anal_b_bj','anal_a_pussy_lick','anal_fisting'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_pussy_lick','pussy_a_pussy','pussy_b_anal','anal_b_pussy','anal_b_pussy'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_ass','cum_on_tits','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[0] == 'titjob' && $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small'>>
<<set _sexActions[0] = 'handjob'>>
<<if ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter')>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'squirt'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'pussy_a_pussy' && $guests[_guestIds[1]].virgin>>
<<set _sexActions[4] = 'pussy_a_pussy_lick'>>
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see
<<set _separator =''>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i > 0 && _i + 1 == _guestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<=_separator + setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[_i]])>>
pleasuring each other.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_femaleGuestIds = $randEvent[1],
_maleGuestIds = $randEvent[2],
_guestNames = $randEvent[3],
_girlNames = $randEvent[4],
_guyNames = $randEvent[5],
_sexActions = $randEvent[6],
_index = $randEvent[7]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<set _url = 'actions/female/default/threesome_f_'+_sexActions[_index]+'/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['threesome_f_' + _sexActions[_index]])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_females'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%female0%', $guests[_femaleGuestIds[0]].name).replace('%female1%', $guests[_femaleGuestIds[1]].name).replace('%females%', _girlNames).replace('%male%', $guests[_maleGuestIds[0]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[7] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on
<<set _separator =''>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if _i > 0 && _i + 1 == _guestIds.length>>
<<set _separator =' and '>>
<<elseif _i > 0>>
<<set _separator =', '>>
<<=_separator + setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[_i]])>>
having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<set _linkName = 'Ask to replace ' + _guyNames>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<set _yesGuestIds = []>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _femaleGuestIds.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($guests[_femaleGuestIds[_i]]))>>
<<set _yesGuestIds.push(_femaleGuestIds[_i])>>
<<if _yesGuestIds.length == 0>>
They refuse and leave the room at once!
<<if typeof $guestId !== 'undefined' && typeof $tmpGirl !== 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[$guestId] = $tmpGirl>>
<<if _yesGuestIds.length == 1>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[0]], true)>> agrees to sex with you!
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set $guestId = _yesGuestIds[0],
$tmpGirl = $guests[_yesGuestIds[0]]>>
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[0]], true)>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_yesGuestIds[1]], true)>> agree to have a threesome with you!
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set $guestId = _yesGuestIds[0],
$tmpGirl = $guests[_yesGuestIds[0]],
$guestId2 = _yesGuestIds[1],
$tmpGirl2 = $guests[_yesGuestIds[1]]>>
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<threesome $tmpGirl $tmpGirl2>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent, 2),
_minCorruption = Math.min($guests[_guestIds[0]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[1]].corruption),
_isAnalVirgin = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20),
_index = 0
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['handjob','handjob','handjob','footjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['footjob','footjob','footjob','bj','bj'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','bj','dp','dp'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_fingering','anal_fingering','anal','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['dp','dp','anal','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_in_ass','cum_in_ass','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[3] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'anal_fingering'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'dp',
_sexActions[5] = 'cum_in_mouth'
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] _sexActions[_index] 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_male'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%male0%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/male/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['male']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = [setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 1), setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 1)],
_minCorruption = Math.min($guests[_guestIds[0]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[1]].corruption),
_isAnalVirgin = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20),
_hasSmallTits = $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small',
_index = 0
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['handjob','handjob','footjob','footjob','footjob'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','titjob','titjob','titjob'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','dp','dp','dp'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_fingering','anal_fingering','anal','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['anal','anal','anal','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_in_ass','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[1] == 'titjob' && _hasSmallTits>>
<<set _sexActions[1] = 'dp'>>
<<if _sexActions[3] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'anal_fingering'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'dp',
_sexActions[5] = 'cum_in_mouth'
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] _sexActions[_index] 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_transfemale'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%transfemale%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_maleGuestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 2),
_guestIds = [setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 1), _maleGuestIds[0], _maleGuestIds[1]],
_minCorruption = Math.min($guests[_guestIds[0]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[1]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[2]].corruption),
_isVirgin = $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin,
_isAnalVirgin = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20),
_hasSmallTits = $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small',
_index = 0
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<if _isVirgin && _isAnalVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','kissing','kissing','handjob','handjob'][random(0, _r)],
['handjob','titjob','titjob','titjob','nipple_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['nipple_lick','nipple_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','bj','bj','bj_b_pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj_b_pussy_lick','bj_b_pussy_lick','pussy_fingering','pussy_fingering','pussy_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<elseif _isAnalVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','kissing','handjob','titjob','handjob'][random(0, _r)],
['titjob','nipple_lick','pussy_lick','nipple_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','bj_b_pussy_lick','bj_b_pussy_lick','pussy_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_fingering','pussy','pussy','pussy_b_handjob','pussy_b_bj'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_b_bj','pussy_b_handjob','pussy_b_bj','pussy_b_pussy','pussy_b_pussy'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<elseif _isVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','kissing','handjob','titjob','titjob'][random(0, _r)],
['handjob','nipple_lick','nipple_lick','pussy_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','bj_b_pussy_lick','bj_b_pussy_lick','pussy_fingering'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_fingering','anal','anal','anal_b_handjob','anal_fisting'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_b_handjob','anal_b_bj','anal_b_bj','anal_b_anal','anal_b_anal'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<set _sexActions = [
['kissing','handjob','titjob','nipple_lick','pussy_lick'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj_b_pussy_lick','pussy_fingering','pussy','pussy_b_handjob'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_b_handjob','pussy_b_bj','pussy_b_bj','anal','anal_b_handjob'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_b_handjob','anal_b_bj','anal_b_bj','pussy_b_anal','anal_fisting'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_b_pussy','pussy_b_pussy','pussy_b_pussy','anal_b_anal','anal_b_anal'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_stomach','cum_on_tits','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[0] == 'titjob' && _hasSmallTits>>
<<set _sexActions[0] = 'handjob'>>
<<if _sexActions[1] == 'titjob' && _hasSmallTits>>
<<set _sexActions[1] = 'bj'>>
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> having sex with <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[2]])>>.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<set _url = 'actions/female/default/threesome_m_'+_sexActions[_index]+'/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['threesome_m_' + _sexActions[_index]])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['males_on_female'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name).replace('%male2%', $guests[_guestIds[2]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> having sex with <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[2]])>>, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask for a creampie in pussy'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> seems a bit in pain at first as she looses her virginity.
<br /><br />
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin = false>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20 >>
<<set _url = 'actions/female/default/threesome_m_pussy/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['threesome_m_pussy'])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_female']['pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<set _url = 'actions/female/default/threesome_m_pussy_b_anal/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['threesome_m_pussy_b_anal'])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['males_on_female']['pussy_b_anal'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name).replace('%male2%', $guests[_guestIds[2]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20 >>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'cum_in_pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<print _actionText['male_on_female']['cum_in_pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<set _url = 'actions/female/default/threesome_m_double_cum/'+ either(setup.actions['female']['default']['threesome_m_double_cum'])>>
<<actionImageOutput _url>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['males_on_female']['double_cum'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%male%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name).replace('%male2%', $guests[_guestIds[2]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.pregnancyChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy_father = $guests[_guestIds[1]].id>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy = 0>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> says no and leaves the room half naked.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<br /><br />
<<set $tmpGirl = $guests[$tmpEvent]>>
Reaching the guest house, you pushed open the creaking door, the hinges groaning in protest. Inside, guests were already sleeping but one of the girls catched your attention.
<br /><br />
<br />
A soft rustling emanated from <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>, and as you approached, you noticed that she sleeps naked and her half ass is not under a tattered blanket.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Check her'>>
Your heart raced as you approached <<=setup.displayName($tmpGirl)>>.
<br />
You stood there, silent and vigilant, observing the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Then you decided to move blanket aside.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping1'>>
<br /><br />
As you do that you uncover fully her sweet ass. You gently grab it and squeeze her ass cheek few times.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Fuck her'>>
<<set $guests[$tmpEvent].virgin = false>>
<<horny 50>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping2'>>
<br /><br />
You quietly walk around the bed and stand in front of her face. She looks so innocent as you put your hard dick in her mouth. In the start her lips are stiff but after few slides her lips relaxes.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping3'>>
<br /><br />
Moving forward on your knees, you slowly climb into bed behind her and tug the blanket further up. She's still sleeping soundly in a little spoon.
<br />
You spread her ass cheeks open and slowly slide your dick in her tight pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping4'>>
<br /><br />
It seems she's very deeply asleep, because without her waking up, you lift her leg and turn her on her back without taking your dick out. You speed up and begin applying stronger thrusts.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_cum">
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<run $('#option_supp').hide()>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping_cum1'>>
<br /><br />
With her legs wide open you pull out in the last moment and cum one her pussy. Your cum drips straight on her sheets as you slowly get out of the bed and put a banket over her.
<br /><br />
<div id="option_supp">
<<if !recall($suppCode)>>
<div class="link-internal disabled" style="background: #ccc">
Wake her up
<<linkreplace 'Wake her up'>>
<<run $('#option_cum').hide()>>
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
What the hell? I already thought it was some strange dream.
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Well, finish what you started. Don't dare to leave without me cumming too.
<br />
She looks around if other guests are asleep and turns around, getting in doggy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping6'>>
<br /><br />
You grab her by waist and pull her closer to the edge of the bed, then you proceed by slowly sliding your dick inside her already moist pussy.
<br />
You start slow but she feels already ready as she leans down and grabs her pillow and pushes her head in it.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Oh... Be quiet...
<br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Come here.
<br />
She moves forward letting your dick fall out and turns around her back. Then she taps the pillow.
<br /><br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping7'>>
<br /><br />
You get out of the bed and go around the bed where you started. She instantly grabs your dick and sucks it in her mouth.
Periodically, they look up to see if you are enjoying it.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc $tmpGirl>>
Please fuck me again. I am not ready to go back to sleep.
<br />
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping8'>>
<br /><br />
She spreads her legs and waits for you. You get back into the bed and slides your dick in. She moans but tries to keep it low as her head bangs against the wall.
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'guesthouse/sleeping_cum2'>>
<br /><br />
With her legs wide open you pull out, get on her and cum over her boobs. First stream manages to fly into her mouth.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = [setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[0], 1), setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent[1], 1)],
_minCorruption = Math.min($guests[_guestIds[0]].corruption, $guests[_guestIds[1]].corruption),
_isVirgin = $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin,
_isAnalVirgin = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].anal < 20),
_isSquirter = ($guests[_guestIds[0]].traits ?? []).includes('squirter'),
_hasSmallTits = $guests[_guestIds[0]].breasts == 'small',
_index = 0
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['handjob','handjob','footjob','footjob','bj'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','titjob','titjob','dp'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy_lick','pussy_lick','rimjob','rimjob','sn'][random(0, _r)],
['sn','sn','pussy','pussy','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['pussy','pussy','anal','anal','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['handjob_cum','cum_on_face','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth','bj_cum'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _sexActions[1] == 'titjob' && _hasSmallTits>>
<<set _sexActions[1] = 'dp'>>
<<if _sexActions[2] == 'pussy_lick' && _isSquirter>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'squirt'>>
<<if _sexActions[3] == 'pussy' && _isVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'anal'>>
<<if _sexActions[3] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'sn'>>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'pussy' && _isVirgin>>
<<set _sexActions[4] = 'sn' >>
<<if _sexActions[4] == 'anal' && _isAnalVirgin>>
_sexActions[4] = 'dp',
_sexActions[5] = 'bj_cum'
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/transfemale_on_female/default/'+_sexActions[_index]+'/'+ either(setup.actions['transfemale_on_female']['default'][_sexActions[_index]])`>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['transfemale_on_female'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%transfemale%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female_on_female-2/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female_on_female-2']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<linkreplace 'Ask for a creampie in pussy'>>
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin>>
<<actionImage $guests[_guestIds[0]] 'pussy' 'no-text'>>
<br />
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> seems a bit in pain at first as she looses her virginity.
<br /><br />
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].virgin = false>>
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/transfemale_on_female/default/pussy/'+ either(setup.actions['transfemale_on_female']['default']['pussy'])`>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['transfemale_on_female']['pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%transfemale%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/transfemale_on_female/default/cum_in_pussy/'+ either(setup.actions['transfemale_on_female']['default']['cum_in_pussy'])`>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['transfemale_on_female']['cum_in_pussy'][0].replace('%female%', $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace('%transfemale%', $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if setup.percentageChance(setup.pregnancyChance($guests[_guestIds[0]]))>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy_father = $guests[_guestIds[1]].id>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[0]].pregnancy = 0>>
<<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> says no and leaves the room half naked.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">GUEST HOUSE</h1>
<<if typeof $randEvent === 'undefined'>>
_guestIds = setup.getRandomPersons($tmpEvent, 2),
_minCorruption = 100,
_nbAnalVirgins = 0,
_index = 0
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set _minCorruption = Math.min(_minCorruption, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].corruption)>>
<<if $guests[_guestIds[_i]].anal < 20>>
<<set _nbAnalVirgins += 1>>
<<set _r = 1 + Math.floor(random(0, _minCorruption-1)/25)>>
<<if _r < 0>>
<<set _r = 0>>
<<set _sexActions = [
['masturbate','handjob','dhj','frottage','frottage'][random(0, _r)],
['bj','bj','dp','dp','sn'][random(0, _r)],
['titjob','titjob','footjob','footjob','rimjob'][random(0, _r)],
['anal_dildo','anal_dildo','dd','dd','anal'][random(0, _r)],
['anal','anal','anal','fisting','fisting'][random(0, _r)],
['cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth','cum_in_mouth','cum_in_ass'][random(0, _r)]
<<if _nbAnalVirgins == 2>>
_sexActions[3] = ['bj','dp','dp','sn','sn'][random(0, _r)],
_sexActions[4] = ['handjob','dhj','dhj','frottage','frottage'][random(0, _r)],
_sexActions[5] = ['handjob_cum','handjob_cum','cum_on_stomach','cum_on_face','cum_in_mouth'][random(0, _r)]
<<elseif _nbAnalVirgins == 1 && _sexActions[3] == 'dd'>>
<<set _sexActions[3] = 'anal'>>
<<set $randEvent = [
As you approach the dormitory, you hear muffled sounds.<br />
You take a peek and see <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex.<br />
<<addmins 5>>
_guestIds = $randEvent[0],
_sexActions = $randEvent[1],
_index = $randEvent[2]
<br /><br />
<<set _actionText = setup.actionText>>
<div id="choice">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
<<set $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny + 20)>>
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/transfemale_on_transfemale/default/'+_sexActions[_index]+'/'+ either(setup.actions['transfemale_on_transfemale']['default'][_sexActions[_index]])`>><br />
<br />
<<print _actionText['transfemale_on_transfemale'][_sexActions[_index]][0].replace(/\%transfemale0\%/g, $guests[_guestIds[0]].name).replace(/\%transfemale\%/g, $guests[_guestIds[1]].name)>>
<br /><br />
<<if $player.horny >= 100>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<if _index + 1 == _sexActions.length>>
<<set _orgasm = true>>
<<set $randEvent[2] = _index + 1>>
<<if $player.horny < 100>>
[[Masturbate|passage()][$player.horny += 20]]
[[Just watch|passage()]]
<<link 'Interrupt them'>>
<<set _interrupted = true>>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy - 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship = Math.max(-100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].relationship - 5)
<<actionImageOutput `'actions/female_on_female-2/default/caught/'+ either(setup.actions['female_on_female-2']['default']['caught'])`>>
<br /><br />
You walk in on <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[0]])>> and <<=setup.displayName($guests[_guestIds[1]])>> having sex, they stop and seem unhappy.<br />
<br />
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<if _orgasm || !_interrupted>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _guestIds.length; _i++>>
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy = Math.min(100, $guests[_guestIds[_i]].happy + 5),
$guests[_guestIds[_i]].horny = 0
<<unset $randEvent, $tmpEvent>>
<<goto 'Guest house'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">BEDROOM</h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<set $guests[$guestId].virgin = false>>
You take <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> to the room and leaving the door half-closed, you slowly undress her. She seems eager and doesn't resist you at all. After removing her clothes, you lay her down on her stomach and immediately penetrate her without any foreplay.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome1'>>
<br /><br />
<<=$guests[$guestId].name>> is surprised, but presses her head into the pillow and enjoys your hard penis, making sure that no one hears them. Occasionally, she turns and looks at you with a lustful gaze, whispering "Harder"
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome2'>>
<br /><br />
Unexpectedly, Blair enters your room and with a smile, lies down next to you, already having taken off her shirt.
<br /><br />
Can I join?
<br /><br />
<<=$guests[$guestId].name>> opens up with a wide smile on her face, watching as Blair unexpectedly undresses fully without waiting for a response and lies down next to you.
<br />
Blair grabs your hand and directs it between her legs, inviting you to start massaging her pussy.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome3'>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Fuck Blair'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<run $('#other_options').show()>>
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome4'>>
<br /><br />
You pull our your hard dick, grab Blair by legs and pull her toward you. Instantly you shove your dick inside her wet pussy and fuck her hard while <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> looks for a brief moment before getting onto Blair and letting her lick her pussy.
<br /><br />
<div id="option2">
<<set _linkName = 'Fuck ' + $guests[$guestId].name + ' in doggy'>>
<<linkreplace `_linkName`>>
<<run $('#option1').hide()>>
<<run $('#other_options').show()>>
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome5'>>
<br /><br />
You adjust <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> ass as Blair lie down in front of <<=$guests[$guestId].name>>. As you shove your hard dick inside <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> she leans down and licks Blair's pussy passionately.
<br /><br />
<div id="other_options" style="display: none;">
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome6'>>
<br /><br />
Blair climbs on top of you and is ready to ride on you, but <<=$guests[$guestId].name>> decides to grab your dick and suck it for a moment. As she's way too drunk and way too into sucking it, Blair decides to join her.
<br /><br />
<<video 'bedroom/house_party_threesome7'>>
<br /><br />
They both doesn't take heir eyes off your dick and a moment later you cum.
<br />
Both of them do not take their eyes off your still hard dick and you can see that they are proud of what they have accomplished together.
<br />
They carefully examine your warm cum with a big smile on their faces.
<br /><br />
<<link 'Go to sleep'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle"><<cabinName>></h1>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The house party starts slowly. The table is set and guests begin to arrive slowly. There is food on the table that is not usually eaten on a daily basis, so everyone sits down at the table with an elevated mood. You open a champagne bottle and pour a glass for each guest.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Champagne is such a rare thing in this world that only a few have ever tasted it. For most people, this is the first time and their bodies are not accustomed to it, so they get drunk very quickly.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The bottle is almost empty and the girls are so drunk that they decide to pour the last bit left in the bottle into one of the girl's mouth from a distance. The girl falls to her knees and while the champagne is pouring into her mouth, another girl pulls down her shirt and sucks on her nipple.
<<addhours 4>>
<br /><br />
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'relationship' +10>>
<<=$guests[_guestI].name>> relationship increased by 10<br />
<<if typeof $guests[_guestI].quests === 'undefined'>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].quests = {}>>
<<set $guests[_guestI].quests.lastInteractionDay = $game.day>>
<br /><br />
<<set $player = setup.drink($player, 4)>>
<<if $player.drunk > 75>>
<<perkAdd 'drunk'>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('champagne', 1)>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('food', 20)>>
<div id="girls_top_table">
<h4>Guests attending the party</h4>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<if setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<<capture _guestI, _guest>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<<if _guest.pregnancy >= 7>>
(pregnant <<=_guest.pregnancy>> days)
Beauty score: <<print _guest.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_guest)>>
<<set _guest = setup.drink(_guest, 1)>>
<<link 'Invite to the bedroom'>>
<<if !_guest.gender && (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest)) || !$characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished)>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished = true>>
<<goto 'House party - threesome'>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<run delete $slaveId>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<br /><br />
<div id="option1">
<<linkreplace 'Scold them'>>
<<run $('#option2').hide()>>
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'sub' +5>>
<<=$guests[_guestI].name>> submission increased by 5<br />
<br /><br />
+5 submission
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('champagne')>>
<div id="option2">
<<linkreplace 'Offer another bottle of champagne'>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('champagne', 1)>>
<<run $('#option1, #girls_top_table, #option2_desc').hide()>>
<<run $('#girls_bottom_table').show()>>
You bring another bottle and pour a glass for each of the guests, they thank you with a smile and flirtatiously look at you until one sits down in front of you and spreads her legs with the text "Thank you!"
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Meanwhile, another girl is playfully teasing with the first bottle and starts to put it in her mouth to show how deep she can take it inside.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The girls applaud and cheer as the girl with the empty champagne bottle approaches, until one of the girls pushes you towards her and without hesitation, she pulls down your pants and takes your hard penis into her mouth.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<if ![0,2].includes(_guest.gender) || setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'relationship' +10>>
<<setNpcStats 'guest' _guestI 'happy' 10>>
<<=$guests[_guestI].name>> relationship increased by 10<br />
<br /><br />
<<set _randomPersons = setup.getAvailablePersons18yo($guests)>>
<<if recall($suppCode) && setup.percentageChance(50) && (_randomPersons[0] ?? []).length >= 3>>
<<set _randomGirls = setup.getRandomPersons(_randomPersons[0], 3)>>
<<set _npc1 = $guests[_randomGirls[0]]>>
<<set _npc2 = $guests[_randomGirls[1]]>>
<<set _npc3 = $guests[_randomGirls[2]]>>
Laughter echoed through the air, momentarily drowning out the distant sounds of the desolate world outside.
In this moment of shared joy and camaraderie, <<=setup.displayName(_npc1)>>, <<=setup.displayName(_npc2)>> and <<=setup.displayName(_npc3)>> clearly in high spirits from the bubbly, approached you.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc1>>
This party is a blast! Having fun?
<br />
With mischievous smiles and playful glances, they suggested another bottle of champagne, hinting at the possibility of an adventure beyond the walls of the gathering.
The suggestion hung in the air like a tantalizing secret, a promise of fleeting joy in a world where joy was a rare commodity.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc2>>
You got one more bottle just for us? How about we move party so somewhere else.
<br />
<<if setup.cabinInventory.has('champagne')>>
<<link 'Bring another bottle'>>
<<set $tmpEvent = {
girls: [
girlIds: [
<<addmins 30>>
<<run setup.cabinInventory.drop('champagne', 1)>>
<<goto 'Event - House party foursome'>>
<div id="option2_desc">
-1 champagne; +10 relationship
<div id="girls_bottom_table" style="display:none">
<h4>Guests attending the party</h4>
<table id="slaves">
<<for _guestI, _guest range $guests>>
<<if ![0,2].includes(_guest.gender) || setup.getAge(_guest) < 18>>
<<capture _guestI, _guest>>
<td style="width: 300px">
<<if _guest.pregnancy >= 7>>
(pregnant <<=_guest.pregnancy>> days)
Beauty score: <<print _guest.beauty>>
Age: <<=setup.getAge(_guest)>>
<<set _guest = setup.drink(_guest, 1)>>
<<link 'Invite to the bedroom'>>
<<if !_guest.gender && (setup.percentageChance(setup.sexChance(_guest)) || !$characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished)>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<set $characters.blair.quests.house_party_finished = true>>
<<goto 'House party - threesome'>>
<<set $tmpGirl to _guest>>
<<set $tmpGirl.location = 'bedroom'>>
<<set $tmpGirlViewBack = 'Sleep eval'>>
<<set $tmpGirlCapture to false>>
<<set $tmpGirlInvite to false>>
<<set $tmpGirl.rape to false>>
<<set $guestId = _guestI>>
<<unset $slaveId, $charId>>
<<fuck $tmpGirl>>
<br /><br />
<<link 'End party'>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<</link>><h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<br />
<<set _npc = $guests[$tmpEvent.id]>>
<<set _npcDisplay = setup.displayName(_npc)>>
As you enter the dimly lit kitchen, you notice <<=_npcDisplay>> already there.
The soft glow of the morning sun filters through a cracked window, casting a warm light on her.
She's wearing a long red morning robe, the color standing out against the otherwise bleak surroundings.
She’s busy making breakfast, her movements calm and deliberate despite the chaos of the world outside.
<br /><br />
<br />
Veronica turns as you approach, a warm smile spreading across her face. In her hand, she holds a tray of freshly baked cupcakes.
<br /><br />
<<sayNpc _npc>>
Good morning!
<br />
She's offering